Not true.
Not true.
It’s hard to have a serious conversation with you when you make up bizarre absolutes.
I do not claim that crazy feminists don’t exist. I’m sure they DO, although I have very little contact with them. Just like I absolutely know that insane hateful Christians exist, but I personally have very little to do with them, and I don’t imagine that everyone who goes to church also supports ritual child abuse.
A large number of blogs carried the story about “Amazon sells rape porn!” because that made the rounds of the mainstream news. A large number of blogs that weren’t feminist at all carried that story as well. They didn’t know any more details than that and didn’t really care. Only one very tiny group which I, at least, had never even heard of before that point, got involved in the whole “directly contacting government ministers and demanding that they do something”
It’s generally not illegal for men to wear skirts, meaning there’s little point in ongoing campaigns to change the law. You damn well do see campaigns protesting against incidents wherein any man, straight or otherwise, is abused for wearing one. (Why would it make a difference if the man was straight or not?)
Both of those things still happen today.
And women were regularly killed in the ancient world and men were sexually assaulted. Both of those things still happen today.
I’m not saying nasty things didn’t happen, of course they did. I’m not saying life isn’t better now, of course it is.
But it’s crazy to think that EVERYONE in the past was a hulking hairy sexist racist everything-ist walking down the street covered in filth chewing tobacco in one cheek and opium in the other.
And it’s crazy to think that life now is perfect, or that we should stop trying to get better because we’re better than we used to be.
As for your specific example of the nuns, historians aren’t even sure said nuns ever existed. That’s the problem with popular history, it’s really more mythology! 
A horrific event which isn’t mentioned in history until hundreds of years after it supposedly happened tends to sound rather like something someone made up as ‘proof’ of how horrible the Vikings were, doesn’t it?