MISSING: 'Yumina the Ethereal' Patches

I’m trying to download from the mainsite one (Yumina the Ethereal - Official Website by JAST USA) but the it said the file no longer exist. Does anyone still has the file?

The patches aren’t available anymore either. Seems like in one of the various reorgs the links got busted. Can someone take a look at this?

By the way, sorakmony, you might want to edit the title of this thread. It looks an awful lot like a spammy post, and it might not attract mod attention (which it needs).

I know the Shiny Days bugfix patch was taken down because it got the entire site flagged as malicious by Google. That’s possibly why the other patches were taken down as well. I’m actually self-hosting the Shiny Days bugfix patch as a work-around.

I don have the permission to change the title (something about Vanilla.Discussions.Edit ). I think i mistakenly didn’t double check the title. anyway so the file is long gone right?

It would still be good to get those links back up. As it is right now, the patch to 1.05 isn’t up; the only thing there is the manual.

I took care of the thread name update, and I also moved this thread to “Game Support” since it’s a gameplay issue.

I still have both the epilogue and gameplay patches saved in zip files on my computer from when I downloaded them back in 2013, but rather than us start getting involved in person-to-person file swaps (kind of dangerous, since you don’t know me from Adam), let’s see if we can sweet-talk JAST into re-posting them so everyone will have access. @Tim or @Gobbo, can you help us out with this one? The original zip folders were titled “epilogue_patch.zip” and “yuminapatch_105.zip” if that helps in hunting…

Bump. Any update? All the links on the page are still broken. I’d been thinking I might want to try to play the game soon (my backlog is the stuff of legends) but if the patches aren’t up anywhere there’s not much point.

Hi @jacksprat1 and @Nandemonai I’ve sent a message to @Nicholas about this to see what we can do. I know he’s super busy right now, but I’ll let you know if I hear anything.

Thanks for the update, Gobbo.

Looks like they’re still down. (And I meant to start playing Yumina but never quite got around to it.) But there’s another issue I just remembered: the CG viewer dialogs are untranslated. See the old thread here: https://discuss.jastusa.com/discussion/254090/yumina-cgs-all-untranslated

There was a PDF on the website. I managed to find a copy of that PDF, but it’d be good to get that available again. The first two patches are only for the package version, I think? But this affects ALL versions of the game. Or at least I think it does. (I have the package version, anyway…)

Edit: Looks like that PDF, and the manual, are actually still accessible on the website.