Mitsumete Knight (retro gaming)

Let’s get this outta the way first: Mitsumete Knight is an older game, released back in 1997 for the original PlayStation. It was the brainchild of Konami and Red Company, having redefined bgames with TokiMemo and Sakura Taisen, joining forces to create an ultimate title. Here’s what’s awesome: They did it. Here’s what’s insane: They let it spurt to death. If you can find and play this game, I heartily recommend that you do so. Basically it’s Tokimeki Memorial set in the dark ages. Army battles and dueling are part of the gameplay. You can find some vids of it on Youtube and whatnot. Red Company’s contribution to the project, is the deep and emotional character development. It’s pretty clear that what Konami learned from Red Company, they applied to TokiMemo2.

Now like any bgame, the goal is to win the heart of a girl. However the unique part (at least for it’s time frame), is that most of the girls require something truly fucked up happening to them, that the player instigated, for them to be won. Good examples of this are Raizze Haimer (kill her daddy) and Linda Zakroid (make her poor). However the kicker, is that when the girls are at their lowest emotional point, you have the option of being a total ass, and watch them suicide or die in battle (yes… they can die). I mean even for a Sith Lord, these are some evil acts to do, considering how the girls LOVE you at this point in the scenario… like a girl afraid of water, coming to save you from drowning (which is being faked), and then you can let her drown.

The scenario writer is also has a vindictive streak in him: One girl commits suicide if you don’t save her. Another girl will die, unless you have the RIGHT blood type to save her. Seriously… how was I supposed to know that at the beginning!? (Both died on me BTW). Some endings are also… well… bittersweet (I’m looking right at you Noel).

All in all… this is a damn good game. Way ahead of it’s time… and quite frankly, supremely disappointing Konami has abandoned it totally (there’s no PSN version if it for PSP). I assume the IP rights are all tied up in knots… :frowning:

Gotta thank OLF for indirectly pointing it out to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Uh? Well, I own and played Mitsumete Knight years ago, but…? Personally, my main problem with the game is that it’s laincursed HARD!!! Really, I wouldn’t advise anyone to play it without a kouryaku (the one at Dolphan Station, of course, since it’s probably the best one).
Other than that, Raizze~ The best and my favourite girl~
I do recall the game’s vocal songs to be quite good, but I think the CD is kinda impossible to find.

This ancient dead thread that you posted years ago, and did not format right for the forum move.

I had bought the game several weeks after you posted that in a used game store, then promptly threw it in a storage closet for future gaming. About four months ago, I dusted off my PS2 to play the original Lunar series, to reacquaint myself for the PSP remake. After finishing them off (used an Action Replay to skip grinding), I replayed some Futakoi… then Mitsumete Knight got thrown in, when I couldn’t find my Sister Princess games (and I still can’t… grrrrr). Just finished 100% with Mitsumete Knight last night. :slight_smile:

And yes… Raizze is the universal fan favorite, thanks to the complexity and depth of her scenario. What’s more: there’s no question that when she loves someone, she’s absolutely devoted… and can clearly take care of herself, so isn’t one of those “maiden in distress” cliche. 8)

The game was hard for me at first… though I didn’t find it impossible without a guide… at least to get the good endings. The blood transfer thing threw me off for quite a bit however. As did which girls liked me using the jerk responses. The battles (or rather, the strategy for winning them) were the real problems for me. Especially on Raizze, considering she’s difficult to gain LP’s on, and requires doing a full sweep on the Generals. Took me four or five tries, until I figured the requirements. I do admit cheating though, to get a 100% clear. I picked up that some times you had to lose on purpose… and I didn’t want to lose every battle on every scenario, to see which got something extra.

Shame, SHAME on you!

Heh. Well, it may have to do with the fact I played it a decade ago, when my Japanese skills were at a beginner’s level. I may have to try it again.

Yeah, I ended in the hospital the first few times, IIRC. >_<

:idea: Pretty obvious she needs blood type “O”, right?

This game sounds MUCH more interesting (to me, at least) than the various Tokimeki games, if Konami releases a remake/reprint for PC I will get it for sure.

The blood type for that girl…

It [u]has[/u] to be Type A: the game doesn’t consider Type O to be universal. However the other girls have different Types as well… so really, you should aim for the Type that matches the girl you wanna win with. Almost all the girls have a “blood transfusion” event… it’s just for Sue, she will die if you don’t match up. For example if you want to win Raizze, you need Type B, because her transfusion event earns a MUCH needed amount of LP to get her ending.

Heh, that’s fantasy bloodtyping for you, I suppose :lol: .
However I admit that checking the star signs of possible partners is one of my little quirks (I do NOT believe in horoscopes, but still noticed that the personality traits of the various signs are correct, oftentimes -yes, really got good relations with Scorpio and Capricorn girls and reciprocal scorn with Gemini and Sagittarius people, I’m a Cancer-).

Speaking about retro-gaming of the SIM type, Narg should also play ????? (1&2)~ I personally recommend it~

Let me guess? The girl with purple hair. :wink:

Ima gonna go check it out. Just saw a used copy available on a site I frequent. :o

You mean Sheryl? Since there’s no character I don’t like, I wouldn’t just say that I do like her. OTOH, she’s not one of my favourite girls, who may include Shera, Maria, Trisha and Laura. You can see the cast for the first game here and for the second game here.