Mockingbird's "guessing" thread dead?

i just woke up from my (wet) nap…actually i woke up because i suffered from muscle cramp on my leg. anyhow, saw a PM from our good’ol mockingbird inquiring why the educated “guessing” thread is gone, or asked if it’s a sign of me showing defeat, if in the event that any of mocking bird’s educated “guesses” were indeed correct.

first of all, i wasn’t even aware that the thread was mysteriously gone until mockingbird mentioned it. i just like to clarify here that i did not delete the thread to hide things or destroy any evidences. at first i thought it was peter who deleted it since he may not be too happy about it discussed but i just talked to peter (even on a sunday) and he said he didn’t do anything and he doesnt have any issues about talking/teasing/guessing/speculating about future titles

peter thinks it is likely a bug on the bbs. i tried to recover any lost/delete data but no success. so i would like to apologize for all that data and discussion going poof, but fear not mockingbird, i still remember your “guesses”, whether they are correct or wrong and i am not running away or hiding anything :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess the server might delete Mockingbird’s guessing thread. I learned computer tech from NTID/RIT, long time ago. My computer tech teacher explained the server will happen to cause data became lost. However, it might be impossible to recover data.

I might be wrong. =/

The bug couldn’t have targeted a larger thread unfortunately. Thanks for the link Qaz. I can’t access page two though but must of the important stuff were on page one anyways.

For the record, here are the picks for 4 of the 6 titles:

Kango Shicyauzo 3

Kisetsu no Hanayome - The Girl Who Came From the Recollections = Bride of the Season(s) - The Girl Who Came From the Recollections

Yuki Zakura = Snow (Cherry) Blossoms or Cherry Blossoms of the Snow or Snow Sakura -

Soldier of Lightening Raidei

Hmmm I think I might’ve had one more pick though I’m not entirely sure.

[ 02-25-2007, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

hmm, i dont recall raidei as one of your “guesses”…or is this one of your new “guesses” now

It was on page 2. . .the page that which we can’t access LAMUNESS!!!

Anyways, it’s from that non-standard adventure game hint that you gave. I made a list of I think 4 - 5 possible candidates. I don’t remember the all the other titles but one of them was Pretty Soldier Wars Continuation and the other was a card game. Seeing as how it’s zyx and there really is no other game to choose from in terms of non-standard adventure and zyx titles. . .

I could’ve swore that I had one more choice though.

I think I’ll stop with the research until you provide more hints though, so no new predictions from me. Kind of crestfallen after having lost that huge research thread. Choosing titles with hints like Kxxxxx xxxxxxx is really difficult. Especially when the translation is not direct (i.e. bazooka cafe, pretty soldier wars). The only reason I got so far is because I didn’t play by the rules (especially with Kisetsu no Hanayome) and those two particular hints started in romanji when transliterated. Out of all of them the only one I would call a guess is Kango 3. But seeing as how the two games sold quite well, I’m so damn sure Peter would bring that title over that I’d put money on it. . .even without the hints.

I’ll be glad to do more research if you change the hints to romanji transliteration though. :wink:

[ 02-25-2007, 06:00 AM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

i will give you more hints on april 1st, how about that? :stuck_out_tongue:

In my opinion, the culprit is really Lamuness here, but not for the reasons you think. I remember that the last post of your thread was from a Chinese spammer posting here and in -at least- another thread. Probably, Lamuness accidentally deleted your thread in his haste to purge the spammer taint from the BBS. Just my guess however :slight_smile: .

can be possible but deleting a particlar post and deleting a thread works differently here so it’s very unlikely

to delete an entire thread, i have to delete the first post of the thread, ie mockingbird’s blurb and there’s no reason for me to go into mockingbird’s post and delete

Maybe Kumiko came back and decided to use her administrative powers one last time.

Hey Lamuness,

I noticed that you removed the hints you had on from your upcoming releases thread. Does this mean you don’t plan to add more letters as the announcement date inches closer? Or did you just drop it altogether :frowning:

[ 03-19-2007, 10:40 PM: Message edited by: Mockingbird ]

i have no plans to give any more hints; what do you think i am, santa? :stuck_out_tongue:

How boring.

you made your “guesses” already, what more do you want?

Here’s your new avatar, Lamuness. :stuck_out_tongue: