Moderator suggestion: Updates be locked only for Moderat

Because it’s a little bit frustrating delving through lots and lots of random off hand comments to read ‘updates’. If there’s something that needs to be said, the moderators should be able to make them without unnecessary speculations from regular posters.

Speculations should be answered in strict seriousness in interviews or Q&A sessions.

any official and important announcements will be made either on the mainpage of the site, or the TOP of the threads…

ADD: and plus, I don’t mind people responding and discussing over the updates (remember, this is a DISCUSSION forum)…sure, sometimes (more like often) it gets into crazy off-topic lemon crap etc, but I personally think the former (discussion) is much more important than the latter (bullshit)…maybe the best I can do is to kindly ask people to not talk bullshit in threads…

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 10-19-2003).]

shrug We can try but I think it would take away some of what makes up the “personality” of the board. But regardless of that, while some of the posts are easy to classify in your “discussion” and “bullshit” categories, I think some aren’t as easy classified. And where do you draw the line? Which things are “opinion” and which are “misinformation”? Sometimes the lines just aren’t as clear.

Originally posted by ekylo:
*shrug* We can try but I think it would take away some of what makes up the "personality" of the board. But regardless of that, while some of the posts are easy to classify in your "discussion" and "bullshit" categories, I think some aren't as easy classified. And where do you draw the line? Which things are "opinion" and which are "misinformation"? Sometimes the lines just aren't as clear.

easy line to draw:

Moderator posted and non-moderator posted.

But it's ok, mune has understood my point and he's already said the moderators don't feel impelled to lock moderator threads, so I won't pursue the topic.

i’d say don’t go overboard (too much) with the BS stuff. I don’t mind the friendliness and personality of the board but really, seeing 10+ consecutive posts on pointless posts about lemons is a bit too much

Originally posted by Lamuness:
i'd say don't go overboard (too much) with the BS stuff. I don't mind the friendliness and personality of the board but really, seeing 10+ consecutive posts on pointless posts about lemons is a bit too much

Once a thread reaches the pointless stage, isn't time for you, to send them to the off-topic graveyard. Like Refresh my memory, Lamuness... What about spoilers appearing in discussion areas and not the help section. Isn't that a nuisance too?

I don't believe this is a serious issue. If someone wants Q&A, then the topic should be in the help section. Maybe the help section should be sub-divide into Game help, Q&A and spoilers. If the topic starters don't like the way their thread evolves then they started the topic in the wrong forum. It's that simple.

Then again, the occasional new person will often post help related questions in the discussions section. Never understood that since I thought the whole “Help” forum was pretty self explanatory…

Probably figured that more people would inhabit the regular forum. More people seeing = better chance of getting a response. It doesn’t bother me too much because we don’t really get too much traffic here. Besides it’s a good break from all the lemon posts

Originally posted by ekylo:
Then again, the occasional new person will often post help related questions in the discussions section. Never understood that since I thought the whole "Help" forum was pretty self explanatory...

Well, it depends on how a person defines help. Asking about a release date could fall into either forum. Does the topic starter want answers or a discussion about the release date. In the discussion forum, by its nature, it will deviate from the topic. However, in the help forum, it shouldn't. Like I posted before, it's the respondsibility of the topic starter to post their topics in the right forum. Even a new member should know if they want answers or a discussion. To those who don't, I suggested sub-dividing the help forum. I'm starting to rant...

We all rant once in awhile. Some psychological paths even recommend it once in awhile…

Actually I was sort of refering to the topics that are along the lines of “Need help getting cg in…” I mean, when that’s your topic line…

If the topic line is that specific, I see your case.

My early posts dealt with the topic starter putting their topics in the wrong forums. I failed to write, how a spolier, a member, and a question could change a discussion topic to a help/pointless topic. I expect the threads to deviate a little. But to deviate the topic to something that belongs to the help/oof-topic forum is a bit extreme and we need to be more careful with our posts.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
My early posts dealt with the topic starter putting their topics in the wrong forums. I failed to write, how a spolier, a member, and a question could change a discussion topic to a help/pointless topic. I expect the threads to deviate a little. But to deviate the topic to something that belongs to the help/oof-topic forum is a bit extreme and we need to be more careful with our posts.

Well, I know I try, but it doesn't always work out. And I alluded to it in the other thread, but there's a disturbing trend where my off-hand or humerous comments get responded to more than my straight comments. Unfortunately, those asides are a part of my conversational patterns and very hard to change after all these years. I have a hard enough time playing it straight when I do my help thread responses.

Originally posted by ekylo:
there's a disturbing trend where my off-hand or humerous comments get responded to more than my straight comments.

Here's a hypothetical scenario.
I'm going to respond to your humerous comments. I know it's pointless to that thread. I could post a reply, see off-topic forum, topic humerous comment This way the orginal thread stays intact and hopefully keeps somebody happy.

Originally posted by Gulyen:
My early posts dealt with the topic starter putting their topics in the wrong forums. I failed to write, how a spolier, a member, and a question could change a discussion topic to a help/pointless topic. I expect the threads to deviate a little. But to deviate the topic to something that belongs to the help/oof-topic forum is a bit extreme and we need to be more careful with our posts.

I've noticed this happens a lot with boards in general - it seems to me that the board becomes a conversation, and at least IRL most of my conversations tend to experience thread drift as badly as it happens here.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
I've noticed this happens a lot with boards in general - it seems to me that the board becomes a conversation, and at least IRL most of my conversations tend to experience thread drift as badly as it happens here.

Personally I think that is what makes them more comfortable, they are more relaxed and within reason, as within a real conversation, allowed to drift. They are not form and rigid that it feels like formal discussion where straying from topic is forbidden, which is just not a great feeling at all, so drifting is far more comfortable and relaxing an atmosphere, to me at least.