More Tokyopopfoolery ... … anga-again

Seriously? They havent’ even been out of the business for six months yet and they want to try to get back in? I really don’t think that’s going to work out very well for them … I mean, if I were a licenseholder, and a company pulled this stunt and then came back to me and tried to re-acquire my properties, I’d tell them to take a hike.

Didn’t most of their old licenses get passed off to other companies already? Idiots. Their GTO translation sucked anyway.


I’ll give them another chance. It’s possible they’ve learned their lessons, and if so, could return a far superior company than they ever were. It’s also possible the company is under new and/or better management.

If it’s the same garbage in and garbage out operation, then I’ll ignore and watch 'em die a second time… but if they can make a 180 degree turn and become the very best, like no manga company ever was… I’ve gotta catch 'em all. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

There are still dozens of great manga series in Japan, that have not been licensed in the US just yet. There’s still a chance to succeed.

Don’t care about corporate branding: I want good manga.

Actually all their licenses reverted back to the original Japanese publishers so it’ll be really hard for them to get what hasn’t been given out back.

A pro translator friend of mine (who shall remain anonymous) has told me they didn’t (or I guess I should say ‘didn’t’) work for Tokyopop for a simple reason: TP had discovered you could get college students to translate for dirt cheap pay on crazy short schedules. They didn’t want to pay the extra money required to get an actual professional to do the job.

Now, I have no idea whether this is true or not (though I have no reason to doubt my friend) or whether it was something they used to do, but changed later … but it would definitely explain why some titles seemed to be so spotty.

Yeah that’s what I thought. And Kodansha, I think, has started or will be starting to translate and release their own stuff in North America, if I remember correctly. I doubt Tokyopop will get much if any welcome back.

Well, I’d like BECK to continue and I don’t care which publisher would release it… ~_~

If those guys resume translating GetBackers then I welcome them back. If not…doesn’t really matter to me

As mentioned, if they have learned from their mistakes, can reaquire their old licenses that were doing decently and new titles, this could be a very formitable upstart company to Viz and Kodonsha. However, if they haven’t learned their lesson it’ll quickly suffer the same fate as the previous incarnation.

They’ll have stiff competition from jmanga which’s now selling their digital manga at 60% discount yes, that means you can finally buy manga at japanese prices instead of hiked up usa prices.