Most pathetic protagonist in an H-Game

yeah he is much cooler when he doesn’t have saber as a crutch

Ooops… sorry. I forgot about that! :lol:

Yeah. That’s the explanation it makes sense the most, considerating the hints the story gave, like the old geezer’s back what looked like a corpse and the way the bodies were found, dead for years. Thanks for the explanation. :slight_smile:

The guy…at least I think he was a guy, from Heart De Roomate. GOD what a loser, at least for three quarters of the game…maybe even seven-eighths of it. :lol:

My nominee: Aihara Takuya (“X-Change” - the original series!)

Three times turned into a girl against his own will - and still could neither keep his fingers from scientific projects whose goals were at least 70% incomprehensible to him, nor prevent being always the guinea pig! Could someone be any more pathetic? :wink: :lol: :wink:

Honestly - would it have been so difficult to change his club activities to classic literature? However, on second thought, literature can be a dangerous matter too - if you happen to borrow the books from a particular library (kuroi toshokan - bibliotheque osbcure), or a certain black bible would fall into your hands… :stuck_out_tongue:
But then - there is always the go-early-home-club as a safe alternative! :wink:

dubious look Exactly what is your problem with him?

(Sure, I can think of some possible answers, but I’m also intentionally giving you enough rope to hang yourself.)

even through it isn’t an h-game takumi from chaos head was pretty bad he did shower and was freaking out and thinking about killing himself for the first half of the anime

He just let’s himself get pushed around for most of the game and has no back-bone, you can keep your rope.

The lead from Discipline has to be the most pathetic character in ANY media format ever. He may as well have just introduced himself as “Doormat” with the way he let’s people treat him. At least the female lead had the guts to make a stand. On a side note, I don’t care how rich she is, how the hell does she manage to drive a Type 90 to school without getting arrested, ignoring the difficulty in driving down public streets without a TC. Then there’s the whole “I have an armed Harrier that I can use with impunity because I’m rich.” garbage.

If you own enough of corrupt politicians and police chiefs then you can do anything. I don’t think that Japan has enough corruption though. But who knows? And it is a good story anyway.

The lead from Discipline is a funny main character, because he always pretends not to like sex with all the beautiful girls. But do we really believe him? His only argument apparently is, that he is very lazy and doesn’t like any physical exercise at all :smiley:

I didn’t even remember that scene - probably because i just played fast through it. But anyway he was under drug at the time and fortunately had no difficulty to avoid being forced to do it again. So that scene didn’t really matter much to me.

I hated some of the H-scenes in the bad endings much more. Apparently the Japanese just love embarrassing scenes, because they find them to be just total fun. But I don’t agree with the Japanese about this and it is actually very rare that I find embarrassing scenes to be funny.