Mozilla 1.7.5 released !

Get the latest version of Mozilla here:

Read up on it here:

It’s basically an update so that Mozilla’s Gecko engine is the same as the one used for Firefox 1.0’s.

Users report it to be faster than Mozilla 1.7.3 as well.


Mozilla FF or Mozilla???

i dont really care thought, i use Opera

This is about Mozilla Application Suite.
It’s an all-in-one package, containing a browser, e-mail client and an IRC client.

Like Firefox, it’s powered by the Gecko rendering engine, which is very fast and stable.

Unlike Opera, Mozilla browsers are free, and are standards-compliant.

Benefits for switching from Opera to Mozilla:
→ faster
→ standards-compliant
→ is more secure
→ gets fixed quicker
→ has more features
→ built-in pop-up blocker
→ cookie manager
→ image manager
→ the extension Adblock

I’m a happy FireFox user myself. I never liked Opera (our school computer used it), and Internet Explorer is too slow and exposed to vulnerabilites sniffed out from Microsoft haters and spyware-makers alike, due to ActiveX integration and its close ties with the OS.

i have the 3 of them, Mozilla, FF and Opera, i just happen to have opera as default browser just because u have to pay for it… i will try ff for a few days and see the difference

Edit: O’Kay, that was more than enough time, i will use FF from now on, besides i can add SearchEngines plug-ins…

[This message has been edited by The Unholy Avenger (edited 12-21-2004).]

One qustion about FF, because I switched from IE to FF, does PP’s order process have any difficulty with other browser beside IE, because Himeya require you to use IE to order to avoid any process problem.

Originally posted by Mordin:
One qustion about FF, because I switched from IE to FF, does PP's order process have any difficulty with other browser beside IE, because Himeya require you to use IE to order to avoid any process problem.

I ordered LMM using Firefox as browser, so, I guess the answer is no, no problem, AFAIK.

Websites telling you to use IE for any excuse whatsoever are full of shit. Especially when it comes to security, since Mozilla browsers have higher security.

Ever since I got FireFox, I’ve used Internet Exploder… I mean, Explorer for one, and only one reason: When some damn webdesigner decides on purpose to make it so that a site won’t work with FireFox. Like, say, the Windows Update site. (Alhough if someone can tell me how make FireFox work with there, I’d be mighty happy to get rid of another reason to use IE.)