Musical instruments you can play,or ones you want to play

I can play the trombone.I took band classes for 8 years,from 10 years old to 17 years old.I was first chair in concert band and usually 3rd chair in symphonic band most of the time.I don’t really miss being in a big band.I do wish I had more time to play it now though.I’d like to find a part-time big playing jazz trombone.I think jazz is where the trombone shines. :o

I’d like to learn to play the pipe organ,but the money and most of all time just isn’t there.electric pipe organs on a keyboard just aren’t the same.I’m not sure what the exact ratio is,but a lot of the organ music I’ve heard is religious too which bores me frankly.Also churches are the only entities that can afford to buy pipe organs and are usually the only ones that want them sooo… :cry:

These people make very high quality pipe organs from the music I’ve heard,so if the chance to influence city government comes up,I might try to get one of these.

Once upon a time, when I was in grade school (and I guess for a bit when I was in high school) I played the violin. Last time I touched it was in college.

I think it’s still laying around somewhere in my parents’ basement. I could pull it out and start fooling around with it, but I got enough other stuff to do … I’d rather sketchily translate stuff from Japanese into English with my spare time, than pick the violin up again …

I learned the guitar (self taught) during school and college. My most prized one is a 1982 Fender Jazz III, unfortunately these days I dont get much time :frowning:
Also play the piano/Keyboards a little bit.

+1. Music from the keyboard isnt the same. Plus the actual feeling that you get from playing “the real thing” is way too awesome.
Ah well, atleast keys get the advantage in cost terms :slight_smile:

From late elementary through high school I played clarinet. I never want to play it again. :stuck_out_tongue:
I started learning electric bass almost 2 years ago now. I usually have weekly lessons, though most of what we cover is music theory now rather than how to play. On the advice of my instructor, I’ll probably be picking up guitar soon as well. In fact, my instructor has offered to sell me one of his Fender Stratocasters for a good price.
I must say, I’ve learned more about music in this time than I did in all my time in school. I’m really lucky to have found such a great instructor.