My Brave Soul mini-review

I finished the game yesterday with Alicia.
Well, technically today (it was 2 AM, and yes I’m crazy).
I originally intended to do my mini-review after becoming a Hunter, but I wasn’t a member yet…

You all know the basic story for the game.
Now about the story that unfolds while playing, there’s not much of it, since the game is mostly about doing quests. But what little story there is is pretty good. The last boss isn’t your typical evil monster wanting to destroy the world. No, this time there’s a nice motive and explanation that’s not too far-fetched.

Dialogue & characters
The dialogue is pretty well done. Each girl has a distinct personality, some of the less important characters too, hell even the main character has a good personality! That’s right, the main character isn’t your typical sex-hungry dumb macho.
He’s actually intelligent and has a developed personality. It’s easy to relate to him.
Now as for how the dialogue is presented… that’s where it gets a bit ugly. You will regularly see typos, phrases were a word is missing or too much, or gramatically incorrect phrases. It already begins when you start the game.
"Now loding."
This game gives the impression that the translators haven’t bothered to play the game after the translation. It feels rushed at times. It makes me think about the Game Boy Color game Lufia: The Legend Returns. That game had between 10-20 typos. Where do you think the famous Lufia phrase “This is what I call FRUE destruction!” comes from?
Thankfully you can still make out what the phrase was supposed to be, and these errors aren’t littered all over the game.

Well, since it’s all point-and-click, the gameplay is pretty flawless. However, being a console gamer, I would have preferred to use a gamepad to move around instead of clicking endlessly just to get somewhere. Sometimes it also feels like you’re unnecessary since all you are doing is clicking on monsters and watching your character slashing it to pieces by itself.
At least that would have been the case if there weren’t skills.

Pretty well done. The sprites are detailed and look good. The CG is beautiful. Great art.

There are not that many tracks, but I guess it’s sufficient. Even then, you’re going to hear a lot of the same few tracks most of the game. The town music will annoy you after a certain time of hearing it when staying long in town. The rest of the music is pretty good.
The sound effects are varied enough and they go well with what they represent.

Game length and mini-review
It took me an odd 40 hours to finish this game, in the span of two weeks of playing. Well, actually three weeks, but there are some days and a part of a week I didn’t play. So you’ll be busy for some time.
The replay value seems quite high. I hear there are extras when you finish the game, and two hidden girls apart from the four already available. You can only get 1 girl each time you play.

Some other points
-So far, I’ve noticed that sometimes after an event with a girl, the music hangs a bit and becomes loud. This also always happens after a sex scene. Sometimes it even stays after quitting the game, and can only be solved by rebooting your PC. It’s annoying. I’m glad that it only happened after an event when I was going to quit anyway.
-The opening movie rocks!!!

How did I play the game?
Just something I wanted to share.
I was being myself when doing decisions. Obviously I’m a bit Alicia-compatible. It may take you a bit less to finish the game, as I always explored every corner of the dungeons, except in the last dungeon of the game and the last floors of the Ancient Capital. Else I would have become nuts.

Seems like this isn’t really a mini-review anymore, even though it didn’t cover everything a normal review would. Anyway, that’s my opinion on the game I wanted to share.

…No comments?

Also wanted to add this:
Why does the main hero have high heels?
I would prefer the characters to stop calling me “Mr. Swordsman”. :confused:

Heh I think a lot of us are just all brave soul talked out. We had a few pretty large threads about BS when it first was released. Just do a search and you will see what I mean. Nice review though lots better than my campy quickie reviews

I just beat Brave Soul for the second time! This time with Carroll. The ending leaves it a bit too open for my taste. :confused: It’s not bad, though.

Since this was the second time I played through, I could use the Map function. Sometime it’s useful, and sometimes not. It depends on the colors if your map is good or not. It seems like they take the whole floor and then resize it to the map size. If the dungeon has dark colors, most of the time it will not help much to find the stairs. Mountains and caves are clear, though.

Caan you tell me how the find the Monster Cat? (Vol 15-16, I forgot).

If you don't mean the Monster Cat from the third Hunter trial, I don't know what you mean.
But if you do mean that, talk to Marin, and you'll know what to do. [img][/img]
Will it there ber any diffirence on playing the game on Easy, Normal, and Hard? (like missing out the story or pics).

Will it there ber any diffirence on playing the game on Easy, Normal, and Hard? (like missing out the story or pics).[/QUOTE]
Nope, not at all. Just affects the difficulty of the monsters and maybe some other gameplay factors.

Heh, my native language isn't English either. ^_^

Why the f*ck can’t Shell use the purple potion while monsters are there?! AAAH! I just lost 4 hours worth of gaming because of that! Alicia was trying to resurrect me but she was constantly being cancelled by those stupid moustached fat guys! GRR! I hate them!

On another note, seems that abilities also carry over when selecting the Novice option, which makes you start the game at half the max level you finished at. I discovered that when Alicia revived me with what could only be Resurrection during the Unopenable Door quest. Heh, the Karen scene during that was great also.
…But Karen still doesn’t like me.

I would start by searching in the help section of this board and if you don’t find something after searching ask us since this might not have been answered in the past. So searching the help section might give you the answer.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-22-2004).]

Why, oh why is this thread always being SPAMmed with dumb help requests? :’(

No question is dumb, but I think the reason is you named it Brave Soul and if there is one game that continually has questions asked about it that is the game. So anything with that title stands a chance of having the question asked.

Remember too, like it or not happening to yours, few threads stay on topic. Also until you reposted on the 21st was it? This thread had not been touched since March, be glad people are looking at it, perhaps reading it, and then posting, even if it is off topic.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 05-22-2004).]

I don’t think this person was actually reading it… Seeing as he posted the same request in two threads. Either he’s rude or unintelligent. I can’t stand this type of thing.

About reviving this topic… Well, it’s kind of my Brave Soul topic for my playing of the game, in a way.

I found that the 30 FPS setting makes the game finally smooth! I tried 60 FPS, and then it kept at 51 FPS. Is this normal? Or does it mean my PC can’t do better? Either way, it had a small shake every second, so I put it back on 30 FPS (almost always is 31 in reality).

I think what he or she is doing is logical in a way, targeting threads that have the name Brave Soul. Perhaps not completely logical but still logical.

I am not sure what FPS setting I had it on, been too long, but 60 FPS did not work for you?

It did work, but
-it didn’t go to 60 FPS, instead it went to 51
-the screen made a shake every second

I just finished Brave Soul for the third time.
I got the ending where you end up alone. Still a good ending though. The premise is cool.
…But I didn’t get a new “new game” option! :’(

I saw a horrible typo… Kobden instead of Cobden. shudders
I really wonder how all those typos got in the game. Especially with all the checking that took place. By the way, I found a broken off word in the second “Protect a merchant” quest. The word “late” gets broken off in “la” and te".
Oh well.
If somehow I could edit the script and make it into a patch, I would love to do it for Peach Princess.

[This message has been edited by Benoit (edited 05-26-2004).]

I understand. But it striked me hard because his name is spelt correctly in the entire game, except for that place.

Oh boy, yet another post about me and Brave Soul. Well, this time it’s not directly related with the game…

There was an odd graphical glitch with the game, though it didn’t affect anything. It’s hard to explain, you should see it for yourself. But from time to time, it’s as if for a split second the image shifted from place on the screen. Like the lower left side would be somewhere in the middle. But there was no black; where the picture had moved from there was the rest of the image that moved out of the screen. A bit like a panorama for a split second.

Now, I already mentioned that the problems I have with the sound could be DirectX-related. Now I think this graphical glitch is related to that too. This is because while playing the Little My Maid demo I noticed the same graphical glitch.

So I went out and downloaded DirectX 7a. My current version was DirectX 8a. I did hear that there were problems with version 8, but only for Win98… Anyway, I want to install version 7, but… it refuses! It doesn’t want to because there’s already a more recent version on the system. Can’t the programs listen to what I tell them?
So I looked up info on how to uninstall DirectX, as it’s not removable by Configuration Panel → Software, or a certain uninstallation program. I find a beta version of a program that uninstalls any version of DirectX on MajorGeeks through a link on a forum on the subject. While the program did remove DirectX from my hard drive, it didn’t erase the registry keys… So version 7 would still think it detected version 8. So I manually removed all the references to version 8, and the major DirectX references. Then it installed fine. I tested DirectX with the diagnostic tool, and everything works well.

All this trouble just for installing an older version… Geez. I’m not complaining, but it does raise questions.
Now I only hope that it paid off.

With the names you will notice that Karen is also sometimes spelled Caren, not that it matters but since the topic was raised.

Yes, I noticed the strange ever-changing spelling of the names.

I just started my fourth game of Brave Soul. And it seems that changing the DirectX version didn’t change anything. :’(

I already noticed a few days ago that it didn’t fix the graphical glitch for the LMM demo, and it doesn’t fix it in Brave Soul either. I guess it’s because of the games’ engine…

I just looked at the list of events topic in the Help section. I only looked at the events of the girls I have gotten their sex scenes from. And… good grief, I have missed at least 2 events for each of the girls! Yet I still got their sex scenes, and all their CGs… Argh. Looks like in the end I will have to do what I planned to do anyway, and that is doing each girl’s path again.
How could this happen… It’s not fair…

Woohoo! I just got the final ending, Ending #0 - Brave Soul. No, I didn’t buy any matches, I went through the ENTIRE dungeon.

Yes, I know I’m late, but my Brave Soul sessions are always a good chunk of time apart. Especially with Losers’ Paradise…