My Girlfriend is the President (and Fandisc) Discussion Thread

![President Box](upload://ytz5R8epqfCknkBBxIhu1y5i2de.jpeg)

This is a continuation of the thread about the outstanding title My Girlfriend is the President, a game that combines romance, wackiness and humor into a story about President Ohama of Japan and President Putina of Russia.

Some fans didn't seem to realize we released the fandisc to President too, a short sequel that adds additional game routes to explore, and lots of quality ecchi material. It was fun to make, and we think you'll enjoy playing it. Many titles in Japan have similar fandisc releases, and we'll consider doing more in the future, especially if fans show us they want them. You can find the digital download on our site, and the package version at J-List, along with many other retailers.

Both the original and the fandisc are fun games. What parts did you enjoy?

So who played the fandisc here? Honestly sales of the disc were not that good despite the low price. We kind of need to know that fans will support fandisc releases, or else it's hard to do more in the future.

One problem is that not all fans know what a "fandisc" even is, so we have to explain it to them, which is never good for a product.

I bought the fandisc. Still haven't played it, but I promise I will at some point. I know what fandiscs are and will support them, but I can only speak for myself.

The game went on my “to-play” pile, and I haven’t played it yet. If I had, I’d know whether or not I wanted the fandisc :slight_smile:

I bought it and was really glad you offered it. With that said, being newer to VNs than some of your other customers, I have to admit that I wasn’t familiar with the “fandisc” term and had to look it up. My initial assumption was that it was some sort of “bonus” disc that might include a lot of artwork, wallpapers, a soundtrack, “making of” features… you know, something of that nature. The idea that it was a mini-sequel came as a bit of a surprise.

So, from a marketing perspective, I wonder if in the future it might be worthwhile to give a fandisc release a new name or subtitle for its stateside release (ex. My Girlfriend is the President: Second Term) to indicate to fans that there’s brand-new story content to be had here, not just new bells and whistles. Then again, your average bishoujo gamer is probably a bit more knowledgeable about his or her niche than many other gamers, so I might be wrong about this being a common misunderstanding. Maybe ask that question in a poll somewhere visible on your website, or on a mailing-list email?

Also, the lag in release dates may matter a lot in this particular instance. The original My Girlfriend is the President was released at least a good two or three years before its fandisc, right? There may have been no avoiding that, but it did mean you had to start from square one recreating buzz for a title that had plenty of time to “cool off” in the meantime. Anyway, please count me as a fan of fandiscs. Always nice to see more from a story we already know is good!

nudge nudgehint hint… Ahem. You know, “Yumina the Ethereal: Forever Dreams” would be a spiffy title to give this another shot on. :smiley:

I usually buy physical copies but haven't picked this one up quite yet. I'm interested in it but thanks to little witch romanesque and hard copy of Ef I'm a bit behind in the games I currently own. I am currently saving money for seinarakuna, schatten, and sumaga as well as Yumina the Ethereal: Forever Dreams fan disc if it ever gets announced.

This game along with the kana remake, saya. and hanachirasu are all on my list for future pick ups but they are not what I'm primarily interested in at this time. I enjoy pre-ordering in 3s because of the J-list 15 percent off discount and it usually gives me an excuse to pick up one of the other smaller games I have an interest in. It probably has to do with how I think of money spent in games in terms of 1-ish dollars for every hour of entertainment (probably not a good way to look at things but the current state of gaming has fixed this mentality in my mind). How long is the fan disc? I was under the impression it was less than 10 hours and primarily filled with sex scenes and little story content.

(I keep trying to 'like' posts here, been using Facebook too much.)

Thanks to everyone who has bought the fandisc. We'll try to bring more out. @Jacksprat1, I'd forgotten about that one, we might consider it next time we talk with Will.

I'm sure I am in the vast minority here, but I skip pretty much all of the H-scenes in my VNs, so while I bought and enjoyed My Girlfriend is the President, because it was a really funny and amusing game, I had no interest in the fandisc which seemed more focused on the H-scenes. I have bought fandiscs for other games in the past though (D.C. IF and Kira Kira Curtain Call), they just have to be very story-centric.

Fandiscs aren't really sequels though, so making them sound like sequels would also be deceptive. They're more like "standalone" expansions with after stories for various characters.

You know, I bought the fandisc, too.
Just saying, I guess people do appreciate releases of fandiscs; it just depends on the content of said fandisk.

Well, short sequels that add something to the original, a route with a popular character that was not romancible before or something. The problem is, other than core fans, the average person doesn't "get" them very well, so sales may never be high to justify doing a lot of them. Though I'd love to be proven wrong.

The fundamental problem with fandiscs is they target a subset of people who played the original. Unless the fandisc is somehow so awesome that its mere release re-energizes sales of the original title, it's not a good situation for maximizing sales.

My own problem with fandiscs is that I'm generally looking for long well-developed stories. Fandiscs tend to not do this, or do it to a diminished extent relative to the original. The other issue is value. Because fandiscs target a narrower audience, their price per unit content is higher. That results in shorter games with lower production values selling at a price that isn't proportionally lower. Take a look at metascores for fandiscs and their associated titles on EGS and VNDB. It's very rare that a fandisc has a higher score than the original game that spawned it, yet fandiscs rated lower than the original are fairly common. Even fans themselves acknowledge that fandiscs have diminished value to them.

Fandiscs are going to be a hard sell to people like me. Unless the fandisc is improves on the original title, which I also liked, you're going to have a hard time getting me interested. In general, I'd rather you be working on a new title I'd be interested in than a fan disc. A notable exception would be games that are one-of-a-kind. I'd gobble up quality spinoffs of the School Days series for instance because there's just nothing else like them, even in Japanese.

By the way Peter, the developer for the Fandisc is labelled as Nitroplus on the store page where it should say ALcot.

A bit late to the party (only recently getting into VNs), but…… I just ordered both discs from J-List as part of the “Tax on Titan” + “Buy 3 Get 15% Off” deal. Almost done with my current VN that I’m reading (If My Heart Had Wings), would be nice if they arrived before I finished, but… they haven’t shipped as of yet (only ordered Thursday, can’t really complain), so I’ll have to find something else to read in the meantime.

@MrBanballow: Awesome! Always good to hear from someone new just getting into visual novels. You picked some good ones to start off with, and I think you’ll find My Girlfriend Is the President really, really funny.

While you’re waiting for it to come in, you could always check out some free indie VNs. Some of those are crap, but others are really excellent entertainment either through sheer quality (ex. Katawa Shoujo) or hilarious weirdness (ex. Oh Josiah). And for your next professional VN, if you like the art style for Heart Had Wings and My GF is the Prez, you might check out Princess Waltz. It’s classic, and it looks similar if you prefer that artistic style.

What kind of game My Girlfriend is the President even is?

I get that its not a VN with blood, explosions and fightings, but other than that I am having a hard time figuring out what kind of game I should expect?

Would you say it is similar to Muv-Luv Extra? Or perhps Princess Evangile?

@jacksprat1: Have been very busy over the past couple of months. Stuff that I have read through at least one ending… Analogue: A Hate Story, Cat Girl Alliance (my low point thus far, though mainly due to lack of research on my part), eden*, If My Heart Had Wings (close enough, if I don’t finish tonight, first thing in the morning), Katawa Shoujo (free was a key selling point :P), Narcissu + Side 2nd, Nekopara Vol 1, Planetarian, Saya no Uta, Shool Days HQ, Steins;Gate… should be fine until the President arrives though, I have ef: fairy tale of the two and Yume Miru Kusuri to keep me occupied. :stuck_out_tongue:

@ Nier : it's a comedy VN, with gameplay kinda like Muv-Luv (or most "standard" VNs)

I'm very glad you released it, but I have not bought it yet.

It is the usual case of having more games than I have time to play. I would probably buy them if they ended up being on sale, just because it is a sale. But for full price I'll have to get rid some of my backlog first.

It is however possible I will end up buying them full price someday just to show that I want more of those games. That is how I got half the backlog I have now. Buying hard copies from MangaGamer to make them produce more hard copies in the future.