My Girlfriend is the President Official English Version

I’ll be preordering this as soon as I see the words “Golden Master”. Considering I have this, Koihime Musou, and Zaishuu to look forward to (not to mention play Da Capo 2), this looks like the start of a good year.

Hmm, come to think of it, I remember people seemed to be fussing over some giant robot eroge not too long ago, wonder what it was. Oh well… (lol)

Go, competition, go! Just keep signing more and more companies. If I might suggest one, Cyberfront has the remains of KID, and someone really ought to re-release Ever 17 and then release the rest of the Infinity series sometime. Cough. Cough.

Here’s my suggestions, either side please go for them. How about Atelier Kaguya for some nukige with good story, Speed’s Kansen series for similar reasons, plus the popularity of zombies these days plus the demand for good dark eroge, and for a company that has some high quality stuff, Akabesoft2 and its subcompanies.

Anyway, I have a guess as to what MG’s announcement is. In a convention where they had a TV showing some examples of good eroge while speaking to fans we see a glimpse of Innocent Grey’s Kara no Shoujo. This comes right after we see glimpses of something from Tactics which we know MG has a deal with so there is a chance Innocent Grey may be the big announcement. Also to consider is this: Innocent Grey told the fanlation group for Kara no Shoujo and Cartagra to stop, now initially the group said they’d release a patch for Kara no Shoujo since they’d finished translation, however we haven’t seen or heard anything for them since.

Edit, oh yeah the video is this: …

The bit I mentioned is at the near end and the TV thing starts at about 5:23 and we see what I’m talking about at around 5:30

LOL, nice response. 8)

Well remember, I’ll switch sides for good twincest. Guaranteed. :wink:

So over here ( there are people complaining about the announcement because it means the fan translation is getting pulled.

I mean, seriously, how self-entitled do you have to be to write something like this?

People who bought the Japanese version to use with the fan translation, I can understand them being upset over this. But really, the vast majority of the people complaining about “losing” something were going to pirate the game anyway. It was never in their grasp in the first place!

I gotta agree with this. Even though Peter talked like MG wasn’t influencing how they did business, there seems to be a bit more urgency from both sides when it comes to making deals nowadays. With any luck at all, next year will have quite the bounty of new releases.

Yes, but Alcot for whatever reason used girlfriend for the English translation of the title when it was originally released.

Well, you’ll have to e-mail Hen Da Ne to find out when they’re restocking Higurashi (, but I think that’s the only company with plans to restock/continue selling them at the moment other than maybe Right Stuff who I think is also sold out right now. As for the DRM, yeah pretty much. They demand we have at least some measure in place to try and prevent (string of foul and condemning words) pirates since it directly hurts digital sales.

As for the answer arcs… well, keep your eye on our blog and other news feeds. :smiley: That way you’ll see when/if something comes up.

I too enjoy a healthy session of D&D.

So… for Koihime, and this one then?

Here’s some other interesting tabletops :mrgreen: :

Good, I was waiting for the patch to come out, I’ll surely get the game when it gets released. It doesn’t look like a masterpiece, but it sure seems funny enough.

I doubt it. Too many lolies are there :mrgreen: Alcot is quite inconvenient company for Jast since half of their titles have lolicon or incest tags on vndb :twisted: And Jast is much more sensitive about it unlike MG.

Hey, I have my reasons to worry too. There’s always the potential that JAST may have excessive delays like in the case with Demonbane. Like it or not, the fact that buyers have to wait excessively long periods of time because JAST doesn’t wait to make initial announcements until they’re in the late stages of localization/editing (or whenever they can come up with a reasonable release date) is a major problem.

Not to mention, JAST was selling the original import game on JList and touting the fact that an unofficial English patch was going to be released soon:

Then they soon announced an official release right before the translation patch was released, prompting the TLwiki guys to stop their release. That’s a dick move if you think about it.

Not to mention there’s no assurance that any loli-like content in the game will remain uncensored, given that they haven’t released enough games to sufficiently rebuild their track record since they botched their release of KK. If I’m in charge of JAST and I wanted to uphold a policy of avoiding as much loli-related legal issues as possible, Alcot is probably the last company I would consider doing business with, especially not with that “Tokyo loli ban” crap that’s been floating around in the headlines lately.

I probably would’ve felt more at ease if MG had gotten it, but I’m not 100% confident with them either, as there’s the risk they might mute all the voices too. It might not prevent any delays, but the only way there’s any real assurance that the content won’t get fucked around with nowadays is if the fans released their own non-commercial translation patch for the game.

demonbane seems to be a nitro+ issue not a jast issue
most of the problems seem to be the game company not jast issues
or at least it seems that way to me
they could be jast issues but could also be licensed company issue like my guess right now with demonbane is nitro+ doesn’t care about usa sales or is just too busy to bother with a game going to america

That’s hardly an assurance, fans can fuck with things either intentionally or accidentally, and fan translations can get canceled. Heck, ORIGINAL content can get fucked around with due to (money, artist personal circumstances, laws, etc) causing plans to have to be changed.

It seemed odd enough at the time that they were promoting sales of a game whose patch wasn’t out yet, it seems even odder if they’ve pulled the patch. Has anyone asked the staff if they’re PROVIDING an English patch (or free English copy) to people who bought the Japanese version from them? Because that would be the most logical thing for them to do…

Got a little ahead of myself there :lol:. But there are some games that seem good without lolies like Kurenai no Tsuki ( Beautiful art, good scores.), Vestige ( Another one with beautiful art.), and Engage Links ( can’t find much info on this one but the scores are good.). Your right theres not much but there are some good games that don’t have loli and brother sister incest (although I still want my Triptych dammit! :lol: )

So the waiting isn’t because of JAST. Well, so what? Since when did that stop them from waiting until the issues was resolved before they actually announced that they had the game in the first place? Why did they have to make an announcement over a year and a half ago?

That certainly doesn’t explain the 2-year wait time that KK suffered as a result of delays resulting from the hiring of bad translators, either.

I could say that their issues aren’t just about delays, but rather long waits in general. It took them over 1~1.5 years to release the Moero games after they announced them. Unlike MG, JAST doesn’t have any games with solid release dates in the short-term to keep us occupied before this game is going to be released–Why do they make an announcement before they aren’t predominately done with the localization process?

There’s a hell of a lot more assurance than the companies, especially considering how fans don’t tend to be carried away with legal issues when it comes to content concerning the artwork. I can deal with accidental mistakes in the text (as if they can’t be fixed with further patches), I’m more worried about edits done on purpose. So where’s the assurance then? Well, I can ask a fan translator whether he’ll censor anything, and I can guarantee he’ll say something along the lines of “no, we promise we will not censor any of the content”.

Can I get Peter to say the exact same thing? Fat chance there. At best, he’ll say “it’s a case-by-case basis”.

A little communication and a lack of ambiguity can go a long way. Plus, how many instances have there been where a fan translation patch purposely altered or deleted the artwork? :roll:

Sure, fans can quit working on their projects for any reason, but they don’t tell anyone else that they can’t pick up and continue where they left off, either.

Hi all! Going to go ahead and sticky this as the official thread for My Girlfriend is the President. I’ll try to field any questions about the release that I can.

I’m going to check and see if there’s something we can do for J-List customers who bought the Japanese version of the game anticipating a fan release of the translation, that seems fair.

Edit: also, we’ve reviewed the game content and we haven’t seen any red flags that would indicate the need for alterations in the localization process. We’ll keep you informed.

Edit 2: I’ve just confirmed that we’ll be providing a download copy of the English release to customers who’ve purchased the Japanese version from J-List. This will be retroactive and will apply to anyone purchasing the Japanese version from now on as well.

[color=#0000FF]Please don’t remove -kun,-chan and other sufixes from the texts and don’t translate certain words(for example onigiri to riceball) u.u[/color]

[color=#0000FF]Remove loli CGs???
Piece of shit is yours JAST USA,MangaGamer’s has gonna to as an publisher for Peach Princess now ¬¨¬¨[/color]

That’s good news!

And that is very good news :smiley: +1 JAST USA rep has increased!

The fan patch of Tsukihime deliberately altered the script to remove the h-scenes and redrew some of the art to go along with that. When you install the patch, they urge you to go with the modifications. (As a proofreader, I had the misfortune of selecting Hisui’s h-scenes for proofreading … My god, it’s some god-awful dreck.) But they were up front that they did it, and the proper translation is all there.

Unfortunately, NNL took down all their Wind pages when they signed the deal with Minori. So I have no proof at all of what I’m about to say. However, I still recall quite well what the page said: That they had cut out significant portions of the dialog, because it was so awful. That they had been tempted to give up, because after they started they realized the game wasn’t so good. That if you went to Japanese sources, and looked at the review scores, you would see that the game was lower rated than many others and that the reason was poor writing, and therefore their changes made it better.

And I have it on fairly good authority from a professional translator friend of mine that most fan translations suck, real bad. He used to pull out fansubs and do a side-by-side comparison, to the job he’d just done and to the fansub version of the episode. It would be completely different, in many places the claimed translations would have little to nothing to do with what he claimed they were actually saying.

Unfortunately, if people decide to shun legitimate translation efforts, then this market will never take off. If these games become popular enough, we will start seeing less censorship being necessary. Right now, this is a new medium in the West, where in Japan it’s relatively mature. It will have growing pains. But if the market is killed because people think that stealing the product via black-market channels gives them a better product, none of that will happen.

(I’m not trying to imply anyone in particular is using the patches with bootleg copies of anything. But the fact remains that 90+% of the patch installs will be onto pirated software.)

I don’t know if NNL and Wind are really the best examples to use of the wider translation community. Not that I don’t understand; if I was forced to translate a kusoge like Wind I’d probably chop out about half of it too.

Are you implying that less than 90% of copies of licensed eroge are pirated? Honestly, the only difference I see is that the licensed products are cheaper, easier to get and (slightly) easier to install, since you don’t need to do any patching. The first two points don’t apply to eroge with DL sales versions, though, which are frequently (though not always) cheaper and, having bought a DL sales eroge through JAST, I would definitely say sites like DLsite are easier and certainly much quicker to use. As such, while unlicensed and fan-translated eroge may be pirated somewhat more (in terms of ratio) than licensed eroge, the overall difference doesn’t seem as sharp as you seem to suggest. The difference is where the money goes; by buying JAST products, you encourage JAST to license more products. By buying unlicensed eroge, you encourage that eroge company to keep making eroge, something that will have no bearing on how many titles get fan translated. If everyone who bought an eroge to apply a fan translation patch took a photograph of the box along with a printout of e.g. the credit card transaction or similar and emailed it to the company saying they bought the game in order to play it in English, it might have some effect; likely not much, though. We’ve seen that fan translation patches DO have a noticeable effect on sales from various locations, but it’s not exactly an amazing effect given that the overall sales of an eroge months and years after its release date are so slow anyway (eroge sell most of their copies on release weekend, a bunch more over the coming month and then a handful when the title goes up for DL sales, especially if it’s a nukige)