My Kana -Little Sister- fansite is up. Come visit

I just finished building this website. I don’t know if there are any other Kana -Little Sister- fan sites out there, but I thought I would spread the word about this one. Please check it out.

I also just installed a guestbook at the bottom, should you feel the need to leave a comment on how good or bad the site is.

looks good. good job!

I think you have a great web site there, excellent work, I truly enjoy it. Gives excellent information, I like the comparison pictures between the PC and X-Box verisons.

Keep it up! It’s always good to see fansites for the misunderstood genere. That oughta shut up people who think bishoujo games = strip poker.


Thanks for telling information about Xbox and PC.

I have a question.

I did argue Xbox fanboys. They claimed Xbox’s Kana is hentai game. I disagreed them because Xbox’s Kana is not hentai game unlike PC version.

Is Xbox’s Kana hentai or tone-down game?

About the Xbox version of Kana Imouto - All I know I wrote on my site, but I cannot say which of it is fact and which isn’t. Basically I read news sites on upcoming releases around the web and reposted that information. Who knows how much of it is true, or what the final release will actually look like. If I could actually read Japanese fluently I would go translate Panther’s Kana site. I took 2 years of Japanese 10 years ago - so as you can imagine, I am a little rusty.

Here is what I know about hentai games in general. Even in Japan, when the same game is released on both the computer and on a console, the computer version is the only one that is actually adult. The console version will not show nudity or sex, but will go as close to that as it can get. (Dragon Knight is one game that comes to mind) In that sense a console version would be toned done.

So if that holds true for Kana Imouto, toned down might mean nothing at all.

Originally posted by DryOnion:
Here is what I know about hentai games in general. Even in Japan, when the same game is released on both the computer and on a console, the computer version is the only one that is actually adult. The console version will not show nudity or sex, but will go as close to that as it can get. (Dragon Knight is one game that comes to mind) In that sense a console version would be toned done.

So if that holds true for Kana Imouto, toned down might mean nothing at all.

I would imagine they would leave in the parts where they discuss the relationships but would excise the sequences. Despite its name, the Xbox doesn't want that kind of thing on its hardware;

My thought is that it will take another few console generations, for the demographics to shift enough that there will be older console gamers to support adults only products.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I thought it was strip Mahjong. [img][/img]

PS. 979 posts and counting.

Thanks for that. 41 posts and counting

Originally posted by woodelf:
And the race is on. [img][/img]

1000 posts is about average for people that have been here since the BBS first formed, about 3 1/2 years ago.

Actually, the board isn't that old. IIRC, it started around December 2000/January 2001. As for "average", I will have to disagree! Checking among people who have been here "long enough" (not that I am picking anybody in particular):

OLF: 839 posts (09-19-2001)
Mike: 226 (01-05-2001)
Lamuness: 846 (01-02-2001)
Ladyphoenix: 705 (09-10-2001)
Bokmeow: 965 (10-15-2001)
Ekylo: 2297 (10-03-2001)
Sakamoto 263 (08-11-2001)
Nandemonai: 1625 (07-08-2001)
Kagami: 226 (08-08-2001)
fxho: 597 - this one included (01-25-2001)

Of course, some of us are not that activate in the board. I prefer to lurk around and pop out once in a while.

Originally posted by DryOnion:
I don't know if there are any other Kana -Little Sister- fan sites out there

How about this?
It's old and the owner has quit updating it, but it still exists...

it is a wonderful site, except for one small thing

Um, I run English Bishoujo Gaming…and I’m a female…you might want to change that

Dammit don’t list posts or I’m going to have an urge to post padd btw how come i’m not on that list dammit. Goes to see where he ranks in the posts

Hot digity, another Kana site to add to my links section… but last updated November 17, 2002? Dang, I didn’t know Kana -Little Sister- had been out that long.

Whoops, I’ll change the ‘his’ to ‘her’ for the English Bishoujo Gaming link, or just say something different. At least I got the name right.

Why does it seem like everyone else running a website is located somewhere in Europe? I know of two other Kana sites now and they are located in the Netherlands and Norway. I feel so alone…

don’t feel so bad…I’m in the US

Thanks for the additional information everyone. I just updated everything on the website accordingly.
If I was around in the Bishoujo world longer, I am sure most of this would be second nature.

Good site, I liked the xbox comparison too. Was good to see what changes were made.

Its funny reading some of the reviews they mentioned that they thought the sex scenes detracted from the game, I agree I think it would have been a better game without the scenes but I doubt I would have ever purchased the game if it was not a adult bishoujo game. Quite the quandary when you think about it . So in the end I am glad they were there because I really feel lucky to have played this game in my lifetime.

Originally posted by Bigdog:
Good site, I liked the xbox comparison too. Was good to see what changes were made.

Its funny reading some of the reviews they mentioned that they thought the sex scenes detracted from the game, I agree I think it would have been a better game without the scenes but I doubt I would have ever purchased the game if it was not a adult bishoujo game. Quite the quandary when you think about it [img][/img]. So in the end I am glad they were there because I really feel lucky to have played this game in my lifetime.

It is a nice little paradox, if that is the right word to use here, many of us probably would not have bought Kana without the sex scenes but after playing the game some of us think that it might have been better without the sex scenes but without them most of us probably would not have bought it though some of us do think it would have been better without, quite the paradox I think.

Cool updates too.

I agree with what was said about Kana being just as good without H-scenes. It makes me wonder if there are any Bishoujo games with stories as involving as Kana but ‘suitable for all ages’. Are adult games the only ones that get localized? I would think there would be a bigger market for non-adult graphic novels since advertising and distribution would be easier.

Originally posted by woodelf:
Well I differ with your view point.
The whole point of the story was 'could
they have a relationship?', not what they
would do in relationship.

Were you replying to me, woodelf? I was asking whether any non-adult ADV games with the impact of Kana had been released to the English-speaking market.

For me, the key question in Kana was 'will she survive?', not whether she would have a relationship with Taka.

Originally posted by woodelf:
I got four out of the six endings myself.
It was just too sad for me to keep playing
for more endings.
PS. I don't think I could have finished any endings if the game was voiced.

I agree, if the game was voiced it would be a LOT harder to have finished even a second ending after the first one that I finished, especially considering what most of these endings are to a lot of us in terms of tear jerkers.

See I wonder about the H-scenes though, I think in one sense, upon thinking more about this, that they added something to their relationship, it added a sort of desperation to their love, a need to almost rush things in love because they know time is short, and perhaps it adds yet another tragic element to their story.

Had these scenes not been there would we all be as passionate and feel as lost as we do when we come to those endings? That is something none of us can perhaps truly answer because the H-scenes were there and nothing we can do now will allow us to see the game for the first time without those endings and see if it has the same effect upon us it is having with them.

That is just something to think about I guess if these H-scenes added almost a tragic desperation to their love, we all saw perhaps through those scenes enhancing the love seen through other parts of the story, showing how deeply they did love each other.