My Little Collection

OK, so I may not have the biggest collection in the world, but it is my personal collection and I am quite proud of it … so, because I have nothing else to do right now, because I’m killing time as I wait for Crescendo, and did I mention because I have nothing else to do?

At any rate I’m going to present my little collection here, along with a 1 to 3 sentence capsule of what I thought of each game.

Feel free to agree, disagree, or comment if you so desire… (hence the reason it’s being posted to a message board lol)

In alphabetical Order (all or English Bishoujo games)

Casual Romance Club
I just believe there is something special about this game and it always brings something new to me each time I play it. The fact there are so many girls to choose from and interact with is also certainly a plus in my department. Did I mention I love the art work?

I loved it the first two or three times, but quickly became board with it after the initial novelty wore off. The character’s were too stereotypical (even for me and I think stereotyped characters can be used to good effect in some cases) in this one. It did require some brain power though, which was a plus.

Kana – Little Sister
This game is always going to rank in my top 3 because of the beautiful story and music that goes along with it. It also wins the award of being the only computer game (or video game for that matter) to make me cry for hours on end after completing it. The flashbacks that were woven into it and the huge age span included were also key factors to me enjoying this one.

Phantom of Inferno
While the concept seemed like a good idea, I just never could get into this game to a point where I could actually enjoy it. I also didn’t like the password method the game used to save games. I know there are people who love it, but I just don’t think spy thrillers are my type of thing.

Season of the Sakura
My first game and it too will always be in my top 3 just because I love the setting, characters, and story along with the interwoven cultural aspects. Like Casual Romance Club, the large number of girls/characters to interact with was also a huge plus for this game from my point of view. Additionally, I would love to see more games that are very similar in nature to it…

Snow Drop
I have mixed feelings about this one… On one hand, I did find it enjoyable, on the other hand… I also found it highly frustrating. I hear that’s the norms for most who play it though…

The Maid’s Story
Like Graduation, I loved this game the first 2-3 times I played it, but it didn’t take long for it to become tedious. The few S&M aspects that were involved were a plus for me (as I have love for MILD BDSM), but I felt
A) The story was lacking and could have been improved upon (as is the case in most sims I suppose)
B) I felt more could have went on at night besides just the night training… Frankly I got tired of sex training each night, being able to choose to do something else would have heighened my interest in this game.

Also, the fact it was a simulation was something I both loved and hated about this one.

Tokimeki Check In
I didn’t like this game as much as other people seemed to simply because I (and maybe I just don’t have the right type of humor) didn’t find most of what I think was supposed to be funny actually funny. (Although there were a few hilarious moments, that I will admit!) While the large number of endings was impressive, this game (for the most part) just seemed to drag on to me… which I realize many will find strange as it tends to be a favorite, but while Kana pulled me right along and it seemed like the time flew by, with this title I actually felt I had set there for 4+ hours by the time I finished my first run through…

— My Recent Order: Crescendo

Considering jumping on the Brave Soul Bandwagon, but will wait and see if by some miracle Little My Maid comes out before the end of the year as I’ll opt for that over Brave Soul for now.

OK, thanks for helping with some of my boredom… I feel better now. lol

Well hell I jsut got off work and I have nothing better to do tonight, so lets just make this a big string of peoples collections lol.

I have a small bit of english games, I wont list all the japanese ones.

Eve Burst Error - this is probably my all time fvorite game, I loved the story, characters, and character designs.

Divi Dead - I bought this when it was first released not knowing what to expect. For some reason the story didnt really get my excited at first. I replayed it a while back and I must say the game is excellent, and is probably 3rd in my top 5.

Knights of Xentar - What can I say… I mean this game has the worst dub but for some reason its just fits soooo good lol. This game is borderline number 1 for me. I don’t think I could choose between EBE and this. Anyone who hasn’t played this needs to.

Cobra Mission - I snagged all 4 games from the former owner of megatech a while back, and this was the oldest of the bunch. I like it, but I can’t say its in my top 5. I played it non stop until I got stuck for a few days. The g scenes are kinda fun because you have to do the right things otherwise you dont get any.

Metal n Lace - I enjoyed this game until my thumb started getting sore… reallly sore. God this game is a SOB to finish lol. Considering its the only english fighting b-game out there, its decent for its age.

Tokimeki Check in - This wasn’t my favcorite game. I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I was hoping the game would span over a longer time period. Some of the h scenes also seemed akward to me although I did like the character designs in general.

Xchange - picked this up for 10 bucks… wish I hadn’t… The game characters look good for its age, but the backgrounds… well n/m this is definately the lowest on my list. I sure hope XC2 is better

Tottemo Pheremone - I rate this a little lower than TCI because the stories were very short, and there was not really anything interesting about the characters. I was bored after my first time through the game. I do like most of the character designs though.

Chain - ahhhh yes, this is number 3 or 4 on my list. The story wasn’t as original as ebe, but I hate to compare. The character designs are top notch "from one of my favorite artist =D"

Do you like horny bunnies? - I actually enjoyed this game a lot more than I thought I would. I wasn’t that excited to get it since the artist behind chain wasnt the char designer for this title, but I’ve grown to like his style. The characters I thought developed more than tottemo pheremone. There seemed to be more story aslo. Overall I really enjoyed this title. Its probably number 5…

Sensei 2 - I’m not really into the whole rape domination thing, but I couldnt pass this game up when i got it for 20 dollars. A lot of the scenes were definately not for me, a few times I kinda had to force myself to play through. There are a few decent endings in the game. This is definately not for the light hearted b-gamer. Although the character designs dont look that great face wise, I was extremely impressed with the nude body designs. Probably some of the best in the buisness. The sotry is also differes for each character.

Tsuki - ok it was another Zyx game, I couldn’t resist. The character designs are from the same person who was responsible for do you like horny bunnies. The game theme is similar to sensei 2 but not as deep in the end. The stories are fairly shallow compared to Sensei 2. Again not really my type of game but character designs and half way decent endings kinda made up for some of the stuff the protaginist does during the game…

Transfer Student - I enjoyed this game quite a bit. Maybe I have a thing for older titles. The s4ettinmg was comfortable, and the characters were nice. I liked how the game spanned over a decent period of time.

Season of the Sakura - I really enjoyed this game. The setting and characters were all loveable. Character designs were also great. I’ll put it in my top 5 even though there are already 5 games in it lol.

Now if I could just get my hands on an original nocturnal illusions… I know there is a remake which I will buy, but I need to buy the original. If anyone out there wasnt to sell me their copy let me know.

Right now I have about 17 japanese b-games I need to play, so I am not in a big hurry to buy anything else, but I still want to get CRC and BS. Hell I want to buy everything out in english basically lol Now that I’ve got the job, its just a matter of time mwhahahaha.

sorry but LMM will not come out until next year…

Originally posted by Lamuness:
sorry but LMM will not come out until next year...

And that's the final nail is in the coffin (for this year)...

NOOOOOO... [img][/img]

Not exactly unexpected. Would have been nice to have LMM out in time for Christmas though. Ah well, I’ve waited this long havn’t I?

Trust me, all of us over here REALLY want to get this game out of the door…if I can start bulldozing over the testing part that is, but the script files are being modified and I haven’t got them back yet.

Ah, so LMM is not coming out until next year… Hmmm, I’ll still hold off on Brave Soul . I love RPG’s, so I know I’ll love this title… for some reason I’m just not in a hurry for it right now…

Transfer Student was mentioned above and I always shied away from this title as the few reviews I managed to pick up didn’t seem as though the people who played liked it that well … so it’s nice (would be nicer) to hear more from those who did enjoy it…

Also, along the lines of bdsm… while I enjoy it, it has to be a consensual thing for me … so titles like Sensei and Tsuk just never made me want to play them. Titles like Secret Wives Club, I most likely would find different as the girls are requesting “the training”, based on what I’ve heard.

[This message has been edited by ScorpioMysterica (edited 11-02-2003).]

This might be a odd question, but I have noticed at times the still pictures on these games such as LMM already show translation for at least those pictures, does that mean only those pictures have been translated or that a lot of it has already been translated and just needs another run through?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
This might be a odd question, but I have noticed at times the still pictures on these games such as LMM already show translation for at least those pictures, does that mean only those pictures have been translated or that a lot of it has already been translated and just needs another run through?

The game has alreday been translated, but if I remember correctly, Lamuness said that it was such a bad translation that they had to re-do it...

Oh well kinda figured it wouldn’t be out this year when BS is only finally comming out. I don’t mind right now I got enough games to keep me occupied for a month at least

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
The game has alreday been translated, but if I remember correctly, Lamuness said that it was such a bad translation that they had to re-do it...

Ah okay, mispelled words and incorrectly translated words or translated literarlly?

I know from translating German a few years back in a undergraduate class that word for word translations often lead to sentences that read as "car drove road town down to the went the." So I understand now, okay, stinks when it needs to be re translated.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Ah okay, mispelled words and incorrectly translated words or translated literarlly?

I know from translating German a few years back in a undergraduate class that word for word translations often lead to sentences that read as "car drove road town down to the went the." So I understand now, okay, stinks when it needs to be re translated.

[This message has been edited by SCDawg (edited 11-03-2003).]

Well, I dunno myself how badly done the translation were, but apparently they considered it bad enough for it to be sent back to be re-done... In any case, it must have been pretty serious since we all know that Peach Princess hates unecressiary delays, so...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I dunno myself how badly done the translation were, but apparently they considered it bad enough for it to be sent back to be re-done... In any case, it must have been pretty serious since we all know that Peach Princess hates unecressiary delays, so...

Very true, and to Peach Princess's credit I have yet to see a game that comes through them with even so much as a noticeable or any perhaps, spelling error, so credit where credit is due for them making sure everything comes out as perfectly as possible.

Originally posted by SCDawg:
Very true, and to Peach Princess's credit I have yet to see a game that comes through them with even so much as a noticeable or any perhaps, spelling error, so credit where credit is due for them making sure everything comes out as perfectly as possible.

Heh, that's their strenght [img][/img]. But there have been errors in the past *recalls the "W-what?" bug in the original print of Snow Drop*

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Heh, that's their strenght [img][/img]. But there have been errors in the past *recalls the "W-what?" bug in the original print of Snow Drop*

I might not have seen that but see that is something if it was just a "W-what" that might not have been noticed by many or am I mistaking what you mean by that bug?

Originally posted by SCDawg:
I might not have seen that but see that is something if it was just a "W-what" that might not have been noticed by many or am I mistaking what you mean by that bug?

In the original pressing of Snow Drop, which n00bs won't have a copy of unless they ordered from some odd Internet retailer, there is a bug. Sometimes, for reasons unknown but suspected to include the rotation of the earth, butterflies flapping their winds in Timbucktuu, and other irrelevancies...all of ... Kasumi? The innkeeper - all or most of her lines will have a "W-What" appended at the end, when no such thing is said in the actual spoken dialog. It's annoying and unpredictable - sometimes you won't see it at all. My first playthroughs, I didn't run into it ever. When I reinstalled the game and played it again a few months later, I saw it.

I believe it was corrected in newer printings. I'm surprised they didn't release a patch, though.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
In the original pressing of Snow Drop, which n00bs won't have a copy of unless they ordered from some odd Internet retailer, there is a bug. Sometimes, for reasons unknown but suspected to include the rotation of the earth, butterflies flapping their winds in Timbucktuu, and other irrelevancies...all of ... Kasumi? The innkeeper - all or most of her lines will have a "W-What" appended at the end, when no such thing is said in the actual spoken dialog. It's annoying and unpredictable - sometimes you won't see it at all. My first playthroughs, I didn't run into it ever. When I reinstalled the game and played it again a few months later, I saw it.

I believe it was corrected in newer printings. I'm surprised they didn't release a patch, though.

LOL Ah I see, part of the 'chaos theory' to blame the idea of a lion sneezing causing a hurricane or something like that, but you are right it is strange they did not release a patch, unless they thought it was better to release a newer version with other updates?