My progress in MinDead Blood - report for Narg

Thanks, but that isn’t necessary. I first want to mess around on my own again until I am frustrated enough for using a kouryaku again.

… and of course, all of that only as soon as I feel again like I want to play the Yuketsubako!

Oh… okay then. Not like I’m trying to rush ya or anything. Just kinda anxious to have a fellow English speaker to talk about plot points with.

But congrats on FINALLY finishing the game. I won’t bug ya about it anymore… and you’re cleared for the new Yami no Koe. I hope the Yami preorder includes a soundtrack… I love Black Cyc music. :smiley:

And knowing what you know about MinDeaD and Gore… how much time difference do you think there is between the two?

[ 12-31-2007, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]


I’m new here and I stumbled upon this thread while looking for Mindead walkthroughs haha. Well I thought I’d drop in and rave about how awesome Mindead Blood was!

Due to my minimal japanese skills, I powered through, using a walkthrough, the majority of the game. I skipped the whole torture routes though, I don’t think I can stomach even skipping through that. The AV knife scene made me sick to my stomach, I was literally looking away and holding ctrl.

The main treat was of course the 3 canon endings you mentioned Narg. I finished Vampire Hunter first so I really liked Yuka throughout the whole game haha. I found the two were especially sad because Yuka was alone, :frowning: . Although Vampire Hunter solved that problem, Saki is then left out which also makes me sad :frowning: .

On a happier note. I loved Alisa and Eri’s voices, well all the girls sounded so cute while embarassed haha.

Well I guess I should start with the expansion, by the way is there an Alisa route? :smiley:


Just hours (okay, about 15 of them) before I planned to start playing the Yuketsubako, my thread is HIJACKED! :frowning: . Although Vampire Hunter solved that problem, Saki is then left out which also makes me sad :frowning: . [/b]
As far as it sounds now, you are far from becoming a brother of the FAITH, because then you would understand that neither of these three endings was right. I only have hope now for the “fourth canon ending” in the Yuketsubako, because the three endings in the main game are such a letdown. My hope is powered by the pressure that Narg already exerted on me in order to push me there… :smiley:

You have no idea how excited Narg might becoem over this offer! :smiley: [/b]
I think it should be - all I know about the Yuketsubako is that it offers endings for almost every female that couldn’t be targeted in the main game.
So, eloping with the maid, as much as cliche this kind of ending would be, should be possible. However, I think there ough to be two vengeful and surprisingly similar-looking shadows always behind them…

While I understand that Arisa went overboard in the game, her punishment was … inappropriate! Mana really has to learn the basics about punishing a misbehaving maid!

[ 01-18-2008, 05:02 AM: Message edited by: Unicorn ]

Ah don’t worry, I understood the majority of the story, a very good story.

Well you and I can both get cracking on Yuketsu.

As for Azuma, at the beginning, the vampire+Hitomi comfort each other scenes were touching… Then he just degraded, and by the end I really hated him too haha.

Ah the cute twins. Don’t remind me :frowning: . I was so crushed that they never had anything in the canon endings, anything good at least.

The scene where Yuka plays with them is really cute, and the Sonohara family picnic would have been an awesome ending haha.

[ 01-18-2008, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Rooked ]

Waaaaah! Look out with the spoilers! :wink:

[ 01-18-2008, 01:20 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

We have a spoiler warning up in the original post. :stuck_out_tongue: I totally avoided this thread when I came upon it while playing Mindead Blood too haha.

So the expansion is just literally an expansion? It’s not some sequel/prequel thing? And it only adds one more canon ending right? If so, I think I’ll start trooping through it right now!

Yea. It has a new story route and the 4th canon ending. Narg’s favorite one. Been trying to get Unicorn to play it, but he keeps teasing me. :wink:

Well I’m going to start Yuketsu soon hopefully, damn university work. :frowning:

The one day I finished ¬ñ¬¢-¬à¬Ç√ñ¬Ç√å-¬∑-¬ß¬Ç¬ø and was totally bum’d out and could do ANY work haha. I’m afraid I’ll be down if the heroines I like don’t get a good ending in the 4th canon. And I really like all the females (minus the hostpital women, and residential area one, Natsumi?) so unless Shizuru makes all of the town his harem or something, I don’t see how it can be a happy ending for everyone haha.

And a request. Since I skipped (due to fear of torture =\) what the walkthrough labelled as Azuma?("Œ)'s route I seemed to have missed a important truth. Would anyone be so kind as to PM me what I missed about the Mayu&Mana/Yuka or whoever it was?

PS. Narg, your avatar is so damn cute. Twincest FTW!

[ 01-18-2008, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Rooked ]

Dear Unicorn:

DarkFusion is my new best friend. He is currently going through the expansion’s canon ending. He also is going to see the bonus ending.

You can be cool too. Don’t miss the bus.

Your friend,

  • Narg

P.S.: Go Rooked! Be cool like the rest of us!

I’ve started playing it too, of course with my almost non-existent Japanese skills it’s pretty confusing. Also I’m having trouble getting the events in the walkthrough Narg directed me towards to match what happens in the game. The three reasons for this that I can think of are:

  1. Some events are random so I need to redo until I get it right (not likely, what with events not happening and those bloody green barriers!)
  2. The walkthrough is for the CD version and not the DVD version. (O_o; Maybe…)
  3. The extra options at the start are screwing me up (you know, after you beat the game once you get 2 new options when you re-start, wish I knew what those did)

Well so far I’ve gotten two of the ‘cannon’ endings, “Vampire Hunter” and the one with the Church. It’s pretty cool, but those poor twins! ;_;
Otherwise still puzzling my way through it, any suggestions?

PS: The little mechanical thing the hunters use is cool, love the voice. So funny! :smiley: “Arrow Mode” indeed.

Hmmm… there are no random events in the game. I think you’re using the walkthru wrong. See below.

Walkthru for the CD version works for the DVD version. They didn’t change anything mechanics wise.

I think this is what’s getting ya down. Right now I’m on a PC that can’t type Japanese fonts. When I get home, I’ll make an edit.

But when you restart the game, you get to pick a set of two options twice. The first (IIRC) is to have the game start in normal mode and easy mode. You should be using the walkthru via the easy mode after getting the Vampire Hunter ending. The second (IIRC) is an option to skip the introduction, where the twincest awaken Shizuru. So I’m pretty certain that the reason why the walkthru isn’t working for ya, is because you’re using it in normal mode, when the other endings beside Vampire Hunter are for doing it via the easy mode. :slight_smile:

Yes! Poor twincest. :frowning:
Solution: Beat original MinDeaD BlooD. Play expansion. :smiley:

Figured it was something like that. Normal and easy mode huh? Wait, which is the mode with the “Shizuru blood power” bar at the bottom and telling you to survive for a certain amount of days?

That’s the easy mode. Characters look like this: ???

That’s the one the walkthru should be used for.

Oh! This is the walkthru you’re using, right: … blood.html

Just making sure. :wink:

Yup, that’s the one. So the power bar is the easy mode! I thought it was some kind of ultra hard survival mode or something. :stuck_out_tongue: That should make things easier, methinks I’ll get back to it now… :twisted:

I guess I’ve joined the ranks of the cool kids? Now Unicorn needs to get working, and Wraith too. Peer pressure!

Well finished Yuketsubako. All I have to say is :shock:

PS. Can someone PM with the gist of what they say at the end of Yuketsu canon ending pan up? The pan up was way too fast for someone like me and I couldn’t hook the text to confirm what I thought they said. And I totally didn’t understand what the voice mumbled in the end.

I really enjoyed the side character endings. Kyoko has a spot in my heart even though she’s one of the more minor characters. Her ending should be canon as much as the others damnit, where is the justice! On a happier note… I didn’t expect what they did the bonus, I’d say very un-BlackCyc like but this is actually my first game by them (or two Mindead + Fandisc), loved it though.

And is it just me or were there nekomimis on the torture/bondage suit…

I know! Badass plot and ending. 8)

You saw it with the music playing, right? Awesome timing. Only the canon ending to Gore Screaming Show arguably surpasses it.

On a sidenote: I seriously cannot see how Black Cyc cut these stories out. I mean it’s fantastic that they made the expansion, so we could play MinDeaD like it should have been… but the DVD remake still not incorporating the expansion material, is utterly insane. I suppose getting the game released at all, was required to earn back their profits.

That final canon ending makes it all worth it though… that overall picture is just awesome beyond awesome… and the bonus end is just gravy. :smiley:

Done and done. :mrgreen:

Yea. There’s a cat thing with Black Cyc. It’s that New Wave of Neko Death Metal thing. Carries over to a lot of Black Cyc titles.

Currently writing my review for the expansion, and I thought I’d just bring something up (which I’m mentioning in the review):

I’m kinda disappointed that the expansion overlooked giving an alternate ending to Hitomi and Koji. Granted that Koji didn’t have the willpower to avoid the “darker” changes in his rebirth, but Hitomi deserved much better. I liked her, despite how minor her role was.

Well, I was almost done before and have managed to finish them both (thanks to a helpful nudge from Narg). After all that I gotta say, wish I understood more Japanese… :frowning: I swear I’m only understanding a fraction of the story and I can still tell it was good.

Can you send one of those my way too Narg?

PS: Don’t suppose anyone has a big high resolution picture of the last scene in the expansion canon ending so that I can use it as a wallpaper?

Oh yeah Hitomi and the Teacher, I forgot about them haha. Might have been because of the lack of Shizuru interactions which usually provoked cute embarassed responses from the females. Although some of Shizuru’s actions borderline jackassery, coughKyokoscenescough, most of the time it’s just playful and he knows when to stop. More awesome male leads like him FTW.

Thanks for the PM Narg that really helped, I don’t think I managed passed the first sentence without falling behind haha. Well probably my most favorite ending of the 4 as well, I’m sure for all the same reasons as you, Narg. :stuck_out_tongue:
However [Vampire Hunter] is hovering around there just because ignorance is bliss haha. You learning almost nothing, except maybe what some people look like, and that’s fine because most of the important people are happy or at least not tortured or dead. Plus I <3 Yuka and her pile bunker.

Wraith I managed to find/save the CG’s of Yuketsubako minus the ero from various places. I RAR’d it up and I’ll pm you the link for download. Or I’ll just link the image of the ending too. Download the CG if you want, or just save the ending :stuck_out_tongue:

Errr bus? Does it have to be a BUS?
There are busses that are not worth riding - ask Takuya! :stuck_out_tongue:
But leaving these jokes aside - I actually REALLY wanted to start playing the Yuketsubako last weekend. But of course, every good plan is destined to fail. My old and almost forgotten Mahjong-addiction kicked in… :shock:

Nonetheless - upcoming weekend is the next chance! I wouldn’t dare talking about “plans” anymore, though… :oops:

EDT: … and if I should ever want to rise in your favor, there is another game among your favorites that I could start playing - as soon as I have picked it up. Currently, someone else keeps my copy of “Hitori de Futatsu no Koigokoro” safe…
… and then, I also could also start playing “Izayoi no Hanayome”! :wink:
… or “Nukenin”, that is already ready-to-play installed, together with “Koihime Musou”, “Kansen” and “DOOP Advance”. :!:

At the very least, I know there is a life after “MinDeaD Blood”… :twisted: