My progress in MinDead Blood - report for Narg

Mana always creeped me out. The fact that she cries and begs you to stop having sex with her, then suddenly wants you to beat and inflict pain on her after awhile, is not exactly the sign of a stable mind. Fortunately she’s half-part of twincest - thus she’s always being looked after lovingly. :o

Since this thread seems to get the Black Cyc regulars in it, I thought I’d post this info here, rather than make an entirely new thread.

Some stuff I ran across by sheer chance, that reveals who is the New Wave of Death Neko Metal that Black Cyc always employs. I’d post the source link, but it has illegal downloads all over the place. :frowning: Anyways, the guy seems to have a sharp ear and listens to Japanese Metal on a regular basis, so the info sounds solid.

It was the power of a walkthough! I’d probably still be stuck in some continuous loop if it wasn’t for a walkthrough. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus I super speeded through Yoshie’s route and semi speeded through Natsumi’s. It felt kinda dull to have Shizuru, the instigator of awesome events, sit back and let the ‘newly wed’ thing unfold.

As for the power-gaming part, I think I recall being up at 3 am finishing the Vampire Route. :lol:

I just got the ending “Bitter Sweet Lovers”. Mana’s is next, I think…
… and after that…
… well if that doesn’t open the “Vampire Route”, I will have to mess around with the maps more, right? :wink:

However, that one tme went wrong: I wasn’t headed for Eri’s ending, but a dead end instead when I avoided Arisa’s path.
As a matter of fact, I haven’t yet seen Eri in the game at all. :?

Oh, and actually, I liked “Bitter Sweet Lovers” very much. I just had to disregard that this kind of ending is so totally non-canon that it could never happen. I mean: here Shizuru was really … " 8) " !!
… and actually, the same goes for Natsumi’s ending, or Arisa’s, or Mayu’s …

Hey, if he keeps on piling up redeeming features, I could even start to like him! :shock:

Got now Mana’s ending.
It’s tough to decide what I think about it though…
However, I think it would have been more interesting to learn, what happened to/with the two who left… :wink:
Oh, and apparently I still am missing one ending, but a new opening has been opened nonetheless.
I’d guess that would be the vampire route…

Got Yoshie’s ending - and a missing scene.
Found Eri in the first map-cycle too, but still no more of her.
Oh, and I now definitely opened the Vampire Road. The game itself told me. When I saw Shizuzu in that new look, I almost had to throw up… :shock:

Found Eri’s path - I would never have guessed that it could be accessed from there! :shock:
But I feel I have enjoyed this game for today already too much, so I postpone the playthrough of her path to one of the upcoming evenings. And next weekend, I see if I can stand that Shizuru Mark II… :roll:

Lies! It’s canon for me ;_;

I liked quiet Mana better, ignorance is bliss. :? The ending was a bit freaky. :shock:

I liked Eri’s path, it was sorta whimsical, gave me a sort of fantastical, as in fantasy, feel. I have to admit I was a bit :shock: when I first saw Shizuru too, although his original clothes was already a bit… interesting, colour-wise if nothing else. :lol:

Aye… Shizuru has some terrible fashion sense… not that he probably cares. I think it’s some sort of inside joke, considering the artist can draw some decent fashion. It’s pretty obvious that Yuka dresses him in the Vampire Hunter ending. There’s no way he picked clothes that good. :stuck_out_tongue:

As for Dark Shizuru… well… I like him… or rather, what he does. 8)

:oops: :oops: :oops:

That’s why I have problems coming to terms with what I think about it myself.

I never really liked the original Shizuru - I only got used to him.
But the new SHizuru… he just looks so absolutely un-Shizuru, that it is hard to believe it’s him.
And that over-confidence that he showed off in that appearance - it really made me want to confront him with an army of pile-bunker-armed Yukas!

I admit, I have no idea about “what he does”. Neither am I sure whether I care!
That oversized scroll-image - it made me wish for a spraying-can in order to make it a bit more bearable. It HURT! BADLY!
For example having his new glasses broken, some dirtstains om the costume, burnt holes in the cape and perhaps a small wound on his cheek would help making that dandy look agreeable again…

Heh… well that explains a lot about your point view. I didn’t think you saw it that way. :slight_smile:

I generally liked Shizuru. He’s a jerk at times, but if you’re a friend, he can be counted on when you need his help. The only problem Shizuru tends to have, is he lacks direction and focus. He’s a bit of a vagabond. But when he finally locks into something he needs to do, Shizuru tends to excel at it: as the Vampire Hunter, his victories over Daigo, and the Vampire Road endings demonstrate.

Thus I like Dark Shizuru too - totally without morality and concern, but driven to his own personal desires and loyalty. Sure… he’s even more of a jerk, but he’s a badass jerk. 8)

Considering how you feel about Shizuru, once you complete the Vampire Road ending, I’m sure you’ll REALLY love the hidden non-canon bonus ending. :mrgreen:

On a side note: I do sorta wished they just used Shizuru’s Vampire Hunter outfit for the Vampire Road story… or at least a slight modification of it. It was cooler looking and would have fit better me thinks. He looked just as cocky in it… but then again… Shizuru’s bad fashion sense seems to be an inside joke or something. :? I remember when the DVD remake was first announced, and the advertising showed Shizuru in new threads, I was hoping they were replacing all his old images… alas they didn’t do that. It’s just a cheap “color switch” and all that - but they mix better.

Maybe - if I should decide to textskip over the entire Vampire Road for taking a look at that…

Though I somehow doubt that I would love anything that involves “Shizuru Mark II”.
Currently, the best possible end that I can imagine for “Shizuru Mark II” is a “Dead End”, but not just a quick and simple one - like for example GHOST cutting off his head.
Rather one, that even GORE would not have been able to imagine and set up… :shock:

LOL! Well… he’s an asshole before he becomes a… well… okay… a bigger asshole. :wink: I take it you don’t like the type of protagonist Shizuru is? Say someone like Dante or Vergil from Devil May Cry? They’re of the same general template. :expressionless:

Shizuru isn’t a terrible fellow, as a certain old friend pointed out in flashbacks, and some of the non-canon expansion endings show. He’s stubborn and difficult, but has a huge heart… or rather… he had one before being turned… I think the transformation into a vampire, made him more “feral” - although it does that to everyone.

I never played “Devil May Cry”. I never even felt like buying it, so I can’t compare…

… but instead I really liked to be Raziel in Soul Reaver. The situation was the same, but the character didn’t become so … full of himself that it hurt as “Shizuru Mark II” does!
It obviously shows that he can’t mentally handle the powers that were given to him - unlike when she did the same thing!

That’s exactly what I could respect about the original Shizuru - even if I don’t really like him.

Somehow, he reminds me of Ignat from Meishoku no Reiki - just in an even worse manner! Both have been characters that I could have respected even if I wouldn’t necessarily have liked them. Then, they met with a god tree, became abundant powerful and in turn (perhaps as part of the deal) left behind what of them was respectable!

Everyone? How about Ryo in the original game? Or ?

Shizuru is probably closer to Kain than Raziel. :wink:

There’s always exceptions to the rule, and Ryo would certainly be it… in more ways than one. How I strongly suspect that Mayu had a strong hand in the personality that surfaced in Ryo… she did everything else after all…

As for “that who shall not be named” - if it’s who I think it is, then said person had their insatiable lust for carnal sex (which is a base feral instinct of its own). We also never see the long term effects after achieving power, or how long that person can “maintain their cool” under stress - even Dark Shizuru is capable of acting civil when he needs to. Since that person is going into hiding and detaching from society - that gives more evidence the person fears what they could become and who they’d endanger. That’s avoiding the problem, not solving it. I believe the innuendo seemed to be that the person could (would?) succumb to the “beast within”. We’d need a MinDeaD 2 to know the answer… and that’s only if the ending was canon.

Of course there’s the “Grand Poobah” from all those flashbacks… but that individual is so mysterious, we know next to nothing, other than he’s a “Grand Poobah”.

PS: Hurry and beat the expansion. The PM thread is for this kinda talk, without fear of spoilers! 8)

That’s flattery - towards Shizuru Mark II!
Kain at least has already done things that would justify being full of himself as Shizuru Mark II is - and still I don’t think Kain actually is. Kain is just ambitious, but also already achieved a lot - on his own!
Now, if you compare that to how “Shizuru Mark II” came into existence… :evil:

I am not only talking of the -errmmmm- Ryo that emerged from the mansion’s basement!
But I agree - that kind of mischief looks a lot like Mayu had her hand in it! :wink:

You guessed “that who shall not be named” correctly :!:
But my point is… again a story-spoiler if I elaborate it! Gnyaaaaaa! :x

Indeed - I would it that one was canon - together withthe Mana-ending for Shizuru (that’s what he deserved: reaping what he sowed! :stuck_out_tongue: ).
But the one thing that makes the Mana-ending most desirable to me is the other pairing that started off in it - priceless! :mrgreen:

That’s easier said than done.
In theory, I have beaten the expansion because I already have savegames that open me the missing paths - Eri’s and the Vampire Road.
I may finish Eri’s path today - no sweat. But the Vampire Road… :roll:

Hmmm… generally speaking I can understand the cause of your frustrations against Shizuru. As for myself however, I don’t dwell on them too much, because of the role he serves. Shizuru is a dick, but that’s because of his tremendous rebellious streak. To his friends and allies, he is a genuine comrade who will stand by your side, even if it means his death. He is not entirely self serving ¬ñ just driven by his spur of the moment feelings ¬ñ and once he gets his priorities straight, loyalty is something Shizuru holds very dear. He can also backup the shit talk he gives: and will happily do so if needed. This is why I like the synergy between Mana, Mayu, and Shizuru. Mayu instigates the troubles, Mana keeps an eye on things Mayu might overlook while just being plain cute as an “innocent” bystander, and Shizuru provides the muscle rid problems the trio run into. All in all, they all have fun spreading wonton destruction everywhere ¬ñ taking licks, but giving twice as much back (getting the “Dark Koji” event and then the “train ending” afterwards best suits this).

Bad fashion sense aside, I like Dark Shizuru because it continues the synergy of his friendships. Of course since Vampire Road goes down the “dark sex” path, there’s a lot of deplorable things Shizuru does - but honestly, as a Sith Lord, I’m not even phased by them. :stuck_out_tongue:

They key factor is that Dark Shizuru takes a more proactive outlook than his “normal” version. Rather than wait on Mayu (or Yuka) to take the lead, he becomes the point man in charge. Yet irrespective of this, Dark Shizuru puts a lot of trust in his allies and truly listens to their advice. In some ways, while Shizuru wasn’t an introvert, he remained closed to having confidence in others. He would watch the twincest because he worried they’d get in over their heads. He’d tag along with Yuka, because he thought she needed a good wingman. In a large sense, saw his allies as “lacking”- but in a friendly way ¬ñ where he would fill in that void. Dark Shizuru on the other hand, doesn’t fill in anyone’s void, but finds others who can fill his. Thus he goes from being a follower, to being a leader. And the Vampire Road gives you the narrative of that transformation.

Thus I feel Shizuru truly earns his badassness.

Feh… I’d best stop now… I’m really treading the line of spoilers here.

No. No. Vampire Road is a long arc (compared to the other expansion arcs) that delves deeper in the MinDeaD background mythos. It also tries to vindicate the “evil vampire nation” from their side of the battlefield. Plus it adds more character to Shizuru ¬ñ and quite surprisingly, Arisa as well.

less qq more pew-pew!! :o

On a side note: you might wanna check out Draculius after completing MinDeaD. Totally different contrast, but they share the same mood and general concept. I believe the player protagonist in that title, will REALLY appeal to you. More the style you prefer. But that’s LATER! Finish the expansion first. No eating another meal until you’ve finished your current plate. :wink:

Finished now Eri’s path - and realized that there still has to be one more missing path! :shock:

So far, in the CG-gallery, the CG right from Mana’s ending is missing too…
… as well as the ending left from Arisa’s in the scene-gallery!
I wonder what eluded me here…

Nevermind - used a kouryaku and… O__O
I defnitely didn’t need to know that…

Anyway - I take another break and postpone the Vampire Road until friday night!

LOL! :lol:

Aww come on, you knew Mana is the closet masochist. Shizuru was just putting her to the test. 8)

She defnitely seemed to like it - or rather: was really ecstatic about what happened - but that doesn’t mean I enjoyed imagining the things that were described and illustrated by those wonderful sound-effects! :roll:

On the upside, I could regard that as payback - for what she did to Mana and Arisa in other potential outcomes.
If I factor in DUST, it might even have been payback with sky-high interests!

Anyway - she definitely exceeded my defnition of the word “creepy” here, so I can’t say anymore that she “creeps me out”!

I am now halfway down the “Vampire Road” so far - or that’s what the scene-gallery tells me. :wink:

Actually, Shizuru Mark II turned out to be not as much the unbearably arrogant overdressed fop that I saw in his first appearance.

And while I didn’t like his first step towards resolving Arisa’s situation, the second step actually was more convincing… :lol:

Yes. Shizuru has a very nice Equal Opportunity Employment Policy. 8)

I was especially happy with the “day after” thing. I mean seriously… can a man get more lucky than that? :stuck_out_tongue:

And that’s the point: I am glad that he still isn’t as much of an asshole as he looked at first glance. :slight_smile:
Of course, that doesn’t change anxthing about his terrible fashiom-sense, though…

Oh, he could have invited a pair of lesbian stripping Succubi (who may by chance be twins, too… :stuck_out_tongue: )

This is probably my last post in this thread because - believe it or not, I just finished the yuketsubako!

The last part was - unusual and perhaps the most life-threatening of the entire package though! :lol: