Name for my bishoujo website?

I’ve nearly finished creating the layout for my new website. Now all I need is a name. The site will contain reviews for bishoujo games (including screenshots of course ), downloads are a possibility, hints and help for bishoujo games, articles maybe and anything else that I can think of relating to bishoujo gaming… It’s mainly reviews of games though.

Anyway, the address of the site will be a sub-domain of the domain I currently own, so it will likely end up being (I’m too cheap to buy another domain name right now ) - Note that the URL isn’t active yet.

I was thinking of of naming it something with the Avalon One name at first, like Avalon Bishoujo, or Bishoujo One or something (Since it’s part of the Avalon One network of sites I have set-up - None of the sites actually relate to each other, I just like to keep the Avalon One name )… but I’m not sure those names sound too good, but I want to avoid buying another domain…

What are your thoughts on this? Any suggestions for a name will be greatly appreciated,


[This message has been edited by TurricaN (edited 08-27-2002).]

i actually kind of like Bishoujo One

Bishoujo One sounds good

Mists of Arcadia?
Arcadia no Bishoujo?

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 08-28-2002).]

What about that whole “fwobigols” thingy? (Did I spell that right?) Of course most people would think you’re insane but not like that’s unusual for people here…

Okay, realistically, Bishoujo One does sound good.

another vote for “Bishoujo One”



hmmm “Fwobigols One” interresting

Okay, I went with Bishoujo One seeing as lots of you seemed to like it.

I’ve nearly finished it if you wanna see it. I took the reviews from the ones that I submitted from gamefaqs a few months ago, so they need to be edited into context with my site, and screenshots need adding (Of course, I need permission of Peach Princess for that). Not everything is up yet, it’s still in development stage, but you can tell me what you think so far if you want :

I like it a lot! it’s really well-organized and very asthetically pleasing the one suggestion I have is that you put box cover pictures to the side of each of your review synopsis’s, so the reader has a visual idea of the game before they even go to the full review (check out my misc section to see exactly what i mean)…sorry if you already planned to do that, just wanted to mention it

do you have a button for it yet? if so, send to me and i will link to your site…we should affiliate

and thanks for already having my page linked to yours…i just hope you don’t steal all my great review writers!

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
and thanks for already having my page linked to yours...i just hope you don't steal all my great review writers! [img][/img]

I think there is no danger, he will take away any of your reviewers, because there is no hint at his pages, he might even accept submissions.

Anyway, if he decides to allow submissions, is it o.K., if I send him copies of my reviews, I have already sent to you?

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 08-29-2002).]

sure, i guess i can’t hoard all your talent for myself

Originally posted by ksarchet:


hmmm "Fwobigols One" interresting

I'm shocked I was able to do it from memory without refering to the other thread. Scary...

Nice site TurricaN-san.

Hey thanks for your comments!

As for content submissions… I’ve still not decided yet… I was thinking that I probably would accept submission for reviews and stuff, since it would allow for more opinions on the games, and of course, a clearer view for readers about each game.

Although, I would want to maintain some quality over submitted content. In other words, if someone submitted something like the review of Tokimeki Check-In on IGN or the review of X-Change on GameFaqs, I wouldn’t accept them purely because they’re not what I consider to be “reviews” (i.e. they have no reasoning and don’t actually cover the game at all, more of a flame).

I don’t have a button yet for my site… I’m not sure how to make them, lol… I’m still new to Gimp

Anyways, back to playing Kana, then I’ll finish finalising the site.

Originally posted by TurricaN:
Although, I would want to maintain some quality over submitted content. In other words, if someone submitted something like the review of Tokimeki Check-In on IGN or the review of X-Change on GameFaqs, I wouldn't accept them purely because they're not what I consider to be "reviews" (i.e. they have no reasoning and don't actually cover the game at all, more of a flame).

Well, the only problem would be how you let people know that what they submitted wasn't exactly suitable. Too many people will probably assume it's you not agreeing with their opinion and that you were being a jerk about it. But I do agree with you about quality control. As hard as it is, I know I will respect what someone writes in a review, even if I totally disagree with them, as long they give solid reasoning as to why they felt that way. (Or for that matter, if someone says they like a game that I really like, not giving solid reasoning then is just as bad.)

Originally posted by ekylo:
Well, the only problem would be how you let people know that what they submitted wasn't exactly suitable. Too many people will probably assume it's you not agreeing with their opinion and that you were being a jerk about it. But I do agree with you about quality control. As hard as it is, I know I will respect what someone writes in a review, even if I totally disagree with them, as long they give solid reasoning as to why they felt that way. (Or for that matter, if someone says they like a game that I really like, not giving solid reasoning then is just as bad.)
Exactly! [img][/img]

I'm sure if something came along that was of the standard of the IGN review (TCI) or GameFaqs (XC) I would have no problem explaining why it is unnacceptable to the submitter.

On another point, I won't be simply accepting or even posting only "positive" reviews. There are games that even I feel could have been vastly improved, and I want to do my best to provide my honest descriptions, views and opinion of all of the games that I play without bias of any type. I would hope that any reviewer would do the same, and I respect that opinions vary widely. And you have a very good point. A positive review without reason is just as bad as a negative review without reason.

I think the best idea for submissions will be for me to provide clear submission guidelines on the site. That way, people are much less likely to submit poorly constructed content (It's better to prevent it as much as possible in the first place), and in the case that anyone does, I can just kindly point them to the submission guidelines page and tell them where their submission falls short. I'm pretty good at writing guidelines and rules, and have done so for quite a few web forums. I think that should work quite well.