Need Comments From H-Game Fans

First off, I’d like to apologize for making this my first post with this screen name as I know that it sends a poor message that I have joined specifically for this purpose. I have actually been around this bbs many times in the past but I’ve always been a ghost. I’d also like to apologize to the admins and mods if this message qualifies as spamming, this is also not my intention.

I work as a freelance writer and recently I was hired by an online magazine to write an article about the growing popularity of hentai games in the US.

In order to write the article though, I’d really like to get some comments from anyone who plays the games or even just has a real opinion on them. If you have played some of the games and hated them, I’d love to hear from you and ask you some questions. If you played the games and you enjoyed them, I’d love to hear from you and ask you some questions.

The last time I tried to do this on another board, I was absolutely flamed and so before that happens here I’d like to clear up a few things… this is not some kind of marketing scheme where I am getting paid to collect data which will be sold to some underground hentai mafia. I do not work for any kind of company that produces, writes, creates or sells hentai (the closest I come is reviewing it on my website).

Very honestly, your answers are ONLY going to be used to help me write my article and you can be identified however you wish or you can remain totally anonymous. I just need quotes from fans and non fans alike (though I know that by posting here, non-fan really just means I’d also like to hear about games that you didn’t care for). If you got an opinion, I want to hear it. Just please be prepared to give me reasons for your opinions.

Anyways, if you would be interested in helping me out that’d be great. Just email me ( with ‘article research’ in the subject so I don’t accidentally delete it and I’ll send you some questions to answer.

Thanks again if you decide to help me out and I hope that this time, I am able to stick around and not be such a ghost around here.

No problem, at least for me. But then at the end, you asked to e-mail you. :slight_smile:


As for my thoughts…

I tend to play those with stories that interest me. I like the stories, different paths, multiple endings, characters and art in these games. Some also have some catchy tunes. :slight_smile:

It’s also nice to play games where you get to know and make love to girls instead of killing things. :slight_smile:

By the way, while “H-game” is acceptable, I have to object to the term “hentai games”. “hentai” means “pervert”, and while some of us here may be perverts :wink: , these are not games for perverts. The correct term is either “bishoujo game” (though this also groups all-ages games) or “ero game”.

Ah, I apologize for the email request. The reason why I did that was because I thought it would be much easier to get answers from people if they knew that they could speak privately and candidly to me. When answers are out in the open, some people will be a bit more ‘general’ with their answers.

Though as a regular player of the games, it’s always interesting to hear which members of the community prefer ‘dating sim’ or ‘bishoujo game’ as opposed to ‘hentai games’ or just plain ‘h-games’. I’ve always just referred to them as h-games as a blanket term lol

[ 05-13-2007, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: scorpioeyez ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 10:13 AM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]