Need Fate/Holow ataraxia English Patch

Off the top of my head, these are some eroges that are easily available (free or dlsite), at the very least decent, and (for the most part) relatively easy to read, understand and appreciate.


be alive ~ what is your precious: 3 hours or so, school-setting, utsuge. Although there are multiple endings, one of the routes (the utsuge one) is far more developed and longer than the others, and serves as a true ending.

Novelist wo Ute (Shoot the Novelist): 30 minutes, all-ages, fully voiced. Very high production values for a free work, and a well written, intriguing story - possibly a bit harder to follow than the other games in the list. Unfortunately, only the first chapter has been released so far, and it’s very much a preface to what might end up being quite a large-scale story.

Shimaima: Several hours, partially voiced. It’s along the lines of Alicesoft’s other low budget titles ¬ñ above average production values for the price, emphasis on ero over story. It would be a fairly decent title for 2000-3000 yen, but since it’s free it’s hard to pass up on.

Yugami Kairou: Yandere + Horror, unvoiced, 1 hour ¬ñ like everything else from Pancake, it’s very oddball. It’s pretty much a hit or miss title depending on personal taste.

Doujin: (these are also listed on eng.dlsite)

Hajimete Doushi ~ Bakappuru de Ikou! (Several hours, full voice bar protagonist, single (death by moe) heroine/slice of life pure love, heavyish ero game.) Again, it’s very much a hit or miss title - it’s a very good moege, but on the other hand that’s all there is, as there’s not really any plot at all. Given that the writer (Banya Izumi) is far more renowned for his dark eroges, this game was a real surprise. I’d recommend using a walkthrough, as it’s a bit unnecessarily difficult. Oh, and turn off sound effects for the ero-scenes :lol: - they are truly awful.

Sono Hanabira series: (Around two hours each, schoolgirl yuri, moe, heavyish ero for the length). I’ve played three of them and all have been very similar in structure - single path/heroine with several choices leading to conflict, with a good/game over ending split depending on whether the correct choices have been made earlier in the game. 3 is my favourite as it’s the longest in the series and has the best heroine pairing.


Yami no Koe Special Edition ¬ñ (Several hours for one playthrough, some exceedingly high number of hours to unlock 100% of the scenes) Black Cyc’s first eroge. It hasn’t aged all that well, and it’s decidedly inferior to a lot of their latter works (MinDead Blood onwards). However, it’s worth recommending as an easy to follow title, as all the cast are fully voiced (with one small exception) with no background narrative, so essentially all bar 20 or so lines are voiced, and the focus is on character ‘interactions’ over story. It’s not nearly as ‘dark’ as Black Cyc’s latter works, but it’s still not the sort of thing that would be recommended to everyone.

I’m also using the “learn Japanese as you play” strategy. After 3 quarters of formal Japanese I couldn’t read anything. After 2-3 years playing games with AGTH-assisted machine translation I’ve gradually picked up more vocabulary and familiarity with kanji. Learning from playing games this way is much, much, more effective than trying to learn Japanese from watching subtitled anime, partly because the inadequate machine translation and occasional unhookable text force you to pay attention and look things up occasionally. I bought myself a kanji dictionary lately and started studying a little more seriously, and to my pleasant surprise I know at least one reading for quite a number of kanji just through playing Japanese eroge for 2-3 years. I’ve also picked up the not-as-useful talent of being able to give the reading for a Japanese written phrase given the English meaning. After using machine translations for a while you become somewhat dependent on them for cues. >.>; Yet the fact of the matter is that my knowledge combined with the machine translation gives me a quicker, better understanding of what I’m reading than either would alone. And I can basically play and decently understand whatever I want with my crutch (as long as it’s AGTH compatible)–although I avoid pure visual novels for the most part.

I don’t know about Nandemonai, but I’m planning on just trying to tackle an untranslated title head on. Only difference is that I don’t plan on using something like AGTH; it will be all me when it comes to the translation. It may take me quite a bit longer to get through a game, but I’m pretty sure I can do it if I try. Currently, all I have is Kanon (standard edition), and since the mood isn’t right (the weather isn’t cold enough yet) and I’m busy with work from class among other things, I probably won’t get to it until winter break. I am, however, planning on obtaining a bunch of titles this month. Only thing is that having never gotten my games except through J-List, I’m a bit lost on where to go and what to do. I know that one of the titles on my list (the extended version of Crescendo) is on DLsite if I recall correctly, and probably would be quite difficult to find a physical copy of after this much time. However, since all I know about DLsite is what I’ve heard here, I’m still a bit in the dark. The other titles on my list are: Yosuga no Sora and Haruka na Sora fandisc, Konayuki Fururi (even if Narg didn’t care for it), Te to Te Try On (don’t know too much about this one, but am trusting my instincts and the opinions of others on the forum who seem to have similar tastes), Air, Clannad (both Air and Clannad out of sheer notoriety). Ones in my maybe list are Asanagi no Aquanauts and Futa Majo (for the same reason I’m interested in Yosuga no Sora). I’m open to suggestions on more, since I don’t know much about untranslated titles, and my list may change since many of them I don’t know much about. Given that it is pretty much only forum veterans who play untranslated titles, and the fact that I have been here long enough that you probably have a pretty good idea of my taste in titles, I’ll refrain from listing my likes and dislikes for now. Let me know if you need me to do so (though I don’t think I have to point out one thing I like given what is at the bottom of all my posts). The clock is ticking, since if I recall correctly the new EOCS guidelines take effect October and older titles will gradually disappear.

Mmm as for buying imported games, I can suggest you:

There’s also one importer that works in Europe, but currently I don’t remember its name (I can try to find it out if you want, anyway), and it has really few titles.

As for game suggestion…I don’t wanna be repetitive, so I’ll avoid mentioning again Hoshizora no Memoria.
[size=50]It is really good, though. Graphics, music and voice acting are over the top. The game itself is slice-of-life with some supernatural elements, obviously light-themed, very funny. And as it seems you’re interested in incest, this game features true brother-sister incest (not twincest, though).[/size]
Never mind it, then :twisted:

Thanks Ignosco! I’m already downloading the first two. Was interested in Yugami Kairou also, but the link in the main site is dead; is there some other way to get it?

The main problem with such a method is the vocabulary learnt: I knew the words and synonyms for the whole female anatomy (especially the special areas) way before I could read the normal, basic conversations you find in beginner’s lessons! :wink:

That’s odd - both the zip and lzh downloads from the official site work fine for me. I had a quick look, and it doesn’t seem to be available for dl anywhere else, so if all else fails I’ll upload my copy.

Well, I went from Pancake main page and could download it; the game page was
And while I’m at it, how are the other Pancake games?

The two entries so far in the ??? aren’t particularly good ¬ñ maybe entertaining in a ‘why on earth did they make this’ sort of way, but not much more than that. On the plus side, both are very short so there’s not that much to lose if you want to play them. :stuck_out_tongue:

TURKEY is decent and reasonably interesting - slightly different in style to everything else they’ve made as well. It’s also the most difficult of their games language-wise.

??? is the best of Pancake’s eroges (although I’ve only played the free version ¬ñ not the full version with added content, nor have I tried out their other commercial release, ???). The writing is simple, but rather compelling and the art style is oddly beautiful and works perfectly for the setting. It’s not something that everyone would enjoy though as the world view and characters are rather warped to say the least. I’m not sure why they gave it a 15+ rating either, as technically there’s some ero content in the game.

Clannad’s fan translation is nearly finished. Might want to choose a different title to play through in Japanese.

Depends what you’re learning Japanese for. If it’s just to play eroge and read manga, then knowledge of normal conversation might not be as important. :stuck_out_tongue: If you’re trying to learn Japanese to speak with people…well, learning primarily from playing eroge might indeed be problematic. :smiley: For example, responding with a grin and a nosebleed to a female’s declaration of “Iku!” might be considered inappropriate in certain situations.