Need Fate/Holow ataraxia English Patch

So I got the japanese DVD of Fate/Hollow Ataraxia from a friend. Now me wants a english patch. Looked over google and can’t find a complete one. So if you guys can just help me out, it would be great.

BTW check this image
Now thats WIN

Typically games need to be translated before english patches can be made.

Maybe i didnt clarify, I need a english translation patch, like the one for F/SN U can get at Mirror Moon.

And nobody has made one. There is one in the process, but it isn’t complete yet.

wait a bit. It’ll come. Mirror Moon is dedicated to translating Type-Moon games that aren’t already fan-translated.

I’m not exactly sure they’re dedicated to translating this one.

Yeah, I checked around a bit. Seems that a guy started working on it but then vanished into oblivion. Maybe I’ll searcgh for scene to scene translations or just use a translator.

That guy didn’t vanish. He still updates his site once in a month with screams like “I just translated a few lines here and few lines there” and many people applauds him. I don’t believe he will release anything, though. And Mirror Moon will not translate this either.

Well they won’t be releasing it as long as he appears to translate it. I know they don’t like to step on other fan translation projects toes (scene’s kinda different than fansubs in that way). If it really looked like he was giving up they might translate it…although I think they’re really eyeing the Tsukihime remake more.

A few general rules regarding eroge translations:

  1. Never expect that just because a game is good, it’s been translated.
  2. Just because a fan translator said he’ll translate it, does not mean it’ll get translated in a timely fashion, or at all.

I’m not just being sarcastic here; that’s how the English eroge translation industry works. Be thankful that ANY fan translations are available at all, because for every one that gets finished, there’s a score that got lost in translation.

As for Fate/Hollow Ataraxia specifically, I wouldn’t count on it getting translated any time soon…as in within the next two years. The groups working on it have pretty much stalled, and the productive groups have enough titles to choose from that they don’t need to hassle with picking up someone else’s stalled / dead project.

This is why if you’re a hardcore fan, you learn Japanese.

Isn’t that exactly what happened to several (many?) of us? :wink:

Even if you’re not a hardcore fan, learn Japanese anyway because it’s pretty fun.

I’m trying to lean Japanese, but its really really tough LOLZ. Although I have started to understand spoken stuff, Kanji still bounces over me.
Thanks for all the feedback.

Keep at it. And make sure you practice kanji, you can’t get anywhere without them since most games don’t have voiced protagonists.

I’ve been studying off and on since Spring '07 semester and I don’t think I’m up to the task of an imported h-game yet (though I do think I’m getting close). That’s two and a half years and it’s still not enough. But I have improved enough, and hopefully by the end of 202 I’ll possibly be able to try AGTH-assisted play.

2202? Wow. Keep working hard, Nande! At such a rate, you should be able to try your skills on Cross Days since it’s released in 2100! :wink:

Nandemonai is referring to the course level of his current class (following the progression 101, 102, 201, 202). As for myself, I’m only slightly behind the level of Nandemonai. To be more specific, I’m in 211 at my current school (with a progression of 111, 112, 211, 212), which puts me in Japanese III (as I’ve mentioned elsewhere on the forum).

As Nandemonai said, just keep at it and try not to get discouraged. Trying to tackle Japanese is a completely different beast than trying to tackle a language with Germanic or Latin origins. Languages descended from them are fairly easy in comparison, since English is descended from both. In fact, tackling Japanese is pretty much a different beast than any other language due to the fact that the only related languages are from the Ryukyu Islands (e.g. Okinawan). If I recall correctly, you just started learning this summer. While different methods take on things in a different order, you should be aware that trying to take on kanji didn’t happen in class until Japanese II for me. (I had learned some before then on my own however.) Therefore, be patient when it comes to kanji. Don’t worry about it “bouncing over you” (as you put it) right now.

I’ve mentioned it before, but imo there’s no need to wait until you are at a certain level before you start playing untranslated eroges. Certainly, quite a few eroges require very strong reading abilities, but there are still plenty of good ones, across a wide range of genres that use a relatively limited vocabulary and are straightforward to understand (can give some suggestions if desired).

Seconding Ignosco here. In fact, if you’re like me, this step is essential.

If you’re too lazy to properly learn Japanese you’re like me, and the only way you’re really going to learn stuff beyond the kana, basic grammar, numbers and how to tell the time is to actually play these things and learn from experience.

^Ignosco: could you give some suggestions? I’m learning Japanese on my own using VNs, and some suggestions of games to try would be welcomed (preferably short)