Need new reading material

Well, you should probably check the forthcoming Princess Waltz. It will surely be a great game, and should be ready and shipping in a few days.

An already avalaible title I particularly liked is Snow Sakura. Light-hearted, funny, good story, nice characters (Rei is simply amazing). Pretty good game overall.

If you can find a copy of Ever 17, grab it, cause it’s gold.

Crescendo, the already mentioned Snow Sakura, Edelweiss if you don’t mind low editing, Figure of Happiness(Though I didn’t care for the art style at all), Dividead if you don’t mind a slightly older title with horror but good story.

There are also a great number of others that have been fan translated if you don’t mind buying imports. There are limitless suggestions that could be given if you can read Japanese, but I’ll leave it at that, since I’m assuming you’re looking for English titles.

Ever17 is a must buy at all cost (non-Ero game).

For the Ero games, try Snow Sakura, Crescendo and Kana little sister first.

For those who doesn’t know yet, i’m ordering Wanko to Kurasou and because there has been a full English patch for the game recently. Feel free to check out the English Trial version first though. Good day to ya, lad :smiley:

Humm… stories…

Ever 17 if you can find it.

Kana is a big one for story— it is however, a heart tugger for many.

Chain if you like a Detective story.

Critical Path if you like a Sci-Fi Detective story.

Bible Blach is very deep occult story— but it is also quite dark.

I quite liked Wanko to Kurasou on the whole, but I probably wouldn’t recommend it to the OP due to the amount of ero-content in the game (around twice as many scenes as Yume Miru Kusuri). For me, since the game was a bit on the short side, the large number of ero-scenes disrupted the storyline and felt at odds with the moe nature of the game in many places. Others will probably disagree, but I felt that the strengths of Wanko were primarily in the daily-life segments and characterisation, not in the ero, so I was a bit disappointed by the uneven ‘tone’ of the game.

For games that have been fan-translated that place a strong emphasis on story over ero, Fate/stay night, Utawarerumono (translated by Mirrormoon) and ONE ~ To the Radiant Season would be better choices (Paletweb has all three games in stock).

As for PP etc. games, I’d second (third etc.) others’ recommendations of Ever 17, Kana and Crescendo.

As others have already mentioned, the best picks for story among (professionally) translated eroge games are Snow Sakura, Crescendo, and Kana. I can vouch for these titles myself. As has been mentioned, I’ve heard that Ever 17 is a great pick that doesn’t have any ero in it. What I’m surprised nobody has mentioned yet, however, is Family Project ~Kazoku Keikaku~. The game isn’t quite out yet, but you can pre-order it (with the side benefit of free shipping when it is finished). Indications so far point to it being finished either very late this year or very early next year. What might also interest you is this bit about who did the story for Family Project (taken from the product description):

From Shii, who has gone to Akiba to buy those fan-translated games (quote from NovelNews forum):

Lol, can you believe it? :lol:

Here ya go, Shii is busy buying games in Japan, so he doesn’t seem to care about his page anymore, FSN should me moved to the Completed Section, and he doesn’t seem to know about Wanko to Kurasou or either the Kagetsu Tohya translation patch :P. Oh hey, translated doujins at his site can’t me missed either :smiley: But a side note: the link to Ballad of an Evening Butterfly is broken, try the new link.

Edit: He updated the page, but no Kagetsu Tohya? :frowning:

Ahh, Tanaka Romeo. A few people that have talked to me on IRC may know that over 2007-2008 I’ve been tracking down Tanaka Romeo / Yamada Hajime games, bringing my total completed to:

  • Kana Imouto (and Okaeri, but blegh, same script so it doesn’t count anyway)
  • Hoshizora Planet
  • Kazoku Keikaku
  • Cross Channel
  • Otaku Masshigura
  • Setsuei
  • Yume Miru Kusuri
  • Shinjyu no Yakata
  • Saihate no Ima

As expected, he’s a fantastic scenario writer, and after LooseBoy, Setoguchi Renya and Goo, he’d be one of my favourite scenario writers. It’s interesting, though, how his style seems to have different ‘configurations’ for different projects. Kana Imouto, Hoshizora Planet, Yume Miru Kusuri and Kazoku Keikaku are pretty blatantly written by the same person. Saihate no Ima and Cross Channel are also pretty clearly by the same person, but are in a different style to the other three. Setsuei, Otaku Masshigura and Shinjyu no Yakata are basically outliers.

I’m not sure which Tanaka Romeo I like the best (out of the first two), but I’m pretty damn sure I want to read anything written, even in part, by either of them (which is one reason why I’m going to get Rewrite as soon as it comes out)

Rewrite is a co-operate between him and another talent - Ryukishi07, definitely worth waiting. But the game comes out in 2010, looooooooooooong time to come.

Then play Crescendo and Kana… but not too quickly because those are the only two other games like that (+ Hitomi if you can stand the dark side).

When it comes to Snow Sakura, you seem to have a knack for finding the least emotional of routes. Misaki’s route, while considered by many of us to be the “true” route (the other candidate being Saki’s route), is also the least interesting due to almost no conflict. Kozue’s route, on the other hand, has some conflict, but (for the most part) is resolved so quickly that it is a non-issue. Granted, Snow Sakura isn’t as moving as YMK, Kana, and Crescendo which are the current holy trinity (so to speak) of translated eroge (at least to those of us who are professed light side gamers), but that isn’t the game’s strength. The strength of Snow Sakura lies in its near perfect balance of many different elements (even if it does, as some people feel, suffer from having too much base story before branching). If you are willing to give Snow Sakura one more chance, you may find the remaining routes a bit better. In particular, I think others will agree with me that you really should try Saki’s route. Of course, my opinion is a bit biased since Saki reminds me in some ways of my own cousin.

Hell yes, I must say that Saki simply just rocks!!! :lol:

I like Saki the best but I think that the story in Misato’s path was maybe the most interesting emotionaly speaking (just above Saki’s path).

On the other hand, we’ve had almost no snow where I am so far this year. In fact, we had our first snow here only just recently and haven’t received anymore yet, when the average day first snowfall arrives is October 19th. It was one of the latest first snows in recent memory (the latest date being November 21, which happened in 1934).
In regards to the “everyman face” as you put it, while I understand your meaning exactly, I’m not sure there is really a good phrase in English that fits it well. A few come to mind that partially fit, but not very well, such as, for example, “a face that blends in to a crowd”.
In any case, I’m glad to see that you are willing to give Snow Sakura another chance.

Wait, so there is actually people that look like anime character? Omg :shock:

I don’t think we have a word to describe exactly this, but we do have an adjective meaning “lacking distinguishing features”: nondescript. It doesn’t get used all that often :slight_smile: It isn’t exactly the word you’re looking for, but it seems to be close enough.

Maybe Saki gave us the feeling that she actually can’t live on without Yuuji? Lol :lol:

I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it. From what I can tell of reactions on this forum, Saki is by far the character liked most by people who have played Snow Sakura, so you are in good company in that regard.