Need to ID a game by screenshot? (possible sticky)

Lately there have been a few threads asking for the source of various game screenshots.

I figured I’d save us all a good amount of time by posting this link.

You know about Google Image Search, I assume. Type what you want pictures of, click search, and find what you want.

This is the opposite. With this site, you can upload a picture you have, and it will search the Internet for similar images.

With game CG, this often leads to the getchu link for the proper title, or a review that names the game.

You know, my normal reaction to such questions is “if you got your CG in a legal way, you’d have the name of the game”, but, heh.

People have found CG of games from reviews that they have saved, and later forgotten the names of the games, only having the images.

If you have saved the review, surely it contains the name.

In my experience, people who ask the source for a CG image generally only have that one or a mere handful of CG’s from the game in question. If they got the image from a torrent download, the torrent would name the game… or have a shot of the title screen of the game.

A few days ago, someone asked me the origin of the following picture (and I told him). I’m sure it’s possible the person might have gone to pirate it… but then, he might have been sincere in looking for a legit copy, since not all titles are well known. I generally assume people have positive intentions, when asking the source of an image. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t do anymore damage. It’s also impossible for someone to identify every eroge out there… even those who are fanatical legit collectors.

On the other hand, I have reservations against search engines and eroge because they tend to put priority on sites which get a lot of hits or link backs. Pirate sites top the list in a lot of cases. I did a random search of some screenshots I had on my hard drive, and the ones that got a positive return, replied with pirate CG galleries. :expressionless:

About the game that the image belongs to, is it any good (as dark ero go) or am I better off with just sticking with the Mayonaka series and Crusade when it comes to Tacchi’s stuff?

It’s a good game. No supernatural stuff like Mayonaka or Crusade: real world evil and whatnot – but far superior to that in Virgin Roster. The story isn’t anywhere as “deep” as Mayonaka’s though. It’s all about the sex (and there’s some kinky positions and great artwork). Honestly speaking: I think all the “old school” Touchy/Tacchi games are excellent stuff. They were a leader and pioneer of brutal dark eroge. They seriously set the standards for the early 2000’s.

The only problem is that many are out of print and they don’t work with Vista (32-bit or 64-bit… doesn’t matter). You’ll have to have XP or earlier.

This has worked great for the three anime screen shots that I’ve used it for.

worked wel for my searches. maybe i should try something else than a game too.

It’s probably obvious and doesn’t need mentioning, but use iqdb for a similar function, as it’s a bit more ‘targeted’, and at the same time indexes a lot of things probably more relevant to what you want than tineye does. Tineye is more as a general image search tool.

The link says “Page not found”.

Yeah, it’s going to be harder to find things like that, even more so because that image looks like it was cropped from a page.