Netbooks for b-games?

Hi everybody,

Just a wacky thought: Has anybody tried to play a b-game in a netbook, like the ASUS EEE PC? It fulfills the technical requirements so you should be able to play with it, specially considering that the games release now are 12+ months old (more or less, I lost track of their original release dates in Japan), not to mention they are not too demanding anyway. Well, aside from that minuscule 8.9 inch LCD display… If so, what are your comments?

In my case, I am in a dilemma: I took a leap of faith and purchased Edelweiss. However, since I am using OS X only, I use VMWare Fusion for those corner cases where I have to run Windows (XP is the guest OS). So far, all PeaPri games have worked without problems. Not with Edelweiss. It is giving me a an “administrator access only” error message and, based on an app MG sent me to gather additional info, I do not have appropriate permissions. And yes, I log in into the guest OS using an account with admin access… So, there is the possibility they did take virtual machines into consideration in their DRM scheme. Anyway, I am weighing my options are right now, they are (1) Consider that a costly lesson, (2) get a Netbook, or (3) Get a really low-end notebook. Not sure if I want to buy another computer, specially considering I am planning on getting an iPhone (but not in the next 6 or so months)…

Of, uh, the three options selected, I have to recommend 1). 2) and 3) are a bit silly, especially considering it would exceed the cost of finding a Japanese verison of Edelweiss that would probably install without complaint.

i have a eeepc, and peter bought one as well when it first came out last year

peter gave up on the small keyboard and gave it to his nephew who is attending school and stayed with his mac toys
im still using it but am seriously considering purchasing a acer aspire one or the dell subnotebook, and give my current 4G to my gf :stuck_out_tongue:

anyhow back to the original topic: i have not tried playing any bgames but the first generation eeepc screen is only 800x480, the 480 height restriction will be a turnoff for many bgames which now runs at 800x600 (so it will get chopped veritcally). but that said, it will be a different case for the newer models with 1024x600 screens

keep in mind all these mini-laptops have no optical drives so u will have think of ways to get around the installation procedures since your games will likely come in form of a dvd. this obviously doesnt apply to download games like vmate etc

Well, I am not sure if your reasoning will work for me. Even if I could find the Japanese version, I still have to learn Japanese!

Yes, I am aware of that issue. That’s why I mentioned I am using VMWare Fusion for the other games and the netbook for those corner cases.

As for the resolution issue, if I get one, it will be the 901 (as you mentioned, 1024 x 600), though I am tempted to wait for the 1000. Now that you mention the Acer, at a local computer store, an Acer Aspire cost ~$530, which is just $100 more than the eee PC (depending on the model).

dude ur getting ripped off. if you are living in canada, acer aspire one sells for $380+tax and up (and some are on sale at 35X). ur totally getting ripped off at $530; go check other stores for comparisons

case in point (although offer is now expired): … rinter_fre

for me im holding off until they release a 6-cell batter version with a real HD (more storage)

No, Lamuness, check the link above - $530 is for an Acer Aspire (a regular notebook), not an Acer Aspire One (the netbook). Also, the Aspire One referenced in you link is the Linux version with 8GB SSD. If I would use it to play bgames, I still need Windows. In comparison, the Acer Aspire One with Windows XP has 120GB HD and the tentative price is $429. This is the one you are referring to.

well the regular acer aspire wouldnt be considered a netbook would it? :stuck_out_tongue:
im more curious as to why you even did brought that into the conversation…anyways sorry got confused because the presumption here is that ur asking about netbooks not regular laptops

as for a XP version of aspire one, there is a cheaper alternative i think: … &id=410615
the difference between this and the 430 (which you are correct, im eyeing on that one) is the 3cell and 6cell battery difference

and plus if u have an external cd drive and an extra xp license u can install that onto a linux version too

Actually, you are right, I just wandered off a little bit. When I added the comment about the Aspire, I was wondering if it is worth to get a netbook when you can get a regular notebook for just $100 more. Although I might secure an external drive temporarily, that is not true for an XP licence, hence I will have to get the one with XP instead of Linux (plus, as you mentioned, it will be a HDD instead of SSD).

Still, there is that other question: other than the optical drive issue, has anybody played a bgame in a netbook (specially in one with the 1024x600 screens)? If so, comments? I don’t want to get one just to find out it does not work at all (unlikely), not really playable due to screen size (pausible), or some funny issue…

should be okay screen wise. most of the text displayed in games are bigger than the text in this post anyways