New Bible Black game

There seems to be a new Bible Black game called “Bible Black- The Infection” {} that’s coming out soon. I’m not sure if it’s an updated remake, a true sequel, or just some kind of side story. The seems a little different though… maybe they changed the artist?

Milking a popular franchise is nothing new, really.

As long as it comes out in English, I’ll be happy.

Even if for some odd reason it turns out to be really poorly done?


I didn’t really like the second Bible Black series, but i have more hope for the game than i do for the anime variation.
The second series left out to much in between. If the sequel fills in these gaps hopefully it will make more sense.

Mostly, it’s just based on high hopes that it fills in the gaps in the series.

yeah hope there is an anime for this since the other 2 games got anime an anime for this is very likely

what do you think the infection part means maybe an infection of the evil power of the bible black

I was worried but while not exact the art seems a close mimicry of Sei Shoujo . I wonder where Rika Shiraki is :frowning: :S ? I hope this doesnt suck , still it appears to me Bible Black was incredibly influential I can see similarities to Saiminjutsu and even Yami no Koe.

Is it just me or does anyone else think its weird there are no new characters?

the sample cgs do suggest that the extras from the 1st game will be getting more ‘action’, but the first rule of sequels is to expand the cast
and with shiraki missing from the info pages the list of charaters appears to have actually shrunk.

something about this does not sit right with me

Maybe they’re planning to surprise us with new characters. Look on the bright side, at least Takashiro looks more like her original self than in Shin Bible Black.

Same here and it comes out in some weeks so not much room for improvments :frowning:

??? ??? ??? ???CV???

isn’t she New? She doesn’t look familiar…

she was the girl you show being attacked by the swim team in the first game.

P.S you can tell they’re all from the first game cause the pics have two copyright dates on them