New comer

Hey^^ well this is my irst time here on these boards and at the Peachprincess site. I was looking at some of the games that I will be Purchasing in the monring(Get my check w00t:P) but I cant seem to find a release date for brave soul =( I will be Pre ordering it anyway but Id really like a date if there is one…^^ Anyways the games I plan on buying are Brave soul(Pre order) Xchange, eve burst error and seasons of Sakura(Though I wont be able to play it thanks to XP>.<

Ah, welcome to the boards of Peach Princess, one of the biggest gathering points for adult bishoujo game lovers around here .

Also… it’s true that Brave Soul and a lot of other games doesn’t really have any release dates, buu tthat’s becuase that the whole proccess of “remaing” a japanese adult bishoujo game into an english one is long and unpredictable: there is lots of work that needs to be done, there might be unknows problems that you have to solve and Peach Princess isn’t a really big company yet, nor is it a very “rich” company, so their resources are limited (there is gor example only a handful of people working on the games), which is one of the reasosn of why the games sometimkes takes a loong time to release. For example, Criticla Point was scheduled to be out at past Christmas, but instead it got out about 3 months after that. If Peach Princess was a bigger company and had more resources, then the games would get out faster…

So now you know why they don’t put out release dates. (ther eis one more reason; it discourages people to see the release date moved to a later date for a long time, so that’s also partly why…)

Welcome as well.

The main thing is to not get discouraged yourself and try to support the genre as much as you can. Granted, we’d all love to have the games right now but if we can’t, we can at least help generate interest in them.

Yeah thats true^^this is my secend time buying a game liek this^^ my first was Viper M1 which was ok but I wanted games with a bit more depht to them^^ Thoigh I will still buy the other Viper games in Existance because I love that Hyper animatiion and the girls are always cute(IMO) I had one more question though…would there be a site I could buy Immoral Studies 1 from? I played it few years ago…sorta found a cracked copy…anyways I wanted to purchase the full game but I cant seem to find it anywhere^^ that and Id like 3 sisters story

Hmm, wish I could help but I havn’t seen a copy of Immoral Studies 1 in years.

Crap I need a boot disk to play it on XP Damn and I just upgraded to that>.< Oh well if they will help me make a boot disk its all good^^ I better Scopp up Nocturnal Illusions before they run out of that 0_0

I just ordered all those games and I can not wait to get my Hands on them! is Airmail slower than Prioity mail?

Welcome Kenshinsama~

Welcome to the board–and definitely get Nocturnal Illusion; it’s my second favorite bishoujo game, right behind Divi-Dead.

Divi dead is the next game Im going to get^^ Every 2 weeks I will buy 2 Games:P hopefully nothin new will come out in 2 weeks(or maybe I shoulodnt say that…:P) I have alot of games to get like Adam the double factor,Imoral studies 2, Critical point(Im confused on which Critical point I should get…)Nocturnal illusions, Three sisters story(Ebay>.<)

Hmmm…damn I don’t think I got a box with seasons of sakura when I bought my copy from jlist last week(for 5 bux yay). It only came with the jewel disk. Been trying to get that thing to work with win98 without resorting to a boot disk with no luck

Originally posted by Kenshinsama:
I better Scopp up Nocturnal Illusions before they run out of that 0_0

They still have copies??

…No I just looked-_- Im going to go off somewhere and cry now…:stuck_out_tongue:

w00t Three sisters is still selling at for 23 bucks Im hella happy^^

Originally posted by Kenshinsama:
I have alot of games to get like Adam the double factor,Imoral studies 2, Critical point(Im confused on which Critical point I should get...)Nocturnal illusions, Three sisters story(Ebay>.<)

If you still have not gotten Adam, well, I think, you'd better set priorities on all other titles, you have in mind, and wait for "EVE the final attraction" ...

Of cause, this may be only my opinion, but I was a bit disappointed by that one... (If you visit the temple of our goddess, you will learn more about that [img][/img], oh and by the way: don't forget voting there [img][/img] !!! )

Actually, of all the games, you listed, I'd recommend "Critical Point" most (again only MHO).

Ah, and (even if I am late with this): Welcome around here!

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 07-25-2002).]

Originally posted by Nobody:
The way things stand now, Eve The Final Attraction may never get ported.

Does it already exists in japanese? I've never seen it at Himeya, so I wonder what's the basis for the speculations about it's porting to the english language...

I see.
Thanks a lot!

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Does it already exists in japanese? I've never seen it at Himeya, so I wonder what's the basis for the speculations about it's porting to the english language...

Unicorn, delve deeper, you are looking in the wrong place grasshopper!

Look here:

It's about halfway down the page. here's the actual description page for EVE:TFA on Himeya's site:

Originally posted by Doug:
Unicorn, delve deeper, you are looking in the wrong place grasshopper!

Obviously, they are currently working on these pages. I didn't find the game on the list, the first link brought me to.

On the other hand, the second link worked perfectly, so I take it for sure, that they had it on that page listed, not long ago.

Anyway, I just got 4 new japanese games and Transfer student. Also I ordered the 4 G-Collections games today, so new orders for japanese games have to wait a little...

Originally posted by wanfu2k1:
Hmmm...damn I don't think I got a box with seasons of sakura when I bought my copy from jlist last week(for 5 bux yay). It only came with the jewel disk. Been trying to get that thing to work with win98 without resorting to a boot disk with no luck [img][/img]

In win98, you really shouldn't need a boot disk to get Season of the Sakura working, just hit F8 just before Windows starts loading and select "command prompt", then load your DOS sound driver and DOS mouse driver and finally, load the game itself. It should work just fine.