New *Complete* B-game Fan Translations

I seem to be able to avoid crashes by setting the volume of the voices all the way down. Unfortunately, I’ve also discovered that use of ougis can cause the game to crash in battles as well…which previously had never happened.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-12-2005).]

Hmm strange no problems occur with me when playing using compatibility mode and I ran through the game more that 10 times already.

[This message has been edited by Arthur-san (edited 03-12-2005).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
So the trade-off is that it's short, huh? Since I have the dubious super ability to spend twice as long on a game as anyone else, that would probably still be worth the money. [img][/img]
I might have you beat...My average is 3-4 times as long, but usually because i'm trying to get every last item.

But the link for Castle Fantasia 2 seems to be broken so i can't even see what its about...

[This message has been edited by Jinnai (edited 03-12-2005).]

The link isn’t broken, but a few people can’t seem to connect to that host. Try using a proxy.

No, it IS broken (for me, at least). Change the “31” to a “32”, and it works. Seems like Studio e-go changes the number from time to time.

What? Oh. I thought he was talking about my link. Never mind, then.

I fixed the link. As AG3 said, they seem to have changed the urls of their site content. It doesn’t help that the page I linked to is actually a frame inside a larger page.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-12-2005).]

After playing through more of the game…I have to revise my impressions of the game I wrote above. Apparently much of the beginning of the game was a sort of spoof, kind of like how anime series often start with comedy elements and become more serious as the series progresses. It still rather seems like the main character leads an “army” of around five soldiers, but the military setting has become much less ridiculous, and the battle plans actually sound plausible now. It’s a good game. There’s a good balance of story and battle, and the tactical battles are engaging and challenging. The story isn’t bad either. There’s a lot of interesting political intrigue going on. My main gripes are the persisting empty-headedness of half the girls, and of course the constant crashing (though turning off the sound at certain points has helped my progress immeasurably). It is SO irritating when the ougis crash a battle I’ve almost won. Disabling sound-effects/voices doesn’t stop the crashing here–I just have to avoid using them (which sucks). I also have another gripe, but this is something that pops up in many RPG’s.

minor spoiler

When someone attacks you…they’re trying to kill you. There’s a certain character that tries to kill the entire party, not once, but several times. She’s not just an enemy doing her job…she actually attacks you out of little more than bloodlust. Despite this, everyone in the party seems to feel that killing her or capturing her for execution would be the most terrible thing ever. I don’t buy this. If someone tries to kill me multiple times for nothing more than sport, I’m not going to balk when I’m ordered to take her head. I might feel pity for her, but that’s it.


Edit: Disabling 3D effects seems to avoid the ougi-related crashing, but also makes the battle effects in general animate rather poorly.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-12-2005).]

I’m going to insult your intelligence now by asking you if you have the most recent drivers for your sound and video cards.

I:ve had a hell of a time even getting the game to run. I made it to the opening movie. What a buggy pos…

Originally posted by AG3:
I'm going to insult your intelligence now by asking you if you have the most recent drivers for your sound and video cards. [img][/img]

But of course. BTAxis's readme suggests getting older drivers, actually. I didn't bother with that.

@smog: There's a lot of different things you have to do to make the game run. Did you think you could just install it and play? [img][/img] To make the opening movie video play, you need a certain codec. To make the music and voice work, you have to copy some files direct from the CD's. I can post what I remember, if you want. I got most of what I know from reading forums (and BTAxis's readme that comes with the patch). The rest I figured out by trial and error.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-13-2005).]

I figured all that. I’ve had games far harder to get running than this one.

I was trying to play in the original japanese format actually. No dice. crash city, so I put the english patch in, and the game is playable. Also installed the sounds and wha not, I just havent gotten the music to play yet. Voice works fine.

Which codec do I need to the avi?i I can watch it, but not hear anything…

BTAxis names the codec in his readme file, I believe. To get the music, you need to copy the music folder from the second or third CD. Actually, if you’re not hearing anything in the opening movie, copying the music folder over should fix that too (it’s just music playing).

I was browsing through the cf2r.txt log file just now, looking for a way to set the non-adult flag, and I came across something interesting (well to me at least):

Display Driver Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200
Driver File Name: nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version:

That bunch of 0’s next to the driver version seems to indicate the game doesn’t like my video drivers. I’ll have to see if I can find some older drivers and see if that fixes it.

Edit: Though I’m sure this comes as a great surprise…it doesn’t.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-13-2005).]

It says the same thing for me. And I have the same video card as you.

Display Driver Name: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
Driver File Name: nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version:

same here, if you find a working driver, let me know

Do you actually have to copy the files over? Or just use the installer for voice on the second cd?

[This message has been edited by smog (edited 03-15-2005).]

Originally posted by smog:

Do you actually have to copy the files over? Or just use the installer for voice on the second cd?

Either one will work.

Originally posted by BTAxis:
It says the same thing for me. And I have the same video card as you.

What video driver were you using when you played the game?

Detonators 61.77. Still using them, too.

Mind you. I don’t think the drivers matter very much, other than that 66.93 made some stuff disappear, not only in this game but also in Hotogata Ruins and Words Worth XP. I have no idea why this game will not work right for practically everybody. I have tried this on my own machine which runs WinXP SP1 with Japanese, and on another one which runs Win98SE UK. I had problems on neither.

[This message has been edited by BTAxis (edited 03-16-2005).]

That’s what I was using before I updated to the latest drivers, in response to the crashes. So that’s not the issue. Hmm. What’s your sound card? Mine’s a SoundBlaster Audigy I.

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 03-16-2005).]