New crowd game yin-yang xchange

I would think that if Crowd games aren’t selling, then they would be open to more revenue, via licensing.

I wish that we could get a more concrete answer regarding the situation.

Just ordered it with typical import fees…

Title is Yin-Yang! X Change EX??? but I can’t seem to find any guides or saves yet. Obviously I’d prefer a guide/walkthrough if possible.

I did check foolmaker but nothing there so far.

i have seen the entire cg the mc gets lolified so i think that kills the chances of jast usa tl’ing this

You know, since they haven’t declared 3 methods to conquer the world yet, I’ve been assuming that they are no longer interested in Crowd products.

According to twitter:

That makes me believe they have contacted them about at-least 1 title (otherwise how would they know how the staff are gone?) but were rejected.

Well, honestly there are only two main companies I truly care about, and those are Crowd and Vanadis.

Hopefully the connection can be rebuild between Crowd and Jast. I have no idea if Vanadis was ever approached or if they would even be open to talks.

In the meantime, there is AGTH and Translation Aggregator.

Surprised none of the sites I mainly use have a plot guide yet.

I have not viewed the CG in question as I want to save it for viewing it in game.

Well, it’s hard to say. I chose to interpret that tweet to mean “that’s all folks” at least for Crowd; it seems like that means there essentially is no relationship now. All we’re liable to get is compatibility updates for modern OS’es, and maybe not even that.

If there were a bunch of Crowd games making a ton of money in English, the new guys at Crowd might care more. But if all the people are gone, then you’re dealing with basically a new company.

The cg in question appears to be possible loophole material. It’s not blatantly obvious that the character is loli, just that the character is younger. Indeed, from looking at the bust size and body, it doesn’t appear to be underage at all. It’s similar to the age sequence in “3 methods to conquer the world”. That sequence at least never outright said “underage”, the joke was flatchested… although the “hero” does distract Rusty with candy in that sequence.

Granted, I do not know the dialog in this sequence as I just obtained the save file.

I am not totally against minor script edits to cover the age issue. Generally, one can tell what’s been planted for those reasons, and there is always the ability for third parties to release a purist script.

So far, I’m liking what I’m seeing in this game. A good amount of futa, and something I’ve never seen in a Crowd game… pregnant sex.

Voice acting is excellent, still looking for a walkthrough but decided to plunge in blind.

Holy… um, yeah. If this game ever somehow makes it over here, the entire loli sequence would have to be cut… and I would support that choice.

The cg doesn’t seem bad, but once you see her and a male lead standing together, the height difference is obvious.

Plus, there’s the voice acting like a kid and amount of dialog with obvious references to age.

Even if it’s an age reversal, there’s one major thing different between this, X-Change 3, and Family Project.

Consent. There is none.

Teased with viberators, then deep penetration after acting out an “onii-chan” fantasy.

I’m sorry, but no.

Thankfully, in theory, it would be possible to keep the age shift, cut the sex sequence, have the game skip to the next day/event, and not have it be too obvious.

I never thought I’d see the day when umarekawari would be supporting censorship. Dark days are upon us.

There is a large, large amount that I can take. I was honestly disturbed by this sequence. I wanted to punch the male lead. There is no possible way to salvage the situation without a surgical removal of the sequence.

With X-change 3, there was consent, to a degree. Certainly, there was no forced sexual contact against a persons will.

The same situation with Family Project. There was no rape, no victim.

In 3 methods to conquer the world, the situation is played for laughs at first. The “hentai” hero male is defeated by your bodyguard, and you have consensual sex, plus it’s not outright obvious the player is underage. It could easily be bypassed with a age disclaimer.

This one, though… it hurt. It looks like such a decent game overall, and they had to taint it with that.

The main issue I had with the censorship of X-Change 3 and Family Project was that it was dishonest. Both games were advertised as 100% uncensored.

Hell, the deleted May Club sequences were okay with me because they were CONSENSUAL. I still hope someone fully patches that game.

There is no alternative here, no saying the character is really 18, no simple cg editing to cover something up or crop it. (The crop job they did was a crime, imo… compare to

I maintain that other choices could have been made with those games. The CG above, for example, isn’t even outright sexual.

This one though… yeah, I’d support removing it only because there’s no better option.

(Also, I still hate that the Asami masturbation sequence isn’t in the gallery for X-Change 3, and that Ayano Takada got SHAFTED in terms of content. Seriously, almost NO H content at all.)

It’s fiction. There’s never a victim. Scenes shouldn’t be edited or removed just because someone finds them disgusting. Threat of legal action is obviously a problem (and complicates the debate over the best course of action), but that doesn’t mean the law itself is justified.

It’s not quite as simple as that. If not removing the scene means you can’t release the game at all, then to me that is an even greater act of censorship - censoring 100% of the content, in other words, instead of just a specific scene. The reality is that obscenity is still on the books, people still go to jail over it, and the public doesn’t much care.

Personally, the more extreme the content becomes, the more I prefer that the people who are into it satisfy their cravings via fiction. Specifically because it gets so much less acceptable [edit: to act out (say) a vore fetish IRL]. However, I’m not king of the world (you should probably be thankful for that :wink: so it doesn’t matter what I think. What matters is what will bring down heat - either the law directly, or enough public pressure to (for example) make the CD replicators drop Jast USA as a client.

So I recognize certain things have to be edited. It’s just the way it is. They’ll either have content removed, or they’ll be passed over entirely (like Eien no Aselia’s remix-with-added-content-AND-h version). The real problem is when Jast USA was less than forthright about it. There should have been clear disclosure, and especially “100% uncensored” should have never been used. I don’t approve of editing for content in general. But I don’t approve of DRM either, and yet I buy from both Steam and MangaGamer.

That was my argument during the Family Project debacle, and my position hasn’t changed. That’s why I added the qualifier “Threat of legal action is obviously a problem (and complicates the debate over the best course of action)”. Umarekawari’s argument appeared to be moralistically-based rather than legally-based.

I wasn’t complete then. There is no way they could LEGALLY keep any of this in the game. The sheer amount of dialog that would need removed, the fact that the character sprite for conversations (you know, just standing in the hall) is OBVIOUSLY underaged compared to anyone else she stands next too… the fact that the scene has at least three graphics to it…

This is not a CG edit, or plot fix. This would have to be removed with a scalpel. It would be possible to do it that way, cutting a bit before the sex and removing and hint of it. Keeping the age change, and the comedy bits connected to it.

Sorry if I disagree with it from a moral standpoint as well, but he literally holds her down and uses toys on her before picking her up and penetrating. The voice acting made me shudder. I mean, as far as I know, I’m the only one here that has actually played it. If I could see any hope for it, you know I’d argue for it.

What you mean to say is “there’s no way JAST would release the game with this content intact”. Legally, it’s actually highly unlikely that that any game with a semblance of plot could be prosecutable, must less convictable, in the U.S. The obscenity standard provides exceptions for works with literary or artistic merit–a test most eroge worth playing should pass. And that’s assuming the laws in question pass constitutional muster (which has yet to be tested in an actual trial). The problem is obviously that no one wants to paint a target on their own back to test the waters.

While I haven’t exactly played all the xchange games, from what I know of them I am not at all sure they could pass a “literary or artistic merit” test.

It’s not like there’s an objective definition of merit. And it’s not like anybody plays xchange for the meaningful plot…

It’s hard to find a good list of all obscenity prosecutions and I get the idea that the task forces are MUCH more interested in prosecuting live-action porn than anything else, but there was at least one reasonably recent case in the US involving text/fiction.

Interesting. Once more the case didn’t actually go to trial. I suppose that does suggest that the bar for prosecution is pretty low.

Actually that’s exactly why I got X-Change Alternative when it was on sale for 999?.

and it was absolutely terrible!

but it isn’t the worst time jast usa translated