New crowd game yin-yang xchange … x_top.html

Another X-change?
Excuse me while I go do my happy dance =3

I was getting worried for a while there since we hadn’t heard anything from them since April (when they released ‘Futari wa My Angel’), glad to see they aren’t dead.


Well… it’s not my kind of fetish, but I’m glad ya’ll got another in the series to keep it feed. :o

Hmm… this is the third title in the Yin-Yang! sub-series, right? Wonder when JAST is gonna do the second title… Maybe all that bad publicity over the censorship thing for X-Change 3 is what’s killed their interest in it? Hope not.

Since we used to get stuff from Crowd all the time i have to wonder if something soured between the companies. Last we heard they were sending presents to each other (i remember one of the Jlist emails mentioning crowd giving the best/most unique presents). But since then, nothing.

Perhaps the rapelay incident turned them off the western market? Their titles do feature a fair bit of rape…

they seemed to open up for the longest time we couldn’t even see the crowd site without japan proxy


Crowd loves these gender benders doesnt it.

Meanwhile I am still waiting for news on a English version of Yin Yang! Xchange second title.

Honestly? The third game is already out and the second game never made it over … I doubt it’ll ever happen. Yin-yang 1 was - if I’m not mistaken - the last Crowd title ever released by Peach Princess. And that was in 2006. Sadly I also doubt we’ll ever see any other titles from Pulltop (although I wish it weren’t so).

XChange was a big success for Peach Princess early on. But that might have changed. Standards in translated eroge have changed. There are a lot more of them now, and they’re a lot better now than In 2006. MangaGamer wouldn’t exist for two more years, but G-Collections had already imploded. Including MG titles there have been like 40 games released since then.

I can see the relationship having deteriorated from either side, really. On the one hand, Crowd might’ve decided the relationship wasn’t living up to their expectations, or they might have got into financial trouble - either way. On the other, Jast USA can only really do so many titles at a time. They’ve formed new partnerships with several new companies. Those new companies and new titles may have done well enough for them that they moved away from Crowd. (Probably the truth is some kind of mix of both of these.)

I don’t think it was an acrimonious split (the old releases continue to be available after all) but no new games in six years kind of speaks for itself. Even by Jast USA standards – hell, even by Working Designs standards! :smiley:

I still think the epic shit fit over the Xchange 3 censorship is a factor. People were all like, “I hate JAST” and “I’d rather JAST not have translated it”, and whatnot. Bad word of mouth might have had a negative impact on sales. Sometimes you just bury the bone and don’t bother digging it up again…

People here. People here are a small fraction of the actual customer base, and the fact that you’re posting on a forum tends to mean you’re a much more vocal and hardcore fan than the average customer. What did the censorship fiasco do outside of our little bubble? … Really hard to say. Peter could tell us, but if I were him, I wouldn’t :slight_smile:

I also find it hard to believe there’s not a single game from Crowd that would be worth translating in six years, even if they had to pass over a bunch due to the censorship fiasco.

And finally, they’re still willing to license controvertial titles that pose real censorship issues. They licensed Starless. Go figure …

I wouldn’t say people here. A lot of the accounts that complained, were created only to complain: some have a single-digit post count. Sure they’re vocal, but they came from OUTSIDE our normal social circle. 4chan, Mugen, GameFAQ, Sankaku, and other such external boards had their most angry regulars come all the way out here to complain about it. On their own boards, they had long posts about it.

As you said, we’ll never know the sale numbers, because JAST doesn’t release that kind of info… but it wasn’t just here. In fact, the people who defended JAST, were regulars from here.

Hmm … You know, I think you might be onto something there.

… I really hope they handle Starless professionally, like they completely failed to do with XC3. I mean, you have to do what you have to do - If there’s bestiality, releasing it uncut would draw much more serious risk of an obscenity prosecution, which would be disastrous. So they’ll probably have to cut it. I just hope they’re up front about it.

The website is now open.

Title is: ???-??? ? ???
Romaji converted: Yin - Yang! X ChangeEX boku no sensei gakonnani onna nawakeganai
So its something like: Yin - Yang! X ChangeEX - My Teacher can’t be a woman
Based on one of the english texts on the story page, it looks like your a teacher that changes gender this time.
Character relations shows 4 people (probably the 4 main routes). 2 students and 2 teachers.
Pre-order start date: July 20th, 2012
Release date: October 26, 2012

It doesn’t look that far along in production since they haven’t assigned voice actors yet.
According to a romaji converter the names:
Main character: Himegawa Taiga
Female student: Inoshishiouji Tsukasa
Male student: Souma Yuuto
Female teacher: Nomiya Chouko
Male teacher: Kumada Masami

here is i think the main character ]
i hate the design

Yeah that’s the main character. I’m not a fan either, in fact all the girls have…odd designs. I think its the hips or something. The guys have better designs, but they haven’t got underwear shots so it could just be cause we haven’t seen them undressed XD

When i first saw her I thought we’d gone back to Takuya again. They have the same face, hairstyle and hair color >.> other than the face though everything’s different.

I like, how on the specs page it gives a timeline of the X-Change Series.

I definitely think its the hips, they look disproportionate. Nothing that I particularly dislike though.

Opening video is up: … Fcex-A-jVs along with 2 HCGs in the gallery section.
Based on the opening video it looks like everyone has a straight route while the 2 girls have Yuri routes

According to the gallery Tsukasa is your childhood friend…but she’s a student and your a teacher (becoming a teacher takes 6 years, so theirs at-least that much of an age gap, should they even be classified as childhood friends?). Ahh~ Eroge logic.

You’re forgetting that the main character is in “college”. She could be as little as a year older, in that case! Yeah, that’s the ticket. The protagonist is going for his master’s degree … getting woken up every morning by his childhood friend … worrying about being late for class … Sure, graduate schools have homeroom and classes all day long. Why not?

<< >> <> ><

SHIT! I’ve been doing my PhD for a year and a half now and nobody told me that! My attendance record must be garbage!

I wish we could get clarification on the status between the two companies.

I couldn’t live with the idea that I screwed the future releases over…

It could be anything. Maybe the guy most interested in overseas business left Crowd. (After all, that’s what originally killed Jast USA - JAST’s president died suddenly.) Or maybe Crowd fell on hard times and can’t afford the dev costs anymore, but they still have a good relationship. Or maybe Crowd games just aren’t selling anymore. Or maybe Peter got totally drunk and almost burned down their offices and smashed a guitar over somebody’s head.

We just don’t know.