New EVE?

EVE: New Generation? From the website blurb, it looks like it’s an entirely new adventure. From the scriptwriter of Ever 17 and Memories Off and a former F&C executive as the producer too. Hmm…

It looks so cool. I wish that someone will bring and translate it to here.

Well the only characters spotlighted are Kojiroh, Yayoi, Marinna, and the Chief but that’s about it. Looks interesting, but for me I’d like to see EVE:TFA translated b4 this one.

Even thought CS’Ware is gone, their most famous bgame series keeps being released. That’s very good to hear.

And anyway, who knows? Maybe someday Hirameki or Himeya again will release the translated version for this one or other from the EVE Series.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
Even thought CS'Ware is gone, their most famous bgame series keeps being released. That's very good to hear.

And anyway, who knows? Maybe someday Hirameki or Himeya again will release the translated version for this one or other from the EVE Series.

Not only does it keep getting released, the oginal, Eve Burst Error, it keeps getting updated and revamped.

I started Eve: Burst Error awhile back but stalled due to a general lack of time to play anything more in-depth than Yetisports (see for all the wacky details.)

It’s got a good detective story to it like “Chain,” but I got a bad taste in my mouth right off the bat with the first main character, Kojiroh. Does he remain a juvenile, nihilistic little prick all the way through the game, or does he grow up a little? I guess I’d better get back at it so i can get to the point where I can play the Marina character.

That makes me wonder: Does anybody know if there’s any talk of a sequel to “Chain”? I thought that was an excellent groove, despite the fact of its being a linear story requiring pretty much zero brain work. With a little effort and imagination they could have turned the central case in “Chain” into one huge puzzle for you to solve - you know, like a detective. Still a fave though. I suspect I’ll like EBE too - just…after I’m done with Kojiroh.

“In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.” - Ronnie Montrose

[This message has been edited by Gromit (edited 09-15-2005).]

Originally posted by Gromit:
I guess I'd better get back at it so i can get to the point where I can play the Marina character.

You can always switch between both characters, so what do you mean by "get to the point"? [img][/img]

You also could simply start the game from her perspective in the very beginning, if you have such problems with Kojirou...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-15-2005).]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
You can always [b]switch between both characters, so what do you mean by "get to the point"? [img][/img]

You also could simply start the game from her perspective in the very beginning, if you have such problems with Kojirou...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 09-15-2005).][/b]

And Marinna's story starts a whole day earlier than Kojiroh's...

Translation of the website blurb, as done by me.

"On his way back to his warehouse-cum-office/apartment, private investigator Kojirou Amagi encounters a girl. She knows about him being a detective and asks him to take her case: "I want you to find my memory.’ Immediately after that, she is taken away by a man in a foreign car. With help from Yayoi Katsuragi, Kojirou is able to identify her. Over the course of the investigation, several keywords appear. At first they seem to be unrelated, but as Kojirou digs deeper, they slowly fall into place, leading him to ‘a certain place.’

"One night, Marina Hojo of the Japanese Secret Service’s Domestic Intelligence Investigation Branch runs across a boy who’s about to jump off a roof. She attempts to talk him out of it but fails. ‘The plan is already in motion. No one can stop it now. Terrorism.’

"The only other clue left is the tattoo of a bee on the boy’s palm. Inspired by his last words, Marina launches an investigation, only to run into various obstacles. Before she knows it, she has been framed by someone operating from the shadows and is being pursued as a prime murder suspect.

"A city-wide blackout. A heavily-armed terrorist group. A mysterious pharmaceutical company. A honey bee tattoo. And a mysterious girl…

"Will these two protagonists ever solve the puzzle known as ‘truth’?"

And on a further note, this installment’s character designs are done by the same man who did the chara designs for Welcome to Pia Carrot 3. Interesting.

Hmmm, so I can switch between Kojiroh and Marina at any time! 'Knew I should’ve read the instruction book more closely. Thanks - and now in addition to hating Kojiroh, I’m at a dead end, so a change is doubly appealing.

Originally posted by Gromit:
Hmmm, so I can switch between Kojiroh and Marina at any time! 'Knew I should've read the instruction book more closely. Thanks - and now in addition to hating Kojiroh, I'm at a dead end, so a change is doubly appealing.

If you are talking about EVE BURST ERROR, yeah, there are "flags" you must considerate.

The investigation of these two detectives are parallel and interrelationated. In order to one of them advance in his/her scenario, the other need to advance in his/her respective scenario, too.

So, every time you feel one scenario is locked or at a dead end, change scenarios and advance the other. That will make the "dead end" disapear.

Originally posted by Peter Gilis:
If you are talking about EVE BURST ERROR, yeah, there are "flags" you must considerate.

The investigation of these two detectives are parallel and interrelationated. In order to one of them advance in his/her scenario, the other need to advance in his/her respective scenario, too.

So, every time you feel one scenario is locked or at a dead end, change scenarios and advance the other. That will make the "dead end" disapear.

Its the same for adam double factor as well.

I just wish they'd all get translated over here, including the remakes.

Since I’ve played the EVE DVD Ltd. Edition, I would prefer that one to get translated … takes out every irritating pain in the butt aspect of the Windows version of EVE burst error and improves the gameplay immensely. (you can switch characters on the fly due to the combined save files, and the game tels you when you need to switch)

Originally posted by Doug:
Since I've played the EVE DVD Ltd. Edition, I would prefer that one to get translated ... takes out every irritating pain in the butt aspect of the Windows version of EVE burst error and improves the gameplay immensely. (you can switch characters on the fly due to the combined save files, and the game tels you when you need to switch)
I wish someone, even if its a fan group, would pick this up...