New G-Collections page

We will never see one in 2005, that’s for sure. GC have no money and no contracts with (active) game companys so there you have it. It will work as a info site and web shop for the titles they did translate before they went bankrupt.

How can you keep youself so much informed… ? :S

It’s easy really. GC flopped with V-mate, money went to hell. CDbros the company that GC had all the contracts with went down. Their site functions just like GC do now, only by having a webshop and info on games.

On the other hand even if GC dident introduce V-mate (and they did got a little more sells actually it still wasted the howl budget on that damn contract with the V-mate company) CDbros still went under and thus ended all game contracts.

It would probably take GC a while before establishing new contacts with other companys and as it is now its sad to see that this thing has sent a massage to other companys in Japan. GC will have very difficult to get new partners. We are lucky to atleast have PP left.

Even if they dont come out with a game every month we still get atleast a game every year wich is more then nothing. PP have a samrt buisness tactic compared to GC wich was heavily influenced by the Japanese way of thinking. The english market was slow to take to this and sadly ended GC. But I dont now if the new staff with Mr P in charge will do something to turn it all over again, but face it. What we really need is a new company with fresh buisness tactics that can handle to market more efficiently.

But then again I can be totaly wrong and GC will pick up speed in no time!!! Wich I truley hope! …really! :slight_smile:

How would it send a bad message to other Japanese companies? It wasn’t the English branch’s fault.

Thats true! CDbros is the ones to blame for GC failure, but this also why other companys may be coutious in doing buisness with other none japanese companys.

Let me expalin.

Untill now we have seen countless small indipendent game makers in Japan go under. Mainly thanks to bad marketing and unintressting games. But CDbros is the first large cooperation that have go under and mainly because they started to sell contracts to english companys.

Basicly CDbros went under for two resaons. The first reson is that they spent allot of money with GC and tryed to build a market in the US and other countries. they did however not take in the calculations that other countires have a way diffrent thinking when it comes to games and onther products. Unlike in Japan countries outside dont stand in line for days waiting for a game to be released or pre order something months in adavanced (looking at staff of PP =P). The impact was far less then they had expected. Thus they took a new strategy, one that is almoste infamus now. GC in cooperation with CDbros tryed to realese as many titles as possible to attracted a wider group of people. This ofcourse faild since this is not a mainstream thing. And whont be yet… but hopefully one day ^_^.
Basicly money went nowhere and was badly spent. This brings a clear and loud message to other Japanese companys.
“English market for translated bisoujo games are bound to fail since there is no market for tranlated games.”

This also brings us to the second reason. English games have to be uncensord to attract people. (Yes I know! I as well as all of you would gladly play censored games if they were translated to english but we have to be realistic. We are not enough to hold the industry on our own.) Artwork and other problematic japanese laws will work against the company who sides with an english one. Other things like sales drops due to uncenosred games and company policys can be a factor, but really not a big one. The main problem will always lie with the Japanese way of thinking when it comes to buisness.

But then again…again… I can be wrong. Perhapps this will just be a fotnot in the books and companys will gladly deal with other non japanes companys?