New G-Collections site

We’ve slowly been rolling out some changes over here, and we have many more to go. The G-Collections site has been completely refreshed at – have you stopped by? Tons of fresh pictures and other content, we think you’ll like it a lot. Feedback on the site is appreciated!

Honestly, I like the layout of the Peach Princess site better. It feels more accessible and informative at a glance. G-collection’s front page should have more than just a picture from a single game. What if that particular game (in this case, Cosplay Fetish Academy) doesn’t appeal to that passerby? He might just move on. I don’t count the banner, because webusers have been trained by a nonstop barrage of ads to ignore banners. Trying to attract interest to games with banners on your own site probably isn’t the hottest idea.

That said, the old G-Collections page wasn’t very attractive, and in that regard (color, aesthetics) this update is a step in the right direction. Also, mimicking the PP site wouldn’t do much for GC’s identity, for whatever that’s worth. And without their distinct identities, we’d just have another pointless GameStop / EBgames duo. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dark Shiki: While I agrere with you, splash images on a main page with just the most relevant menu items on top is what’s in style now, and what’s in style can to some extent make or break sales. When your a small company, each sale counts more.

Well I think the homepage will be updated time to time, right now the CFA would be the big title so Its justified.
I like the new look, the site is more “friendly” the color settings are great …
So basically I think its a right step.
2 Suggestions:

  1. Maybe providing inks to other related sites on the home page.
  2. On the product catalog I noticed “Kango Shicyauzo 2” as “I am gonna nurse you 2”. I am confused, I think it was “Is the sorority house burning”.

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, we don’t plan to copy the G-Collections layout and want to make the PeaPri and JAST layouts so that they draw on what’s there now, but updated and more modern. By the way, the G-Collections site was down for a couple hours, as was this BBS, due to a pesky MySQL setup problem. All should be well now.

HEHE i think it was down for more than just a couple of hours, but who cares??? Glad that things are worked out.

Glad to hear that it was an error and not an attack.

I was actually wondering the same thing after the recent attack on the Atlus site.

We did get DDoS’ed about two weeks ago, the whole server, which sucked to say the least. This was a good old MySQL setting problem.