New Game of the Month: Little My Maid

I’d have to agree with those saying the game isn’t very good. It’s repetitive, illogical and the art work isn’t much to brag about, nor is the story exactly stellar.

It does make me wonder why it wasn’t scrapped all together if it was such a labour (worth it or not) when Gunshield Sakigake was dropped.

[ 07-29-2006, 07:20 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

It wasn’t dropped because while it was a lot of work, it was possible to get done, and they got help.

SAKIGAKE was near impossible to work on. The creators didn’t help in any way, and the programmers had a really hard time with it.

I doubt it was impossible, and given the choice of which they should have spent most effort on between Sakigake and LMM Sakigake’s gonna win every time.

And how much help can they have gotten if it took 6 years anyway?

[ 07-29-2006, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

the main reason why sakigake was dropped is because there are elements that cannot be localized without the help of the original programmers, and they have not been very responsive after hobibox europe kicked the bucket

so benoit is right in this case in which sakigake was near impossible for us to localize properly

as for lmm, i personally would like to blame it partly on a previous employee who made a bit too much hype over the game…and made it way too early (as in before the game was actually worked on). i am sure that at one time (although long ago) i warned you guys not to give this game too much expectations, didn’t i?

and did it really take 6 years? i admit it was long but definitely not 6 years

…and not to mention that sakigake was someone else’s mess that we had to pick up (wasn’t originally in our pipeline) so it’s expected that we would not get much support (if at all) anyways

Eh… is Peter Payne that previous employee or something? Seeing as how he claims it’s “one of the best bishoujo games ever released!” it certainly is hyped. Over-hyped even.

As for Sakigake I still say it could have happened if you’d spent as much time on it as LMM. But hey, prove me wrong and release what you have to the public domain and we’ll see in 5 years if anyone’s managed to clean it up

[ 07-29-2006, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

The game came out in 1999. I guess that’s where the (inaccurate) 6 years period comes from, since it was localised in December 2004.

No, it’s Dave E aka Kumiko Kamiyama. (s)he would hype the game a lot many years back on this BBS.

Peter does that with all games…

They spent months on it without any sign of getting anything done, it seems. They had help with LMM, and they were making progress.

Plus, SAKIGAKE is not your regular visual novel, so don’t refer to those fan projects that translate widely known (in this context) visual novels, which more often than not also use engines that are used by many games for which documentation exists, instead of a custom one that SAKIGAKE probably had.

If I gathered correctly, Peach Princess doesn’t do much of the programming, but the creators do. They are the ones who port the engines to make it compatible with WinXP, etc. So I don’t think it’s a stretch that they would be helpless against a game with a custom engine that they are getting no help with.

I’m rambling, but I do think I have point. :slight_smile:

Castle Fantasia 2 Renewal was a fan project and that’s a Bishoujo Strategy RPG so I think I can make the comparison fairly, and unless my memory escapes me the conversion to English was done by one single person.

And he certainly didn’t get any help from the company.

[ 07-29-2006, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Velsper ]

I know, and I covered my bases in my argument. :slight_smile:

Studio e-go!'s games are popular, and they probably use a version of the same engine for their games, so there’s more chance for documentation. :wink:

And I doubt Castle Fantasia 2 is WinXP-compatible.

Works fine for me.

Hey Peter, I e-mailed dennis-jlist at domain name jlist dot com on the 27th, about my order that I placed on the 20th, I got all my shipment has been sent e-mails and everything and was wondering when it got in the post offices hands. Thanks,

It does seem like Peter is keeping up the Game of the month Theame, the game of the month this month of august seems to be “Target: Pheromone”. Sorry Peter if I said what you wanted to say but I am sure you can still post a new thread about the new game of the month.

Just posting to say I just recieved my copy today. Thanks

I remember waiting for the LMM release on… '03?

Either way, it was the first I game I bought when I got back to the eroge groove ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) early this year.

While it has its flaws, I really enjoyed LMM, and for a measly 20 bucks it’s damn well worth it.

[ 08-03-2006, 04:43 AM: Message edited by: Nintakaru ]

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 04:59 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]