New game purchase input

Originally posted by Nandemonai:

GC seems to be doing well enough with the whole "it's a dark game but not really" thing.

Heh, well that doesn't mean it makes sense. People don't generally fall in love with someone who's just raped them. And I'm sorry, you can't have a light-hearted romp where every character being raped on first contact is an unavoidable aspect of the story. Even in Hitomi there's choice involved...or so I've heard.

As I understand, games like Slave Pageant try to appeal to everyone, yet satisfy none. Ren'ai freaks are put off by the rape, while dark game purists are left hanging. AFAIK, most people prefer one of the two categories; even if they don't, they generally go into a game expecting one or the other (don't go getting technical on me here [img][/img]).

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-11-2004).]

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
As I understand, games like Slave Pageant try to appeal to everyone, yet satisfy none. Ren'ai freaks are put off by the rape, while dark game purists are left hanging. AFAIK, most people prefer one of the two categories; even if they don't, they generally go into a game expecting one or the other (don't go getting technical on me here [img][/img]).

[This message has been edited by Dark_Shiki (edited 12-11-2004).]

More or less it's the same reason I don't like shows that are heavy on fanservice: if you're going to have that much fanservice, have the characters actually have sex. Otherwise, don't waste the creator's time and evergy on it and make the show better.

But… Re: Cutey Honey is fun!

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
More or less it's the same reason I don't like shows that are heavy on fanservice: if you're going to have that much fanservice, have the characters actually have sex. Otherwise, don't waste the creator's time and evergy on it and make the show better.

Actually, I have a very different opinion on hentai anime vs. fanservice vs. "non-sexual" anime. I have yet to see a good hentai (I use "hentai" as opposed to H or ero because it tends to be a bit more...hardcore). There's just so much emphasis on sex that the story inevitably suffers. Some H-games are like that too, but for some reason the interactivity saves them somehow, in my eyes at least.

On the other hand, I'm very much a fan of fanservice. [img][/img] The fanservice in Chobits is half the humor. In fact, I'm likely to get bored with anime that don't have at least a little fanservice (i.e. cute girls). "Good character designs," as I call them [img][/img], are an important factor for me. I've seen fanservice woven very well into the story, like with Chobits, as I've pointed out. As another example, I think "editing out" the H-scenes in the anime versions of Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien and Shingetsutan Tsukihime was a good move, both as a business move and aesthetically. I would never want a "censored" version of the games, yet as anime I think it's better that the H-scenes are left out. Like I said, it's kind of hard to explain why, but I think it has to do with the interactivity element...

Originally posted by Dark_Shiki:
Actually, I have a very different opinion on hentai anime vs. fanservice vs. "non-sexual" anime. I have yet to see a good hentai (I use "hentai" as opposed to H or ero because it tends to be a bit more...hardcore). There's just so much emphasis on sex that the story inevitably suffers.

This sentence here is more or less the entire reason I don't like fanservice heavy shows. If you're going to do a show, then do a show; but too many people say "well we'll sell this show on the basis of boingy boingy boingy. Plot? Characters? Who needs to spend time working on those?" This leads to shows like Hanaukyo Maids, which I watched one episode of and was like "... OK ... so ... there was NO POINT to this show other than fan service - NOTHING - and yet this was NOT an h-OVA. I watched this ... why?"

Edit: I think I should say that if you can work the fanservice into the show AND you have interesting things going on otherwise - like, say, Tsukihime or Eva - then that's great. I'm all for that :) The problem is that far too many use fanservice as an excuse not to care. Or try.

[This message has been edited by Nandemonai (edited 12-11-2004).]


If you don’t mind playing the game in Japanese, I would suggest trying out the followings if you havn’t. These are my all time favourates:

- Kanon (Key)
- Air (Key)
- Clannad (Key)
- Kimi ga nozomu eien DVD + Fan Disk (Age)
- Comic Party (Leaf)
- To Heart (Leaf)
- Never 7 (Kid)
- Ever 17 (Kid)
- Remember 11 (Kid)
- Memory Off series (Kid)

Actually, there are many good ones, but most of them didn’t get translated to English. Which is kind of sad.

Thanks for all of the input. I already have several of the games mentioned, just didn’t list them in my intial post. I’m pretty sure about getting Kana, Kango 1, & Hourglass. I’m still debating about Little My Maid.

I played Little My Maid demo and thought the girls look alot alike. Is it just me or does anyone have the same impression. I’m also wondering about a review of the Japanese game that said the events were fixed so the sim part didn’t really play a part in the game.

I’m just trying to be as sure of my game choices as I can as this purchase will be all the games I’ll have to play for some time.

Originally posted by keller:
Thanks for all of the input. I already have several of the games mentioned, just didn't list them in my intial post. I'm pretty sure about getting Kana, Kango 1, & Hourglass. I'm still debating about Little My Maid.

I played Little My Maid demo and thought the girls look alot alike. Is it just me or does anyone have the same impression. I'm also wondering about a review of the Japanese game that said the events were fixed so the sim part didn't really play a part in the game.

I'm just trying to be as sure of my game choices as I can as this purchase will be all the games I'll have to play for some time.

If you're referring to Lamuness' review a long time ago, even he has disavowed that review now. As for "the girls all look alike" - I honestly can't say I noticed that; but I also can't honestly say that I would care if they were; I like the artist ^^

As for the gameplay, I obviously can't speak to it, not having the game - but I've been told that the reason the demo is so short is because everything branches too crazily past that point for a demo to have been feasible. Note that there wasn't even a real choice (as in "choosing which maid you want to attend you") in the demo. So I suspect we shall have to wait and see.

IMHO, if you miss out on LMM (Little My Maid, not Let’s Meow Meow) you’re missing out on a lot. It’s a very deep game, and the three girls are very different in their personalities and stories. The story of the game is very deep and fun to play.

My favorite games are Kana Little Sister and Crescendo. I’ve played a lot of other games such as Transfer Student, Snow Drop, Gibo, Slave Pageant, etc, but those games seem to all run togther while Kana and Crescendo just seem memorable. The biggest thing about Kana is its plot. I was bawling during the game, and was thinking to myself, “my gawd, I can’t believe I’m crying during a bishoujo video game! This is so embarrassing!” And I was actually really reading and studying the dialogue. Typically in games, the dialogue is just a means to get to the “good parts,” but here I was actually thinking that I was learning something. :-o Crescendo isn’t as strong in the plot department, but it’s decent. The drawing card there is that the graphics are just gorgeous. I just really loved the CG, and the character designs of the women are just beautiful. It’s not the typical drawing that you see in most games. Even the regular headshots that aren’t CG are nice to look at.

Phantom of Inferno is also worth trying. It’s a DVD play game like Hourglass Summer, and it’s LONG. The story is worthwhile and thought provoking if you like emphasis on plot. I’ve been playing incremements for a couple days and I still haven’t gotten all the way through it.