New gender bending Eroge from Dark Rose

??? - kyoukai sen no hate - futatsu no seibetsu, futatsu no seikaku

(Sorry if the translation is wrong or odd sounding.)

I read about this game on another forum. It’s a gender bending Eroge from Dark Rose. From the rough translation that I could find it seems lets you choose which girl to become due to a virus. It seems interesting, probably unlikely, but it would be nice to see this translated.

Anyone else know about this one? It’s just been released on download format.

Are you sure this is out yet? I can’t see it anywhere on (us Westerners can’t buy from dmm anyway)

I’m pretty sure it said it would be released for download only on 9/25/09. The actual copy of the game won’t be out until October.

Hmm, I had a silly thought.

There are at least a couple of ‘lesbian’ eroges where the main character is a boy who has been turned into a girl by some magic/virus/whatever, right?

But picture this: What about a game where the PC is a girl, and all the other characters are boys who have been turned into girls by magic/virus/whatever?

Could be fun to play with gender from that perspective. The boys-turned-girls could have a wide range of reactions to their situations - one desperately trying to find a cure, one trying to make the best of it by being as butch as possible in her new body, one running wild trying to experience as many sensations as possible in her new body, one portraying a ridiculous caricature of kawaii femininity because she thinks she has to because she’s a girl now, one who barely seems to notice…

And for the PC, of course, some musing on whether this makes her (and them) lesbians or not, if she knows they were boys before, and if some of them might become boys again…

I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your mailing list.

I’d play that for sure.

You’d think the X-Change series would have tackled that scenario by now… they’re slacking off :evil:

I would also like to see such a game that delves into the thoughts and ramifications behind the man that chooses to stay a woman while still loving a woman. I loved the route in X-Change Alternative where he stays as a woman and loves his step-sister still, but I really wanted to get an in-depth look into why he chose that over the normal guy/girl dynamic.

Not so sure on the whole man turns into woman and quickly plays the feminine role to the point that he/she is even more “feminine” than many of the other women in the story… I mean, the manga “Your and My Secret” plays with that at times and it is a bit disturbing for some reason.

It’s up now - DMM just works on a different schedule compared to the others (dlsite etc.)

Note that this is basically the same as being unavailable for us gaijin, since DMM doesn’t sell eroge to us - mind, I have a PC in Japan at the moment, so I could probably set up something and download it if I really felt that way inclined. =P

EDIT: or maybe not, since I don’t have a .jp cc >_>

If it’s got the gender aspect, Then I’ll want it, no question about it.

Definitely an interesting idea you have there, even if it isn’t something that I would really be interested in playing. Besides the fact that I’m not in to yuri (I neither like nor dislike it), I also am not interested in these eroge where gender switching occurs. While I would read a traditional story with such elements (both yuri and gender switching), the combination of the point of view you have in an eroge (i.e. sort of being part of the story instead of an outside observer) with those elements just doesn’t sit well with me. It is kind of like how I might enjoy a story along the same lines of a dark eroge (one where you play an evil character), but the idea of playing as that dark character I don’t like.