New License?

From the 4chan archive (since the original was deleted):

So JAST has another title they’ve licensed which they haven’t announced. Possibly Trample on “Schatten!!” ~Kagefumi no Uta~ but no confirmation.
I assume this will be announced at AX…let the speculation begin!

If I hadn’t such a huge back log and JAST didn’t have half a dozen interesting games still pending to be released, I would be excited about this.

Weird engine…dare I hope for any of the classic Black Cyc games?

Okay joking aside, I have to admit I’m curous even if I do have a large backlog myself. Might as well ad more to the pile :mrgreen:

I’d love to see Trample on Schatten translated. It seems a lot of fun. Of course, it’s already had an ‘American release’ in Japanese¬Ö Maybe we can get Revolution+?

EDIT: Moogy gave Trample on Schatten a rating of 8.2 on VNDB, making it even more probable that this is the game.

EDIT 2: Actually, considering the fact that Trample on Schatten: American Edition was released uncensored, I’d imagine the publisher would be the type that wouldn’t mind releasing it in the English language. Also, the game’s website was recently geo-restricted to Japan, perhaps because the publisher wants people to wait for the English-language release instead of downloading the Japanese language version as was previously possible.

Giant enormously long 50+ hour game? Rated 10 by moogy and 9.5 by Makoto? Come on, Dies Irae! Looook into my eeeeyes … Yes, you feel the buuuurning desire to release Dies Irae …

It took a moment or two, but I found Moogy’s list of votes on the VNDB. Here it is, arranged by score. And while there’s several people on thesite who have usernames similar to Makoto, I believe that Tendoumakoto is the one. If my guess is correct, then here’s the person’s list by score.

Trample on Schatten is one of the few titles listed on VNDB which has any superhero characters or concepts. Not sure what else to say about it. Apparently the company that made it – Tail Wind – went out of business later in 2009. Who owns the rights to the property now?

(I’m personally interested in seeing JAST sell more diverse products, in terms of both content and gameplay. That’s why I bought Aselia, and that’s why I’m trying to wait for Yumina. But this specific discussion is probably best saved for another thread.)


I’ve been following this company for a little while now. It doesn’t really ‘go out of business’- it dies, then rises again, like a phoenix or a zombie, you choose =P. Carriere, TAIL WIND and NONSUGAR are all basically the same company, just different iterations of such. The latest Trample release was under the NONSUGAR brand too.

So the company takes a bullet to the head every now and then, but rises from the ashes like a phoenix? Why does that have to be an either/or? Can’t it be a zombie phoenix?

I basically meant you could attach either a positive or negative analogy to that, depending on whether you liked their games or not.

Despite having one of the heroines in my avatar for quite some time, I never really liked MARIONETTE and I haven’t played any of their more modern games (though I gave the LEGEND7 trial a spin, it looked okay)

You might get better results if you badger MangaGamers. They haven’t tried negotiations as far as I can tell, and are releasing violent eroge on a regular basis. :stuck_out_tongue:
On a more serious note: seeing how BCyc is now down on it’s dumps, they’d probably still be open to English licensing for a cash infusion. When JAST talked to them, it was back in the prime of their health… my have things changed as the years crawled on…

Feh… if someone does tackle Dies Irae, they’d best pick one of the later editions. Remember the massive shit storm when the first print hit? It was missing CG’s and the story had massive plot holes due to it being released before it was ready.

Well, JAST was able to nab the latest version of School Days for the license so if it is Dies Irae maybe we’ve got a good chance.

Alicesoft title? Only You Recross? We’re probably getting that? Cool.

Yeah right =P I don’t think JAST is going to be bringing you any Tiger Joe any time soon. It’s easily the least likely game on that list- even moreso than Kusari-Hime and there’s no way in hell it’s going to be Kusari-Hime.

Still, it would be pretty cool!

Here’s my estimated probability of each title:

70% - something not on the list
15% - Trample on Schatten
8% - Ikusa Megami Zero
5% - Dies irae
0.01% - Kajiri Kamui Kagura
0.001% - Kusari-Hime
0.000000001% - Only You -Re Cross-
“wait, that doesn’t add up to 100%”

Wait, why not Kusarihime? Did Liar-soft say no to localization like Alicesoft did? If so, I guess I missed the memo. Is there some other reason that I can only guess at, like the content? That’s pretty much the only other reason that I can think of right now.

It’s old, arty, too Liarsoft-y to gain popular appeal and there are content issues beyond that. It is simply not a game they would localise.

I’m not making any comment on what the individual companies think of this- my stance on Only You would be no different even if Alicesoft was keen to localise everything.

Basically, I don’t particularly care what the companies think about localisation- I mean, obviously it is relevant, but it’s also massively misleading in determining which games JAST can get. Ayakashibito is a clear example, being such an obvious must-have title you’d assume it would have been localised ages ago, simply because of the long relationship with Will, but JAST has never shown any indication that they are even pursuing that title. On the same token, companies like minori which everyone knew were ‘anti-gaijin’ and would never agree to license their titles for localisation are currently doing exactly that. So yeah, worrying about what the eroge companies think is for JAST and MangaGamer to do, but I don’t particularly care personally!

“Arty”? Unique art styles are a good thing in this industry … Or do you mean “art filmy”?

And I thought Liarsoft was a very well known development house? I’ve been interested in their stuff for quite some time. Are they known for producing weird, out there stuff?


Hope springs eternal.

Moogy mentions that the game has a weird engine that no one has really looked at before.

Liarsofts engine has tools readily available if i recall so it doesn’t fit unless one of their games is using a vastly different engine.

the script consists of a simple bytecode followed by a string table followed by the actual strings. the string table offsets are relative to the start of the strings

I deduced that within twenty seconds of opening up one file so I can’t imagine this would be a hard game to reverse engineer! The bytecode is probably also simple and a matter of placing a couple of memory breakpoints, running a debugger and then finding a likely looking jump table.

EDIT: Hang on, this is the same as the other Liar-soft titles. I guess I have no clue what Moogy is talking about.

Admittedly, it’s one of their earlier titles so it might have a slightly different bytecode but the format is exactly the same.