New Mangagamer licenses? (Update: Partial confimations)

Wow, some good stuff here, too. Honestly, I’m more hyped by Nitro+ games, but Higurashi is definitely a must-buy for me. First time I hear Shin Koihime, but it seems quite interesting.

It’s official, someone at Mangagamer made a deal with the devil somewhere.

It’s VERY interesting, in my opinion SKM is the real Game To Buy of the list here :smiley: .
Too bad that this “Shin” edition discards many Aisha scenarios and the loli twins :frowning: .

Then, I definitely ought to continue my still first playthrough of the original game!

I never heard before, that “Shin” had some srestrictions in compaerison to the original game! :shock:
But then - SOC disappeared from IRC, so there was no-one that I would have asked about the game right after it was released…

Still, I am quite surprised! Shin Koihime Musou should violate plenty of the new EOCS restrictions - and still it is a candidate for localization and online-sale.
Now, if it actually was the president of NEXTON (BaseSon’s, Liquid’s and Tactics’s parent company) who currently also is EOCS-chairman and thus forced that batch new EOCS-regulations including an export-ban of all member’s erogames onto the other members without voting, I wonder whether the plan for that localization is already outdated by the recent events - or is he just a hypocrite? :shock:

Mind you - I actually don’t mind being served by a hypocrite if he at least really delivers… :wink:

Wait. Wait. Wait. There’s a company other than JAST USA/Peach Princess/G-Collections or Kitty Media putting out visual novels in NA? Since when?!? I’ve been away for so long (Kazoku Keikaku is drawing me back in). Does Shingo still work here?

The market really has changed over the past 2 years. I am so out of it :roll:

Mangagamer has been around since last AX, so almost exactly one year ago.

Shingo has been missing from the internet for a while, but he’s still working at Jast.

Source on that shocking piece of info?

Um, I think that speaks volumes of Mangagamer’s marketing campaign. Not that Kiddy Media is doing much better, but at least they have an established fanbase from their other products.

Twincest is still Best. There are some things which always remain true and eternal. 8)

Aisha was the real heroine of the original game, but in the remake she becomes a mere member of the Shoku/Shu faction, therefore drastically cutting/reducing her role/scenes :frowning: .
And I suppose that the enslaved loli twins were too much for the tastes of someone :roll: …

DO NOT DISCARD the “old” Koihime Musou :wink: .

I’d say Shuffle is all but confirmed as it’s on their flyer and on the back cover of their demo disk

Asking obvious questions again - What’s so great about Shuffle? I hear it’s super-popular, but trying to get a non-spoilery description it doesn’t sound all that special or interesting.

From what I hear, the game is above average (69 on Erogamescape) but not great. But, it’s super popular, and well known in the US due to the anime. I liked the anime, so I’m interested in the game, but honestly I expect more from the Nitroplus games and Higurashi story-wise. The CG are very pretty however. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s popular, should gain attention from the anime community, and isn’t a bad game either; even if you have no interest in the game yourself, it should be good for the English eroge market. Also, if the game does well, we can probably expect other, even better titles from Navel (??? [Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai] in particular seems to have been very well received).

Higurashi and shuffle should get manga gamer the attention JAST has

I haven’t popped in the demo disk yet, but it has a buy one get one free code on the back. I might try to get some codes for you guys tomorrow. :lol:

sweet two awsome games have been licensed. thank you Mangagamer glomp

A mean of 69 on EGS isn’t a good score at all for a mainstream pure love title - Shuffle! is currently ranked =1700th on EGS (putting it behind hundreds of other school-based Ren’ai titles). Granted, I haven’t played it myself but everyone I’ve spoken to on irc thinks it’s really dull (at best), several people here that have played it strongly dislike it, and a lot of the EGS reviews are along the lines of ‘everything in it is really good, apart from the scenario which is crap’.

It’s a title with so much potential…that squandered it on a dull scenario.

I don’t think the combined cost of gas or a ticket, lodging, and food would justify a BOGO deal from them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Plus if you go to AX, you probably end up spending time in the dealers’ room. And if you do that, you probably wind up shelling out a LOT more than the price of one puny h-game title :slight_smile: even at MG’s Japanese-standard pricing.

I have one spare B1G1F code available. If anyone wants it, PM me for it (non-lurkers only).

Edit: Gone