New Mangagamer licenses? (Update: Partial confimations)

Went to their panel tonight. “Revealed” Navel as a licensing company they now have. Mentioned the potential of more games coming after Shuffle from Navel. They also mentioned that Higurashi will be split in half. 4 chapters a piece. Don’t know why, a reason wasn’t really given so I think they might want to get some of the game out before they spent to much time translating it.

PS: Does anyone know if the Shuffle spin-offs any good? (Really? Really!, Tick Tack)

Really? Really! apparently has a good reputation (they just released a new version on the Nintendo DS too). I don’t think the same can be said for Tick! Tack! though.

Excuse me? As far as I know, there are 4 chapters in the first story arc and there are 3 story arcs.

4 chapters in the question arc
4 chapters in the answer arc

Unless they plan to mix both together

Let’s see - I put that together from


By adding that together, I came to the conclusion above. I would really like to be proven wrong though…
… because if I am right then a few other things really don’t add up at all - like the new alliance between JAST and Nitro+ as well as all the amazing announcements from Mangagamers - and among them the prospect for a localization of Shin Koihime Musou in particular.

Time. Such announcements are results of months (if not years) of negotiations while the current crisis is very recent. I can imagine each actor maintaining what they had planned to announce, waiting for actual new regulations, rather than the contrary.

I don’t see how that points to an export ban.Also, Nitro+ is CSA, not EOCS, so they won’t be affected by whetever EOCS decides.

As far as I know (not having followed Japanese-langauge news on the matter), there’s no actual evidence at this point that an eroge export ban is being officially considered by either the Japanese government, EOCS, or CSA. There’s plenty of speculation floating around (including mine and Nargrakhan’s), as well as flames between Western and Japanese eroge players on various blogs and message boards, but it’s only conjecture. The only actual evidence of exports getting “pruned” in any way is the (temporary?) removal of Liquid games from Mangagamer’s site, at Liquid’s request.

So far a total eroge export ban is just a “worst case scenario” that could be possible. It has not actually happened yet. The idea had floated on 2chan and various popular forums that erogers visit in Japan, but it hasn’t gained total appeal yet. I think Western erogers picked up on it, because two of the sites that have banned foreign IP, said the decision isn’t totally theirs… as if hinting EOCS has something to do with it. So far there hasn’t been a memo leak from EOCS proving that. However there’s been a growing trend of IP bans. Maybe it’s just a side effect though. Either way… even if an eroge export ban was put into effect, it might not apply to eroge that was legally licensed. Think of it like drugs, guns, and cars being sold to other countries. It’s illegal to own some types if you get it straight from the source country, but “modified/licensed” versions of them are legit when going through a domestic company.

It’s all specualtion at this point. We’ll certainly learn more as the weeks pass…

To bring things back to topic a bit, and because I’m curious, how long a game is Shin Koihime Musou? How many endings does it have?

It’s very very long. I think there are 4 endings all up, as the choices you make are all about which characters to spend time with - none of them have any bearing on the plot.

Are we talking Fate/Stay Night or Extravaganza long, or longer than that?

I haven’t cleared it so I’m guessing a bit, but assuming the other routes are as long the one I’ve played, it would be around that sort of length.

Seems Shuffle will be the first new release from the announcement.
Aug. 15
50 Euro’s
I didn’t expect it this quick hopefully the translation is good.

Do they ever actually meet their release dates with a decent translation? :slight_smile:

If they at least waited for Shuffle Essence… :-/

If they released accurate but poor eng.rish translations [QC, editing etc needed] I wouldn’t mind it… IF they would accept user grammar/typo/editing reports and fix it up eventually.

I still can’t forgive them for Edelweiss :stuck_out_tongue: [although I bought Da Capo and Suika, I heard Kira*Kira took a step back…?]

Still, I like the company, hope Shuffle turns out well :slight_smile:

If Shuffle! does well enough, we’ll probably get Shuffle Essense sometime down the line. Remember, MG did say they were planning on releasing Da Capo Plus Communication

Well, I don’t know many details about these releases but isn’t Essence just Shuffle with some “upgrades”? It would be quite pointless then buying both games…

In general, the Japanese anime and gaming community seems to really be into remakes, fandiscs, and incremental expansions. It’s a phenomenon that’s always mystified me.