New Peach Princess Download Editions

Hello, bishoujo gaming fans. You may have seen on one of the sites that we’ve (finally) gotten some of our classic games up as download options, which are

Snow Drop
Little My Maid
Critical Point
Gibo ~ Stepmother’s Sin

oh, and:

Water Closet

The first four are available as shrinkwrapped CD-ROM still, but the new download editions are only $14.95, nice and cheap. (WC is download only.) Also, we’re making use of a new activation system that we think will work better than V-Mate. Instant one-time activation, no need to have an Internet connection after that, and nothing to install or run in your system. If you buy any of these titles and have feedback for us, please let us know. Thanks. (If and when we did move to this new non V-Mate system we will certainly provide an upgrade path.)

We’re also glad to note that all the above games work fine in Windows Vista 64. Expect more notifications about Vista 64 in the future as we move to officially support it.

I felt a great disturbance in the Ero, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. :stuck_out_tongue:

On the plus side, Vista 64 support is awesome. So many people were suckered into getting that mess of an OS… and they’re paying the price with poor eroge compatibility. I know… I was one of them. :frowning:

Eh?! Didn’t see that coming, lol. Hit me right in the face Bop :mrgreen:

Oh, and why do the name “MangaGamer” pop up in my head when i read about the new activation system? o.O

Yes, I’m stunned – stunned! – that this system appears oddly familiar … :wink:

They’re probably still trying to make back the money they spent licensing the piece of crap (pun totally intended.) It sold horribly, go figure? :roll:

Don’t you mean the pieces of crap? lol. Looking at the upcoming titles, this means PP has grown up, bravo guys, bravo. :smiley:

Water Closet? Not Guilty’s ??? ?W?C???! Oh my, I didn’t know you guys had THAT…

Oh, Water Closet wasn’t a terrible seller by any means. It was kind of a cult favorite, shall we say. Glad to have it available again, to anyone who is curious about what all the fuss is.

Sniffle THANK YOU! I can’t tell you how much trouble it is to try and run my games from a VM. It’s… just so touching! Runs away crying

Put a “Vista Ready” logo on every products of yours from now on :mrgreen:

I have had pretty good luck with Vista 64 so far, the only game I have not been able to get working properly is Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, and it just has some muddy low-res textures. Once Vista is set up properly, it’s actually pretty compatable.

I’m bumping Devil May Cry 4 on Vista all these days, not too bad with new games, but with older games… ugh XP

My download edition B-games and Gametap are the only things that don’t work on Vista 64 for me.

I felt it too except that there was a sudden rise in the dark side with SCAT fans. shudders

But frankly, I already bought the one title that i actually wanted from the noted (Gibo), the rest i really couldn’t care less about. XD

Really, what’s the point?

I can imagine a younger Peter Payne planning on future releases for Peapri “I know what will be the defining title for us, what our customers are looking for, yup water closet it is!” :mrgreen:

Anyway, it’s nice to have more options and the reduced price doesn’t hurt either, but I own all of them except for WC and I think I’ll pass :slight_smile:

No it was more like “hum… there are the rights for WC as a free gift if I buy two whips instead of one… Yeah maybe a second whip would be usefull.”.

For the twincest goth lolis he keeps bound in the closet. Nice girls, little weird though.

How about adding Casual Romance Club to that as well huh, what you say Peter?

I don’t think Peter could offer a download version of CRC even if he wanted make one. From what I understand, the translation was done by the original Japanese maker and not licensed out to Peach Princess/JAST USA/G-Collections.

Yes, I don’t believe we’d be able to do a download of that. It’s also quite huge, too. Best to get the package version, since the package is frankly the nicest one ever made.

Here’s a link in case you need it. :slight_smile: Remember that it’s part of our big sale this month so it’s only $20 basically.