New to Bishoujo

Well, I took the dive and purchased ‘Casual Romance Club’…I hope its not too dated, I happened across some user reviews here on the board and noticed they were from 2003.

I did notice quite a disparity in price. I’ve seen as much as $60. Well I bought it for $34.95 at:

Anyhow, I look forward to get my new game in the mail!

If anyone could suggest other titles, I’d love to hear them. I’d be particularly interested in any girl/girl simdate/rpg titles…I know, I’m wacked!

No, you’re just in my corner of the field.

Unfortunately, there’s not really much of anything in the way of girl/girl available. There’s some girl/girl scenes in various games, but they still involve a male PC trying to land a female PC. And I like to hint at shoujo-ai in my works, but I can’t include any adult content because I can’t get distribution in hentai channels.

As for RPG, you want Brave Soul.

If you’re happy with a non-hentai sim/RPG you can look at my own Kishi Kawaii, but again, I can’t include any nudity.

And that’s an awfully good price for CRC, I see they have it on sale… I wish my other half hadn’t just been laid off, making me feel too guilty to buy games…

Yes I’m glad I did a little shopping around!

Thanks for the pointers!

Casual Romance Club isn’t that old when it comes to the English bishoujo game market.

I think you made a good choice for your first game.

Welcome to the board!

Good choice on a first game. Hope you enjoy it.

There’s not a whole lot of rpg stuff, and girl/girl doesn’t see a whole lot of limelight either, but there are some other excellent games out there to get. Tokimeki Check-in is what I usually suggest to newcomers. It’s pretty good at helping to get people into these types of games, and it’s quite fun, I enjoy all the girls in it myself, though some to a lesser extent than others. Hope you find some good games.

Thank you both for the welcomes!

I could stand it last night and ended up purchasing the download edition of ‘Come See Me Tonight’…I downloaded it this morning and was able to install and play it for a bit before I had to head off to work.

Looks pretty cool. If anyone has any tips, minus spoilers I’d love to hear 'em! It would seem prudent to keep notes on the characters as I go along…?

Welcome! And Hello to everyone else as well.

I’ve just ordered my first batch of games from J-list:
Brave Soul, Heart de Roommate, Jewel Knights Crusaders and Private Nurse.

Brave Soul I fell in love with the art work and it’s an RPG so I’m really looking forward to it. Jewel Knights and Heart both sound like a laugh and Private Nurse artwork seems really nice as well. They should be arriving soon.

Come March I’m hoping to get all of these:
Of course that will only happen if the last two are out by then.

Still, hello to Zam and everyone else!

bah, I hated bravesoul, such a boring battle system. you need to get the sagara family, that game was awesome. how can you go wrong with a character thats into cosplay?

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

Originally posted by DetectiveConan:
You need to get the sagara family, that game was awesome. how can you go wrong with a character thats into cosplay?

Yes, Sagara Family looks good also. Is there a download edition do you know?

Can't wait to get hom and 'dig into' Come See Me Tonight [img][/img]

To tell you the truth, I really don’t support the download games, but if it helps to get more people to buy then I am glad it’s there.

On that note, I do believe Sagara family has a downloadable version.

Originally posted by Zamdrist:
Well, I took the dive and purchased 'Casual Romance Club'...I hope its not too dated, I happened across some user reviews here on the board and noticed they were from 2003.

I did notice quite a disparity in price. I've seen as much as $60. Well I bought it for $34.95 at:

Anyhow, I look forward to get my new game in the mail!

If anyone could suggest other titles, I'd love to hear them. I'd be particularly interested in any girl/girl simdate/rpg titles...I know, I'm wacked! [img][/img]

Ahhh, a new Junior Citizen to the world of B-Gaming. Welcome, and please mind the luntics here, including me.

Sadly, there are no pure girl/girl stuff out yet, much to my great annoyance, but I'm sure if we whined enough, they'd give us one just to appease the mob. Here, have a picket sign.

Fellow gamers, greetings once more.

I have a few questions, and a comment at the end. Since most of you have vastly superior knowledge of most of these games I will see what responses I get in helping me out.

Entertainment budget for myself this month give me a few options, and Jlist says it has free shipping til the end of January which helps. Sooo…if you were myself, and had the following options, which would you choose?

Purchase G-Collections Special Set #2 - DOR plus three games (DOR plus choice of Chain, Kana-Little Sister, Come See me Tonight, Do you like Horny Bunnies, Gonna Nurse You 1 and/or 2)

Peach Princess Game Set - Will Set (Snow Drop, Little My Maid, Critical Point, Gibo)

I would include the Peach Princess Game Set - Crowd Set (X-Change 1&2, Tokimeki Check in!, Brave Soul) but I already own Brave Soul. Not sure they would allow substitutions for Ever 17 or something else I would wanna try.

Please be honest on the games involved. Even if I have to just “mix and match” for the regular discount I would like to order a few more to add and review. Hey, it’s my birthday next month and the wife says I can treat myself (to go along with the Tomato Pretz I should be getting real soon! Ran outta the dern pizza pretz though, bummer.)

The comment I was going to share I would appreciate a little understanding on. I love humor, sarcasm, even some sardonic wit at times; Monty Python fan that I am. I just ran across very old posts including the ones for “Something Awful.” Looking it up, I had to investigate. I laughed til I cried, then laughed some more.

I will agree with this person on some issues, especially gameplay on critical games like RPG’s (I used to program those, hate seeing bad combat mod’s.) Saw Mr. Payne’s posting that this reviewer “really liked” H-games…whew, sharp witted friends like that…who needs enemies?

Thanks for any input you can give.

The G collections set looks the better option from my experience.

If you go for that, the first game i’d recommend you take is Kana-Little sister. You won’t be disappointed with that.

I liked the gonna nurse you series, but you might just want to take one of them. Both games are good.

If you want reviews, gameFAQ has tons that are informative and well written.

But here is a little bit of advice from someone with way too many games. Pick a wildcard game for the final one. We all tend to have a set idea of what we want, throwing a game you’d normally not take can reveal insights into yourself…and be damn fun too

(if anyone is interested the games I took a chance on were, critical point my first ever game, Kana and i’m going to serve you 4.)

Welcome to Bishoujo Gaming! You will meet many interesting people here, we’re all people that respect the beauty of Bishoujoness…heh heh.

Anyway, I suggest picking up ‘The JAST USA Memorial Packet’. The pack includes ‘The Three Sisters Story’, ‘Seasons of the Sakura’ and ‘Runaway City’.

Definately play ‘The Three Sisters Story’ and ‘Seasons of the Sakura’, those games really are addictive. ‘Runaway City’ is okay but not one of my favourites, still it is good though.

And the X-Change series, a must get!

Mirk, it depends on what you like. Many of those games you’ve listed on your “Might buy” list are on many posters “favorite” game list. So if you could give the forum a hint on what you like, that will help the forum in tipping you what might match up.

Chain, Kana, Snow Drop, Tokimeki Check In, and Brave Soul, for instance, are forum favorites. Indeed, many a thread has been devoted to those titles, and some more frequent posters should be along to sing their praises.

Of course, all of the games you’ve listed can be fun or enjoyable, if they run to your preferences. Which is why I was asking for hints on what you like.

I apologize for not including more information.

The main reason I listed those “pack” choices was due to two things: one, they offer more of a discount and two, they seem to offer a variety of themes as to help give me a wider scope of this genre.

Personally I have purchased to this point:

Brave Soul (Animenation)
Viper Paradise (Jlist)
Love Love Show (Jlist)
Milky House Memorial Collection (Jlist)
JAST USA Memorial Collection (Jlist)
Transfer Student (Jlist)

Although I haven’t written my personal reviews for any (because I haven’t finished the JAST USA Memorial and Love Love Show yet) I do see some things I like and dislike thus far.

Brave Soul: I have always loved AD&D, RPG’s, etc. The only fault I can see in this one is the combat mod is a bit dated. Plays like a Zelda holdover. Few overpowered weapons and seemingly (just from experience) either something was left out of the game OR I haven’t found the right combinations to unlock a few “odd things” I keep looking over. CG’s and storyline are well above expectation. Overall B+

Viper Paradise: What could have been. Half of the game cards either don’t work or have a very limiting effect. Still, this game is somewhat addicting and enjoyable to play and does take a bit of planning to master. Mosaic, I dislike, but apparently comes with the territory. Overall C+

Love Love Show: In fairness I haven’t finished it completely. Still, this game is an outright buncha poo in my opinion. Winning the games (on some) requiring redundant clicking hoping you make matches for the first three or four just so you have a chance…CG’s are very good and the games function well but it still needs ALOT to be enjoyable. Overall D

Milky House Memorial Collection: Great games and a nice, but small CG collection. To much to list but Nonturnal Illusions was great but a bit linear, not too much replay value. NI=B- May Club was great as far as replay, nice CG to a point, but really lacking in the overall scope (size) of the game. MC-B Overall B

JAST USA Memorial Collection: Still playing. Runaway City seems great and really enjoying it. Will wait until I finish it and the other two on this one.

Transfer Student (Jlist) What could have been. Storyline was like a tree with three branches. CG I really liked but the choice making seemed rather like counter-logic. (spoiler) “My sister is not home yet, could be in trouble! I’ll tell Mom! Oh, forget about her…mom’s lookin’ kinda good right about now…” Okay Dokey. Maybe a little more branching, greater scope to the game, and it felt like (something I verified) some of the girls should have had endings…but vanish? Overall C

Hope this helps. I really am drawn by the anime art form, but a good story is what keeps you. Even good gameplay, in my opinion, is very noteworthy. If this was too much detail for anyone, I do apologize.

Originally posted by Mirk:
Love Love Show: In fairness I haven't finished it completely. Still, this game is an outright buncha poo in my opinion. Winning the games (on some) requiring redundant clicking hoping you make matches for the first three or four just so you have a chance....CG's are very good and the games function well but it still needs ALOT to be enjoyable. Overall D

May I assume that you only tried the "uncensored game" and never the "original game" so far?

In that case, I think you should try the "original"-option at least once before making a final judgement!
Oh, and because "LoveLove Show" has no manual included, you may look here among the "miscellanous games" for my review with more detailed explanations of that one almost hidden and best game of the entire collection.

While I enjoyed figuring out the way this five-in-a-row and its special functions worked, you may be happier reading the results of my work there...
(... and if you are already there, you may as well take a look at all the other reviews and take from them my answers to your questions. [img][/img] )

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 01-18-2006).]


May I assume that you only tried the “uncensored game” and never the “original game” so far?

In that case, I think you should try the “original”-option at least once before making a final judgement!

Yeah, I planned on fully finishing the game before I put any permanent reviews down. Basically was just trying to let others know what I liked, didn’t like so far to help them possibly understand me more precisely.

I looked your review up and really enjoyed it. I had planned on trying the five in a row game later on. Honestly, that card game (which I have seen variants on in other RPG’s, example-Xbox Fable mini game, numerous others) could and SHOULD have been much more entertaining. The way the gameplay on that particular one worked was really irritating. The other grid games were okay, hopefully (as your review points out) the five in a row game will make me reassess the game, as a whole, for the better.

Mirk, well, that’s helpful. Although for these games, it’s more of knowing that you like light hearted romances, or maybe deep brooding stories, or like cat-girls or whatever.

For stories, then:
* Chain - Pulp detective story. Very linear, but very good.
* Kana - deep and tragic. A forum favorite. Has multiple endings. (So I’ve heard - Kana is in my To be played list.)
* Critical Point - I rate this as a top story game, but I am biased towards SF. It has many endings, and the story really bobs and twists depending on what girl/story line you are following. It will take you a while to see all the lines in this game.

Fair to Good B-Games (some story, non-linear):
* Come See Me Tonight: A good game. It’s a typical b-game (-pick- your girl and find out her story) set in a restaraunt. Several endings.
* Little My Maid - Nice game with nice graphics. It follows the typical b-game formula (pick your girl and find out her story), set in a magical palace. Lots of endings.
* Tokimeki Check In! - This is a classic game. Indeed, for some fans, this is the archtypical b-game. Lots of women/story lines to be pursued in this game.

Split Decisions:
* DYLHB - I liked it. Others on the forum tend to call it the standard sex romp. Pick your girl, find out her (short) story. It doesn’t have the normal depth per lady in it that CSMT has, for instance. But I think its worth the time.
* Snow Drop - If this game was restructured, I’d think it was a very good game. As it is, you’ll need some serious dedication to get all its endings, or a walk-thru. Many forum members think this game is a great game despite, or perhaps because of, its great challenges (compared to most other b-games) to get to the last 2/3rd of the game. If you get it, don’t get too discouraged. There is a fine story with a few different endings in it.

Mixed bag:
* DOR - It’s more of a set of demos. AIR, there’s a short story in it that I really liked.

Can’t help you with Gonna Nurse You or X-Change. My GNY1 is waiting in my “To Be Played” pile. X-Change seems to be one of those games people either love it or hate it, judging by the posts in the forums.

BTW, I love Brave Soul. Too bad we don’t have another such RPG on the horizon at the moment.

Anyways… this is the place. If you want deep stories, just say so, and the forum will fill up your thread on the biggest, deepest, or most twisty B-Game stories. If you like cat-girls or dark themes or true love or just wacky humor, say it, and the people here will happily pointy out the games that might be enjoyable for you.

I hope this was helpful to you.

Finally decided on the “DOR plus three games” and ordered it today for my upcoming birthday.

Mainly the deciding factor was the strength of replies on “Kana-Little Sister.” It seems everyone universally hails this title as one of the best if not the best game available.

I threw in “I’m Gonna Nurse You” voice plus as the wild card and “Jewel Knights Crusaders” just because everyone has pointed out that it will no longer be available.

My wish list, however, has grown. Whenever possible Critical Point, Tokimeki Check-in, Ever 17, Secret Wives Club may be down the road. Honorable mention to Snow Drop, although I still need to hear more about that one…

Thanks again for the suggestions all. Now if Mr. Payne would just stop putting great artbooks like “NAS-O illustration works” or Tomato Pretz on his website I would stop wishing to order so much…