New to these games

Hi I’m from UK, and came across these games as some dude over the internet told me about them and said they are fun and good to play coz we both like RPG type of games.

Anyways I checked out that Jlist site and FUN is a good way to describe the pics on the games…ahaha…like the screenshots. Awesome artwork.

Anyways, I want to know more about the games. Such as, they are like Role-playing games?..It is like watching a cartoon DVD or something, and you have a say in it by maybe clicking on things or choosing what to reply and such?

And…can someone recommend me the best titles to go for?..Best gameplaying/story/art/scenes etc…


Originally posted by wayrad:
Anyways, I want to know more about the games. Such as, they are like Role-playing games?...It is like watching a cartoon DVD or something, and you have a say in it by maybe clicking on things or choosing what to reply and such?

There are indeed some bishoujo RPG's, but sof ar, only Brave Soul has amde it hee. Otherwise, you should expect most bishujog games (that have been translated so far anyway) to be in ADV (adventure game) style. Mostly you just follow the story and make few but often critical choices that can change the outcome of the game...

Originally posted by wayrad:
And..can someone recommend me the best titles to go for?..Best gameplaying/story/art/scenes etc...

Err, if you were a bit more specific, it'd be a bit eaiser to help you as we don't know what you want. If you like sad, tragic and touchung games then Kana - Imouto is perfect. If you like dark games with rape, SM and stuff like that, then I suggest that you get Gibo. If you like sci-fi, then go for Critical Point. If you want comedy, then go for one or more of Crowd's games (Tokimeki Check-in, the X-change series and the upcomign Doushin, etc). Or if you want an RPG, then Brave Soul's the gmae for you... So, be a bit more specific enxt time you ask [img][/img]. And also, unfortunately, there aren't all that many b-games on the english market, so you have a certain number of choices with the english market, yes, but it isn't the smorgasbord that the japanese market itself is...

Thnx for that dude…well i ordered a game…

The name was like…Possesion or something…had a good review and story sounded kind of interesting.

Originally posted by wayrad:
Thnx for that dude..well i ordered a game..

The name was like..Possesion or something..had a good review and story sounded kind of interesting.

You ordered Tsuki!?
... Well, I can only hope you will like it then - or at bes tnot be disappointed of your choice when you get the game...

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 12-01-2005).]

why u saying it like that…is it known to be shit or something?

Originally posted by wayrad:
why u saying it like it known to be shit or something?

*shrugs* Depends on your taste and all, I suppose. But IMHO, it was too linear and often all too illogical. For example, do the "demon" in the game really exist? Or is it merely a figment of the main chara's imagination or something like that; something he subconsiously makes up as an "excuse" for his deeds?

Anyway, things work rather illigically in this game and the story isn't the best. The only thing I can't really complain about is the art...

Tsuki is perhaps not the worst b-game in existence (thorugh I suppsoe some others here will tell me otherwise), but on the english market, at least, there are a lot of games that are much better than Tsuki, believe me...

I expect it depends if you like dark games or not. Many of us have very different tastes.

I, for one, really enjoyed Heart de Roommate. Many people find it boring. If Tsuki catches your interest, HdR is probably not for you.

I am always begging for more lesbians. (No, HdR is not a lesbian game, this is a separate subject.) Some people here don’t like lesbians. It’s all a matter of taste.

If you thought Tsuki looked interesting, I would suggest you also take a look at Critical Point. It has some dark content but an okay story and has many different endings.

Hmmm…I hope I havn’t made a bad purchase on my first title.

Well for me, personally…I like an interesting storyline. In games, I don’t have specific tastes. For example, it doesn’t have to be dark or whatever…

As long as it is a good storyline and the game involves us, the player in it well. To me that’s important…and obviously art.

However I don’t really think much of like a comedy category type of game. I came across a few when browsing and some of the descriptions said…“This is a great humorous game”…So straightaway I kind of didn’t look much into it more…because if I want something to laugh at, I’d rather watch a comedy on TV for example.

However a story, an nteresting one, maybe a bit more serious…I would like to play.

For me… art is important. Gameplay, how much it involves the player in it is important…and yea, I guess that’s it.

Oh and I’m not into lesbian scenes either!..Find them boring…

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Tsuki is perhaps not the worst b-game in existence

No, that honor would have to go to Water Closet..... [img][/img] [img][/img]

In all honesty I think you will find Brave Soul and Kana, Little Sister better choices. Kana has a very in depth, not humorous, storyline, and Brave Soul is an RPG with lots of interaction.

Yea i noticed Bravel Sould…the only reason I didn’t go for that is the screencaps. It looks like a Nintendo Gameboy version of Zelda or something!!!..Didn’t want to pay like $40 for that!

Hitomi - My Stepsister <<< This game seems to have some amazing artwork…What’s this one like?

Brave Soul has the best gameplay and best replay value. The artwork is outstanding. The story isn’t that detailed, but the dialogue is funny and well done.

Tsuki, eh? That’ll probably be the last one I buy, and even then I probably will have to force myself through it. Not my type of game.

I always recommend Tokimeki check-in first. It might be mostly comedy, and not have a serious story, but it boasts the best selection of girls, some of my favorite artwork, and offers a lot of interactivity in it’s choices.

I still think it’s probably the best game for someone new to the genre to play.

Anyhow, just thought I’d add in my 2 cents. Hope you enjoy Tsuki!

Originally posted by wayrad:
Yea i noticed Bravel Sould..the only reason I didn't go for that is the screencaps. It looks like a Nintendo Gameboy version of Zelda or something?!?!!...Didn't want to pay like $40 for that!

Hitomi - My Stepsister <<< This game seems to have some amazing artwork..What's this one like?

Unfortunately I don't buy most of the "dark" games, so there is little I can tell you about it. sorry.

I was also attracted by the artwork in Hitomi, but then I found out that the storyline involved coercion (I haven’t played the game, so I don’t know if it goes as far as ‘rape’) and urination (in at least some of the screenshots I’ve seen). Neither of those are my sort of thing.

For a game with a great storyline and pretty artwork, I’d recommend Crescendo, and second other people’s mention of Kana Little Sister. Crescendo is a little darker and more confronting in places than Kana, but most people find it to be an involving emotional experience. (You’ll have to get used to eyes the size of tennis balls, though. )

OH man…Tsuki - Possession game is totally shit!

I didn’t realise it was about rape and stuff!..Man, who makes these storylines?..And some scene where the teacher pisses whilst your fucking…ahaha…No offence, but I was laughing at this game at how…fucked up it is…lol…Some people man

Anyways, yes it is really shit like mos tof you said. There’s hardly any choices to make in it…all you do is click to get the next text coming up…but hardly any interaction so therefore gmaeplay is shit.

Really bad…waste of money…i give it 0.1/10

Originally posted by Bahamut_ger:
Hello all ,

i am new on this Board.

I come from Germany an my english is bad i hope you understand what i wrote here [img][/img]

I have played many Bishoujo Games. Some with a funny Story , Sci-Fi Story but also Bittersweet ones. My taste is not specified , i like them all. One of my favourite Games is Figures of Happines. It has a funny but also bittersweet Story.

I am not a specialist at this Games and i hope i can learn a lot from you [img][/img]

[This message has been edited by Bahamut_ger (edited 12-03-2005).]

Hello and welcome to the PP boards, where the Bounching Lemons reside and b-gamers from all over the world meet to exchange experiences! [img][/img]. I'm sure you'll do just fine here - and in time be just as experienced as the rest of us is [img][/img].

Originally posted by wayrad:OH man...Tsuki - Possession game is totally shit!
I didn't realise it was about rape and stuff!..Man, who makes these storylines?..And some scene where the teacher pisses whilst your fucking..ahaha..No offence, but I was laughing at this game at how..fucked up it people man

Anyways, yes it is really shit like mos tof you said. There's hardly any choices to make in it..all you do is click to get the next text coming up..but hardly any interaction so therefore gmaeplay is shit.

Really bad...waste of money..i give it 0.1/10

Well, just because a game has rape in it doesn't mean it's a bad game ;p. Still, next time, try to choose more wisly, young padawan :P

i actually like Tsuki. although i’ve never been a huge fan of that artwork. alot of the characters look the same with that kind. its like the creator of DBZ, all of his characters are basically twins of another

Step by step there is no need to rush, case by case I don’t care if people laugh. Beyond the uncountable says she is there waiting for me

i didnt realise the game was that pervy…