New York Anime Festival, anyone?

The New York Anime Festival is happening this weekend (December 7th-9th), and JAST USA president Peter Payne will be there! He’ll be manning the Domo-kun booth, but our games will be for sale at an affiliated booth so if you’re looking to either say hi to the boss or pick up some of our newer titles this is a great chance to kill two birds with one stone if you’re in the NYC area.

Going to the con? Let’s discuss here!

The cost of an airplane ticket from Hungary to New York is… I’m not going.

If I could somehow get to New York from Washington State I would cause it would be awesome to meet Peter Payne. He’s like the english bishoujo game god.

How’s New York Anime Festival anyways, spirit crushing crowding or lots of breathing room? I was thinking of going but I’m sure I’ll do nothing but check the dealer’s room, as I come into the city from the shuttle service at Mitsuwa, hang out, then leave before the last shuttle at 6 pm.

I’m also not keen on paying the cover that’s gonna be at least $30+

[ 12-06-2007, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: bokmeow ]

I planned to go but I caught bad cold. v_v

stays Chinatown Fair for watching Guilty Gear XX Accent Core and Initial D

lol if you do manage to find one from WA let me know so that I can stow away! I would have loved to have gone and done some live reporting (press badges rock!) but oh well, maybe next year.

So… how the festival? :smiley:

See any cool cosplayers?

(re: cosplay photo)

is that narg in person? :stuck_out_tongue:

The worst and most disturbing cosplayer I’ve ever seen was a 6ft 2in male in a Card Captor Sakura Outfit and it was just plain revolting.

[ 12-11-2007, 04:28 AM: Message edited by: GogetaSS4 ]

Aw come on! He’s not even trying to look like Faye!

Oh god it is Man Faye. Man, he is really famous here at Anime expo. Didn’t really see him last year though.

He looks more like the transvestite that spike ran into… the REALLY scary one… great… Nightmare… I would’ve gone but guys like that make me to scared to go…