Next game purchase--suggestions?

Okay, so I’m thinking of getting a new game. In the past, I’ve gotten some good suggestions from you folks, so here I am again. I’m thinking maybe Hitomi My Stepsister or Come See Me Tonight. Any comments? Also, I’m wondering about Critical Point. The description of the game on the J-List site (as well as the graphics) doesn’t make it appear all that interesting, but there’s a whisper in my ghost that suggests that it might be alright. Also, I’m going to WizardWorld in August. Does anybody know it PP is going to have a booth there? It might be kind of fun to get my next game ther and then–and smooze with the PP people, as well

Hitomi my stepsister ~ I don’t like it personally for various reason.
Come see me tonight ~ Your everyday H game, can enjoy it quite a bit though
Critical Point ~ now this game is kinda weird. when the games surface looks quite untended, the story goes pretty well and the Cgs are good enough.
Well, these are just my opinions so don’t take them seriously. It’s most important that you’re enjoying what you’re playing.

Well… How can I describe them?

Come See Me Tonight: Interesting characters, excellent BGM, good story (Japanese traditional restaurant) and artwork. Class B.

Critical Point: Interesting characters, very good BGM, interesting story (Moon Base), good CGs, many different paths/endings. Class B.

Hitomi My Stepsister: common characters, good BGM, excellent CGs, good story (?). This B-game has some S&M scenes, but it still is good. I think you should buy it. Yuki-chan is very hot… Class C.

Just my personal opinions. I hope they could help you to decide. Good luck!!! And enjoy your new B-games!!!

Come See Me Tonight - It actually had a decent storyline until the end when it just became sex scene after sex scene after sex scene with no more real storyline development.

Critical Point - It has a very story driven game, if a bit cliche at points. It does have some very intense S&M scenes and whatnot…It has varied paths/endings that follow a diverging plotline (as opposed to a parrallel plotline for something like Come See Me Tonight). Get this if you’re not turned off by some gory scenes and like Sci-fi stuff with a decent story.

Hitomi My Stepsister - This one is also very story driven. Very few ecchi scenes and even fewer hardcore ones, so if that’s what you want, look elsewhere. It’s a rather sad story and be prepared to shed a few tears.

Thanks, gents, for your comments. You have my gratitude. As things stand, I still not decided (altho Hitomi seems to be slightly ahead of the others). Of course, my dearest wish is to own all the games in the PP catalogue. This is sort of like when I was into war games. Eventually, I wound up with most of Avalon Hill’s inventory on my book shelves. Of course, I never played them all. In this sort of hobby, you eventually cease being a gamer at some point and turn into a collector.

Edited by Mystvan

[ 06-18-2007, 12:06 PM: Message edited by: Myst-Vearn (Mystvan) ]