Nintendo DSi XL

Yet again… my Nintendo made portable is obsolete. :frowning:

It’s so much bigger, but still can’t play GBA titles.

Guess size doesn’t matter. :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s no way I’m getting this. With the screen resolution staying the same, this is kid of useless. I’m going to stick with my original DS (DS lite broke :cry:) until Nintendo releases a completely new DS that has better graphics or some other capability that would actually make my original DS defunct.

Thanks for the picture, it has helped make up my mind. Given that I only got a DS for study purposes (most of the time the DS Kanji dictionary is what I have in it), the screen resolution doesn’t matter too much to me. I probably will get it if I have money to spare in the future. Having that bigger touch screen will be nice so that I have a larger area for writing complex kanji.

DSi crap has region-locking. Therefore, I do not have a DSi. The extra-large has the same thing. Therefore, I am not interested.

… I should get around to playing my copy of the witch-touching game…

They introduced region locking in the DSi? If that is the case, then I would have to get my DSi LL from J-List, as all of my cartridges are from Japan. Seems strange that they would do this though, since the DS Lite I have runs them just fine.

I forgot about the region-lock… That’s another reason not to “upgrade”. I really hope Nintendo doesn’t do that for the next generation of their handhelds.

DSi games are region-locked; DS cart games on a DSi can still be played region-free

It only affects the downloadable DSIware and (I think) one or two rare DSi-exclusive games. However, I still object on principle. :slight_smile:

ISTR there’s also issues about being unable to transfer any DSiware games you’ve bought to another handheld if yours breaks or you want to buy another one. Like, if you wanted to upgrade to the extra-large. Too bad so sad.

Don’t think nintendo has dealt with that issue yet much. I don’t plan on spending money there. I will try out the free 1000 points they gave me eventually though.