Nintendo Punch-Out is BACK!!!

Looks very nice:

I love the “oh I’m seriously fucked now” look on Kaiser’s face at 0:26… priceless… :lol:

Little Mac’s Super Uppercut will be feared once again! :twisted:

According to interviews, the dev’s actually had so many ideas, characters, stages, etc - they ran out of disc space to fit them all in. Can you say Wii point downloads? I know you can. :stuck_out_tongue:

I noticed this when I was recently watching some G4 OnDemand stuff out of boredom. Mike Tyson’s Punch Out is a game I have quite fond memories of playing when I was younger.

lol… this game is AWESOME and then some! 8)

“Tell your face, to leave my fists alone.”

Classic stuff. :smiley:

Also Popinski’s drinking, is even more hilarious when you consider the Japanese dev’s meant he was drinking Vodka like that. :twisted:

This guy figured out the patterns. :shock:

Cool fights. 8)

Damn, that guy’s good. I should get this game, I have fond memories of getting my ass beat back on the old NES.

Great Tiger should be Dhalism-in-Training. =P