Nintendo wins... Sony is phail...

I guess I wasn’t that big enough of a ST freak but as long as the battling is in the same vein as in 3 and 4 I’ll be happy with it. Looking back the new girls didn’t really appeal to me all that much so that was likely the reason why I didn’t bother to get it.

Pari Kagekidan FTW!

My ST saga stopped with ST4. When I read about ST5, it didn’t interest me enough to buy a PS2 for the game (for the record, I bought my Saturn because of ST1 and SG1 and my DC because of ST3 and SG2; and yes, I bought them only in order to play these games! I eventually bought other games on the consoles [as a coincidence, my third SS game was Grandia1 and my third DC game was Grandia2], but they’re the reason why I originally bought them at all).

I got a Saturn for Dragon Force and the Lunar games.

Picked up a PS2 for Devil May Cry and Armored Core. Sakura Taisen 5 was just something that just happily came along, since ST4 was originally planed as the last in the series. I don’t regret ST5, since it has the same feel, and improves the LIPS and tactical parts. I think the anti-ST5 love, is mostly due to console, rather than the content: sales for ST5 were lower than ST4, but the reviews and praise were generally the same.

The Lunar games were good stuff, indeed. I didn’t buy the SS for them but I don’t regret having bought and played them. Of the three, I think Magic School was a bit under-appreciated when it has a good story (two of the characters actually got married! and came back adventuring together!!) and a good magic system (combo magic!)

Heh… since you’re a Magic School vet like me, this will be especially funny for ya:


LOL! Looks like it’s gonna be another Wii Christmas. Personally I think you can’t lose if you get someone:

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Paper Mario

However next year - at least the start of it - will be the realm of Playstation 3: Metal Gear Solid and Devil May Cry appear to be REALLY GOOD titles that are pushing the edge… not to mention the next Final Fantasy that has the badass “cyberpunk” feel again.

Not sure if I should get PS3 now… or wait until the killer games are out first. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[ 12-01-2007, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

OMG!! It makes so much sense now!!

Nintendo’s success is because they’ve unlocked the greatest secret and most powerful force in the universe!!

They’ve discovered a way to focus The Faith into their products!! Ingenious!! :smiley:

Heh… the guy on the left is Howard Lincoln - retired President of Nintendo of America.

Seems the “Big N” has been brokering deals with the US Navy. No wonder Sony fears them. :wink:

I might get the 360 if Microsoft would fix the fact that it’s a ticking time bomb. Sorry, until the RROD problem is eliminated Microsoft will never truly be the winner of this generation.

Indeed the biggest mistake with Sony was restriction of 2D titles to a handfull on the PS2 released outside Japan…In fact, I can count them…

Rot3K 7
Rot3K 8
Rot3K 9
Rot3K 10

Well as for 2D games, the divisions running by an handhelds is entirely separate entity. The only thing they have in common with the console segment is name brand and some comptability with specific games. For all intensive purposes, the handheld portion of Nintendo is it’s own company and they’ve taken a much more positive look to 2D games.

As for homebrew…well no console or handheld system has embraced this because they get their money mostly from licensing of games, not sales of consoles. Nintendo though has given up stopping any flashcarts because it does actually make money on sales of the DS, one of the only handhelds that ever has since it’s release. It doesn’t update firmware like the PSP because of backwards computability with the GBA and older games. This is also why no new firmware has been released for any DS since the launch of the DSLite, and that was just to get it to read the DSLite components correctly.

However the Wii is no longer is a superior a position. It’s lack of games that appeal to old-school audiances, specifically rpgs, and its unique interface have turned off a lot of people.

More importantly, Blu-ray is now the only HD disc format. This means people can go out and buy a PS3 justifying that blu-ray will be the what will play their HD videos in the future.

Well the neat thing about Nintendo Wii, is that the company has already made their investment back now (and of course the DS is absolutely a gold mine). It was cheap to develop and cheap to produce. While the “Big N” has no plans to release a new system or anything, if it goes downhill from here, the stockpile of $$$ they have now will last a cold winter. And of course Nintendo isn’t going to just quit: I’m sure they’ve got a few “secret weapons” readied this year. 8)

somehow I don’t think hentai is one of those secret weapons.

Twincest isn’t technically…that’s Natsume.

We can all hope, can’t we? :wink:

But seriously, having put more thought into it, 2008 indeed seems to be Sony’s serious attempt to retake the lead from Nintendo.

Grand Theft Auto 4, Devil May Cry 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4 are heavy blockbusters. Not to mention Final Fantasy 13.

On the PSP front there’s Wild Arms XF, Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core, and God of War.

However its still too early to discount what Nintendo has planned as a counter attack. Since they won the Xmas rush, the Big N can afford to take the rest of the year to develop titles for Fall/Winter. It’s Sony who needs to put out these “killer games” ASAP to get enough momentum and not be left behind. Thus while Sony is going all out right now, they may very well burn themselves out.

I do like how a lot of companies have “split” their libraries between the systems. For example, while Sony gets Final Fantasy from Square-Enix, they’re giving Nintendo the Dragon Quest. From another prospective, Konami is focusing all their 2D titles on the DS, while putting the 3D on PSP. It lets dev teams who prefer one style (or system) over the other, have better room for creativity.

Well considering this week Apollo Justice was the game of talk…and last week and somewhat the week before (most boards i read talking about releases last week were complaining about lack of coverage for that game when it hadn’t even launched).

It’s no GTA, but it has had one of the strongest growing fanbases.

A lot of it has to do with console and handheld limitations.

Dragon Quest is on the DS and Wii because those are seen as for causal gaming systems and DQ is, despite being quite hard, meant to portray a more casual rpg experience. Final Fantasy on the other hand is all about the graphics.

Final Fantasy is unique though. It is probably the best series at branch games. In FF12 and moreso in FF13 it has created a story that you cannot understand fully unless you play every game and you need multiple systems to play each game. A win for everyone involved, corperate-wise. The games are mostly stand-alone, but not entirely.

Most notable, in my opinion… is the big move of the Ace Combat series to the Xbox360 (Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)
while all the other previous titles were exclusively PS/PS2. (AC fan here, i dunno if i’ll be dissapointed or not. But come to think of it… i dont really need Blu-ray lol)

Yeah I bought a PS3 when they had BC and actually had some promise of getting RPGs, which kind of pisses me off that everyone jumped ship.

More proof sony is moar phail and nintendo is moar win: I’ve owned my Ps3 for a long time, and I hardly even own games for it (basicly GTA4) since you can rent pretty much any PS3 game and tear it a new asshole in a 1-3 day timeframe, and in the first 2 weeks of getting a DS I already had purchased more games for it than I’ve ever even rented for the PS3 and my list just keeps growing since Nintendo is just so much win.

Oh well, at least I have a fancy shmancy blueray player now :roll:

Sony’s been doing better and making a comeback for sometime now. One thing that I don’t like about the Wii is that pretty much the only games I deem worth getting on it come from Nintendo, their third party games, with a few exception, pretty much suck donkeyballs, party its the developers fault but some of it lies in Nintendo as well, they don’t seem to give a damn what third party is doing; its good in away that they are open but not good that they pretty much have no communication with developers or i wonder if they even bother QAing some of the games that comes out, as a result, Nintendo’s Wii has the lowest average game score of all three consoles. I remember hearing that when Nintendo showed cased their new Wii remote, the Wii motion plus, third party developers were as surprised as the press was. … evelopers/

I’m not sure wtf Nintendo was trying to do but it sure didn’t impress many developers:

I wonder when nintendo will start treating third parties better instead of directly competing with them and start making sure that more games instead of bloat ware gets released. especially when some of the more long established games aren’t making their way to the wii for one reason or another.

Yeah PS3 is definitely making a comeback as of late, but will still have to work hard to catch up in the J-rpg department~ (my complaint was more for when it like first came out and kinda had crap all)

Even with that slight lack of genre they are starting to build up some steam, so you are right saying they have been getting better~ 2009 seems to be a promising year unless i’m imagining things :lol:

Looking forward to a farily decent lineup this year (that I can’t really think of at the moment cause i’m playing DS right now)

until then I have my PS2, PC and DS games to keep me happy, as I have faith in the Ps3 coming back this year! :smiley:

Over two years later… it’s still the same. :stuck_out_tongue: … _Sales.php … f_2009.php … Behind.php

Sad really.

However not is all happy in the House of N, for the third party companies have no idea how to tap into that $$$: … ct_to_.php

Nintendo’s been like that for a while now. I myself only bought the Wii for Twilight Princess. Though I have bought other games for it, if it wasn’t for Zelda being a Nintendo franchise, they probably would’ve lost me as a customer. Keep making Zelda, and you’ll keep me buying.