Nintendo wins... Sony is phail...

News article I ran into. :stuck_out_tongue:

Below is a quickie summary from a gaming site:

DS totally wins all next gen wars. Nothing comes close to the sales that’s been getting. The Wii isn’t doing bad either. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t have a PS3 myself yet even though I intend to get one once the price drops (sonyhint!).

Heh, old news. I knew long ago that Nintendo owns in business.

What for? There’s hardly anything interesting out for it at the moment, and upcoming titles are jumping ship one by one to another system. :slight_smile:

Aye, the ship jumping is really bad. Before companies were trying to be discrete about leaving Sony and/or not making their titles exclusive to them - now they pretty much laugh and flaunt about leaving for greener grass.

Sony made a lot of enemies in their domination with PS2 - and it wasn’t with rivals… it was with the dev teams who couldn’t do what they wanted to do (such as 2D titles and whatnot).

Oddly enough, it’s not new. Nintendo made a lot of enemies with the NES and SNES domination and not going CD media - hence why a lot of companies jumped ship for the PS1 and Saturn (primarily in Japan for the later).

Let’s see if Nintendo learned a lesson - although their refusal for garage/homegrown studio is a bit disturbing…

[ 06-01-2007, 09:53 PM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

I don’t see a huge jump of already started property onto the Nintendo or even 360 systems but Sony still has quite a few exclusives still on lock. Games like Final Fantasy mainline aren’t going to jump anywhere and that’s one game I’ll definitely get.

Interestingly enough I’ve been enjoying the hell out of my 360 for RPGs lately. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually Square Enix only has 7 games planned for the PS3 and PSP combined. They have 12 planned for the DS alone.

According to some Japanese gaming magazines, two PS3 projects were cut in the development stage so far this year.

If sales for the PS3/PSP don’t work like they like, Square Enix will drop Sony like a rock. They’ve done it before in other ventures multiple times.

Well I did mention the mainline game didn’t I? :stuck_out_tongue: I have little interest in all the huge amounts of other Final Fantasy coming out.

Square Enix confirmed that it will few games for Wii.

Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors
Chocobo’s Dungeon: Toki Wasure No Meikyuu
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

I do not understand why Mistwalker refused to support PS2/3. Mistwalker developed Blue Dragon and ??? (I forgot what name of RPG) for Xbox 360.

That, and the difficulty of developing for the PS2. Back when it came out, developers were crying out how it was hard to develop for, and that Sony didn’t offer any help.

Bah. The sideline Final Fantasy games are often more interesting than the mainline. :slight_smile:

From what I understand Mistwalker is getting a huge amount of financial support from Microsoft in Japan.

I kinda agree with you there but it’s one of those games that I just have to get whether I like it or not. I really didn’t enjoy FFXII all that much but still bought. :stuck_out_tongue:

DMC4 on XBOX and PC? What happened to that PS2 exclusive? Oh… that’s right… Sony is phail!

Works for me. Another reason why I can save $600. :slight_smile:

Ah… Dante is playable in the game with his own story and levels. Good. Nero is fine, but Dante is the real badass. :smiley:

[ 06-08-2007, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: Nargrakhan ]

^^^ You mean Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, not Xbox and Playstation 2. :stuck_out_tongue:

LOLZ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw Narg…;f=18;t=000309

I also posted the fall of Sony in this old thread.

The way I see it, it’s not that Nintendo owns the industry… rather, the industry is starting to change. Justa s Sony’s PS changed the industry, now Nintendo is changing it again the way it revived the industry back in 1984 afetr the E.T. fiasco.

And to further develop on the VGcats tracking of the subject

[ 06-11-2007, 11:50 PM: Message edited by: Phineas Lucis ]

Martha Stewart bakes a Wii cake:

Now that PROVES WITHOUT A DOUBT that Nintendo official ownz Sony. :wink:

I want my Sega back. ;_;

Oh the good old days of the Dreamcast, really too bad it couldn’t continue. Still have my Sakura Taisen collection sitting next to my bed cause it looks kinda cool. Kinda question why I bought it now cause I have the individual releases and the pack. :stuck_out_tongue:

In SEGA’s defense, the Dreamcast sold rather well. The problem was the Dreamcast didn’t sell as well as SEGA wanted.

They didn’t have the money or desire for a long entrenched war with Sony and Nintendo (soon followed with Microsoft) and thus folded early in the battle.

Still… SEGA is still around, so all isn’t lost.

NiGHTS is on the horizon for Wii, Sonic has long been around for everyone, and Sakura Taisen 5 was a great PS2 title. :slight_smile:

I hear a Sakura Taisen 6 is in the works, but no one seems to have any idea what system it will be released on. Given console sales however, and that ST is typically fated only for Japanese release, I suspect the Wii.

Interestingly enough I’ve had no interest in ST5 at all. Never really looked at it and have no desire to get it which is really quite odd since I loved the older games so much.

I’m a Sakura Taisen freak, so I HAD to get ST5. With all honesty, I don’t like the girls of ST5 all that much, except for Ratchet - who can only be won after beating the game once, and then following a hard as hell path tree.

That said: the battle engine in the tactical game is above and beyond better than the previous versions. The fact that the units fly, adds a whole new dimension to everything. The bosses are also HEUG LIKE XBOX.