No News is good? news?

you are only getting it half right by simply calling hentai “pervert”…there is more to the word than just "pervert"

It’s really hard to precisely explain this in english terms…but the best term I can think of for “hentai” (which is an adjective btw) is “perverted FREAKY”…you don’t call someone who watches porn “hentai” (your girlfriend may if she got really angry), but you would call someone who walks around at night wearing nothing but a trenchcoat and showing his body to all passersby "hentai"

Because of the extremely negative implication fo the term “hentai” it will be really bad to refer to these games “hentai”. If you were in japan, say in akihabara or in comic market, and you yell “Kanon is hentai game”…I can assure you that you will get a good beating by an angry mob and nobody will pity for you…

This is something you cannot learn by simply taking japanese classes…and something they obviously don’t teach either

Anyhow, my suggestion is: don’t use the term hentai unless you have a good reason for it…but then people here have already associated the term hentai already with any adult anime material, tasteful or not, which is of course a really sad thing.

[This message has been edited by Lamuness (edited 08-15-2002).]

Sorry, just imagining someone being silly enough to yell out “Kanon is a hentai game” like in your example. That’s such an interesting picture…

And to clarify slightly for Gambit-san (Correct me if I’m wrong Lamuness-san), when Lamuness-san refers to “people here” he’s refering to the “Western” world for the most part and not the people specifically on this BBS. Most of us have learned better since coming here.

It is unfortunate how terms, especially foreign “borrowed” terms, end up having an incorrect or confused meaning from what it was or should be. (I try to be precise in my own use of language and that type of thing really drives me nuts.) We just need to do the best we can to educate others when we can.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
zzz....can we switch the channel back back to bishoujo? :P

As long as you don't look in the poetry-quoting thread, umm...sure, I guess.

Now this is why people shouldn’t mix Japanese vocab with their English. These fanboys will think they know what they’re talking about using these impressive sounding foreign words when in fact, they’re making themselves look like idiots. I’ve tried to educate some people about the word “hentai” before, but they just won’t listen. It’s their ignorance and I don’t care anymore. BTW, specifically, the word “hentai” is a nominal adjective(adjectival noun), not a true adjective, but every anime nut uses it as a noun.

Kagami-san’s page
So, Gambit-san, you should either use “bishoujo games” or “gal-games”… “Ero-games” (erogee) was also used, but IIRC its use became rarer in favor of the two previous expressions.

(I chose to answer for Kagami-san, as he is currently in Japan and won’t probably answer until next week)

[This message has been edited by olf_le_fol (edited 08-19-2002).]

make sure you read the “those crazy gaijin” page; read it twice.

I’ve read some pretty stupid postings on the subject of “hentai” on anime BBSs before. Some fanboys think “hentai is an art form.” Ludicrous!!

Also, 18-kin game is another name to refer to these bishoujo games.