Nocturnal Illusion : Cannot run 16 bit program, Cannot f

Have you tried running it from a DOSBox ?

[ 07-31-2007, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: Leon ]

My mistake, then :I
Tried setting the executable’s properties for Compatibility mode?

By the way, the file you are trying to execute is a .exe, .bat or .com?

That’s pretty strange… Win XP is supposed to run any Win16 executable without problems.

Check out the first one, but your problem is veery suspiciously like the second one. The million dollar question is why would the files be buried that deep? You should theoretically be installing from CD and running from Program Files, right? (I mean, assuming your copy is legal and you’re not installing from some unknown location on the HD somewhere).

I’d also scan the machine for spyware (files related to 16-bit compatibility shouldn’t, theoretically, be updated often so it’s somewhat suspicious).