
trying hard to control the tears… look… at… the…PP… monthlyt… newsletter… XC2 & BS… won’t be out before 2003!! bawls This is really the saddest news I’ve heard here for quite a while .

oh well I really did think they’re out from the scheldue if I’m not wrong they’re suppose to be released this year with that last newsletter

Originally posted by tryo_kane:
oh well I really did think they're out from the scheldue if I'm not wrong they're suppose to be released this year with that last newsletter

Well, I', not really surpised that thye're out of scheldue, since that has hapaned before; it takes time to "make a Japanese game into an english one". Of course, a miracle might occur, and it gets out earlier... but we shouldn't count on that ^^;;

Heh, quick, find the other thread where we were guessing when they would be coming out…need to find out who won the BBS pool… (Okay, more like a puddle than a pool but still… )

It’s too bad for the 2003 release, mostly because they’ll miss the Christmas season. (Though, I think most of us would be buying it for ourselves.) We’ll just have to see how it goes I guess.

I thought I told you guys already that it would be impossible to have BS released before 2003…but for XC2, that I don’t know

Ugh waiting is such a drag, dammit Japanese why do you have to be such a tough language to learn =). I am curious and I know it has been brought up numerous times but all these newsletter list XC2 and Brave Soul but nothing of Little My Maid, My god I thought I heard like 2 years ago that the conversion of this massive game was going well, then it kinda just disappeared… Don’t get me wrong I am probably more excited about Brave Soul and X-Change 2 than LMM I just would think that if they were already well into the LMM project they would finish it.

Originally posted by Lamuness:
I thought I told you guys already that it would be impossible to have BS released before 2003...but for XC2, that I don't know

Aha, so XC2 might still get out this year, after all?

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*trying hard to control the tears*... look... at... the...PP... monthlyt... newsletter... XC2 & BS... won't be out before 2003!! *bawls* This is really the saddest news I've heard here for quite a while [img][/img].

Really? Are you sure? I think Ladyphoenix just broke up. And more importantly, I want Little My Maid (And yes, I am kidding about the latter being more important than the former.)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, I', not really surpised that thye're out of scheldue, since that has hapaned before; it takes time to "make a Japanese game into an english one". Of course, a miracle might occur, and it gets out earlier... but we shouldn't count on that ^^;;

Well, I dunno about calling it a "miracle" per se, but I may be able to arrange something for...a reasonable price...

About Little My Maid Lamuness reported on another Topic (Which one escapes me at the moment) That LMM was delayed until Will’s Programmers and Art team could synch their schedules to work on it together. (Due to the fact of the facial animations and what not.)

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
*trying hard to control the tears*... look... at... the...PP... monthlyt... newsletter... XC2 & BS... won't be out before 2003!! *bawls* This is really the saddest news I've heard here for quite a while [img][/img].

Come on Spec, be a man! But then again it's probably worse for me since I started the Brave Soul petition in the first place, lo these many years ago!

Yes, that were quite some news, right?

But in the meantime, we might console ourselves with the monthly release-svchedule of G-collections (if they really get that going…).

However, even if Will gets the conversion of LMM done, I am not quite sure, how long the testing and beta-testing will take before a release date for it might be set.
I just hope, I’d not die in the meantime…

(Hey, we all grow older, right?)

Originally posted by Unicorn:
I just hope, I'd not die in the meantime... [img][/img]

(Hey, we all grow older, right?)

And accidents and such DO happen meanwhile, too... Well, if we die while waiting for the games, let's hope that there's a bishoujo paradise behind Death [img][/img].

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
Well, if we die while waiting for the games, let's hope that there's a bishoujo paradise behind Death [img][/img].

Yes. And translated Versions of Dokusen, Men at Work 2, Kanon, Air, ... should be waiting there for us. [img][/img]

Originally posted by Unicorn:
Yes. And translated Versions of Dokusen, Men at Work 2, Kanon, Air, ... should be waiting there for us. [img][/img]

Sure! And if not, I'll rise out of may grave, walk to the nearest store that sells bishoujo games and say this to them: "Giveee mee oneee copy of all bisssshoujo gamesss you sell heeree!" and then walk straight back into my grave with all those games so I can take them with me to whatever afterlife there is. [img][/img].

Just one picky detail:

How would you pay for them? I’ve been told, the last suit has no pockets (that’s why you should strive to spend all your money, while you are still alive…).

Back in the old days, people would put one gold piece in your mouth to pay to Charon. Perhaps nowadays you can ask for a BIG bill to buy some bishoujo games?

Hmm… In the days of the Vikings, (about 1000 years ago), people were buried with their personal belongings (clothes, money and such)… perhaps I should ask for getting buried with all of my peronal belonings? It will have to be coins, in that case…

Originally posted by Doug:
Come on Spec, be a man! But then again it's probably worse for me since I started the Brave Soul petition in the first place, lo these many years ago!

Hmm, I remember that I were on the boards back then. I were a lot more quite, through (but I do remember that Kumiko didn't really seem to like that PP brought the rights to Brave Soul... She throught that it was too early, if I remember correctly...). anyway, I don't really mind waiting, there is lots of stuff to do meanwhile, and G-collection's news did really raise my spirits, but still, it's sad to know that two games you're waiting for have been delayed [img][/img].

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
Really? Are you sure? I think Ladyphoenix just broke up. And more importantly, [b]I want Little My Maid (And yes, I am kidding about the latter being more important than the former.)[/b]

Ah, okay, let me then say it differently: The saddest game-wise news we've heards for quite a while! Sounds good enough ? [img][/img]

Besides, I think I want Slave Bazaar more than any other game PP is releasing. But i'm trying to restrict my longings to the closest games they're releasing [img][/img].

[This message has been edited by Spectator Beholder (edited 10-14-2002).]