Nov 20: reserve your copy

Originally posted by ekylo:
Hmm, hey Nandemonai-san, I'm guessing they did come get my cube. 15 straight hours here? Wasn't I insane enough in the first place?!?

*grins evilly*

You're welcome. As we agreed I'll be visiting your boss' cube soon enough...

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
True, I do post my decision for whenever I should buy a game or not, or just postone my decision here sometimes... However, that is almost just the case of games made by other companies than PP, since I most probably will buy almost all games made by PP. This is because that I know what to except from Will and Crowd, but when it comes to other companies, I have my doubts. It's as simple as that, and that's why PP's games always is on my top priority list no matter what game(s) G-collections or another company releases.

I have my doubts about Hobibox, but not about G-Collections really. They have produced 3 good quality games and one of those is the best English Bishoujo game I have played (Kana). While DOR was pretty bad, nobody is perfect. Also something should be said for the SPEED G-Collections is releasing games, with the addition of Private Nurse they now offer the same amount of games for sale as Peach Princess and that was in about 1/5 the time it took PP to amass 5 titles. *IF* they do bring 6 more titles out in less than 8-10 months (they say six....) it would be incredible. G-Collections has earned my support for any new game they release, and that says alot considering I bought DOR [img][/img].

Originally posted by Bigdog:
I have my doubts about Hobibox, but not about G-Collections really. They have produced 3 good quality games and one of those is the best English Bishoujo game I have played (Kana). While DOR was pretty bad, nobody is perfect. Also something should be said for the SPEED G-Collections is releasing games, with the addition of Private Nurse they now offer the same amount of games for sale as Peach Princess and that was in about 1/5 the time it took PP to amass 5 titles. *IF* they do bring 6 more titles out in less than 8-10 months (they say six....) it would be incredible. G-Collections has earned my support for any new game they release, and that says alot considering I bought DOR [img][/img].

I have to agree about G-Collections offerings especially if they can continue to keep up the pace of their releases.

Wake me if Hobibox Europe releases anything in the next year.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

i think they have probably had these titles in the works for almost as long as peapri, they just waited to announce them until they were almost done…

i admire any company who brings titles to the english market, and any company who does so will have my support…but i think peapri does a great job too

oh yeah, and spec, teach those lemons how to pay bills quickly!!! my car insurance just added another huge weight to my financial strain…it looks like i won’t be able to afford private nurse this year

hmmmm, wonder if i could plead for christmas donations for my website lol…j/k

I’m really happy that G-collections and PeaPri are around. (Especially since I can actually afford games nowadays. ) I’m hoping they keep going strong. The more full Japanese games I play and books I read, the more depressed I get…or maybe not. goes back to staring at the Hand Maid May artbook that arrived today

Originally posted by ladyphoenix:
oh yeah, and spec, teach those lemons how to pay bills quickly!!! my car insurance just added another huge weight to my financial looks like i won't be able to afford private nurse this year

A car can be quite expensive! Why not just use your wings? [img][/img]. It's free, and you get lots of fresh air while flying [img][/img].

Originally posted by Bigdog:
I have my doubts about Hobibox, but not about G-Collections really. They have produced 3 good quality games and one of those is the best English Bishoujo game I have played (Kana). While DOR was pretty bad, nobody is perfect. Also something should be said for the SPEED G-Collections is releasing games, with the addition of Private Nurse they now offer the same amount of games for sale as Peach Princess and that was in about 1/5 the time it took PP to amass 5 titles. *IF* they do bring 6 more titles out in less than 8-10 months (they say six....) it would be incredible. G-Collections has earned my support for any new game they release, and that says alot considering I bought DOR [img][/img].

You're truly a true supporter of the bishoujo market considering that you buy almost any game, then! [img][/img]. But me, I'm kinda choosy, you see, and I uaually except certain things from a B-game I'm going to buy. I don't require too much, but a game has to be an a certain way for me to like it. In any case, my requirements regarding a bishoujo game has so far always been meet when it comes to Crowd and Will, but that's not always the case of certain games rleeased by other companies. While I do admire any company that brings more english games to the market, that doesn't mean that I'll buy just any game they release since I, as I said, are excepting certain things from a game. Of course, exceptations are made sometimes, and I know that in some cases, I'd buy a game jsut because that it has soemthing I like, even it it doens't really meet my exceptations (let's take Fortuna, for example. Everyone here knows that I don't like Single-path/novel games, but in the case of Foruna, I could make an exceptation just because that it is Fantasy if it ever gets released ^_^).

You probably already figured this out, but I’m kind of picky. There’s more or less three things that turn me off to a game of this sort:

1) Bad writing and/or localization. If the localization of a game is as bad as, say, Xenogears’ or FF7’s–then it’s hurt by it. Sometimes this can be overcome; Final Fantasy Tactics is a good example of this. Also, sometimes the original is just weak in the script department–this is different than a hack localization job; see Spriggan as an example of that.

2) Certain kinds of fetishes. I think I brought this up before, but I’m mildly microphobic–I don’t eat off of things others have, I don’t eat off the floor, I wash my hands frequently, etc. So there are certain kinds of fetishes that just…repel me. Water Closet is a good example of this.

3) Icky games. While I don’t object to what is usually termed extreme content when there’s a plot that revolves around it and it’s treated with the seriousness such topics have…I don’t really want to see it. And I have big big problems with works like Xchange (as if you didn’t know that) and Dragon Pink.

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
You probably already figured this out, but I'm kind of picky. There's more or less three things that turn me off to a game of this sort:

I think that most peple is tured down by SOMETHING in a game. I think that the fact that WC is not the best-selling title of PP is proof of that; it's probably the newest game released here (I think it was releasd in japan "just" two years ago or something like that, anyway), it has multiple sight perspective and five characters to paly as, etc... but since there'a certain amount of toilet fetish in WC, I think most people feels kinda like you regarding WC.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I think that most peple is tured down by SOMETHING in a game. I think that the fact that WC is not the best-selling title of PP is proof of that; it's probably the newest game released here (I think it was releasd in japan "just" two years ago or something like that, anyway), it has multiple sight perspective and five characters to paly as, etc... but since there'a certain amount of toilet fetish in WC, I think most people feels kinda like you regarding WC.

That's true. I'm still a little amazed that a lot of people who I've talked to about Kana have been more turned off by the subject matter of Kana's illness than the incestuous under-theme.

I wonder how long this will keep up. I suspect G-Collections is trying to tap into a market that they think will strike gold, before others get the jump on them. I remember Himeya also released pretty much all their new titles at the time with an astounding rate and no one comes closer to quality than Himeya, but that proved to come to no fruition unfortunately.

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
I think that most peple is tured down by SOMETHING in a game. I think that the fact that WC is not the best-selling title of PP is proof of that; it's probably the newest game released here (I think it was releasd in japan "just" two years ago or something like that, anyway), it has multiple sight perspective and five characters to paly as, etc... but since there'a certain amount of toilet fetish in WC, I think most people feels kinda like you regarding WC.

And I even know that the gamplay in Water Closet is advanced! I know all about the Water Closet gimmick and how the gameplay is advanced and everything; it's too bad, really. I even considered briefly the idea of buying it. But I knew there was just no way I could get past the toilet fetish content.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I wonder how long this will keep up. I suspect G-Collections is trying to tap into a market that they think will strike gold, before others get the jump on them. I remember Himeya also released pretty much all their new titles at the time with an astounding rate and no one comes closer to quality than Himeya, but that proved to come to no fruition unfortunately.

This would tend to be confirmed by their job posting. They wanted a North American sales manager, and apparently thought there'd be the money to pay someone to do that.

Originally posted by bokmeow:
I wonder how long this will keep up. I suspect G-Collections is trying to tap into a market that they think will strike gold, before others get the jump on them. I remember Himeya also released pretty much all their new titles at the time with an astounding rate and no one comes closer to quality than Himeya, but that proved to come to no fruition unfortunately.

Well, I doubt they'll find much gold, but still, this isn't such a bad time for releasing new bishoujo games at the market.

Originally posted by ekylo:
That's true. I'm still a little amazed that a lot of people who I've talked to about Kana have been more turned off by the subject matter of Kana's illness than the incestuous under-theme.

? Can't really see why anyone whould be turned off by Kana's illnes? Because that they know that it's a sad story becuase of Kana's illness?

Originally posted by Nandemonai:
And I even know that the gamplay in Water Closet is advanced! I know all about the Water Closet gimmick and how the gameplay is advanced and everything; it's too bad, really. I even considered briefly the idea of buying it. But I knew there was just no way I could get past the toilet fetish content.

No one here blames you for that [img][/img] (or so I think). But had it not been for the toilet ftish thing, would you have brought it, then?
I was thinking about one thing, a multiperspective game we may get the chance to see someday in the future would be on or both of the "Spiral Corridor" games. Those are multiperspective games made by Ruf, so there's a chance that we may see those, but there's amount of bondage and things like that in those two game, but could you still buy it?

I tried to restrain myself, but I read here too much speculations about W.C…

As one of the few who actually played it (and confesses that too) I have to say, that “multi-view-thing” is not that great as it sounds. It’s a nice approach, but I’d recommend “Eve Burst Error” or “Desire”, if it comes to multi-view adventures. The reason is: the stories of each girl is simply very small: You have up to five decisions on each path (I think, in Julynes paths, they are up to two decisions) … and that’s it.
However, I think we are going to see a great variation of the multi-view-idea in “Doushin - Three sisters etude”.

BTW: Do I see a pattern here? Terrible Trios (“TCI” and “Kango”), three sisters (in “Doushin” and “Three sisters story”), …

The “Three” plaot, or something like that, yes? . It may be some message to us or something like that .

Originally posted by Spectator Beholder:
The "Three" plaot, or something like that, yes? [img][/img]. It may be some message to us or something like that [img][/img].

Oh, and I almost forgot: Three goddesses, three angels for charlie, three Willy, ...

[This message has been edited by Unicorn (edited 11-19-2002).]